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frcroth edited this page Aug 7, 2020 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the RichTextEditing wiki!

This wiki is designed for developers, to deliver a brief overview of the software's structure and good points to start reverse engineering. It is not designed to deliver explicit information on every class. Each class has a very descriptive class comment containing all important information on that class.

How to start

First and foremost we recommend you activate Coveralls in the GitHub Action to switch completely from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. We weren't able to do so as the Coveralls support was added just near the projects end.

We recommend that you start by reading the Overview page, that should give you a good starting point.

Having done that move on to the Tests page to understand the design and thoughts behind our tests.

Feel free to dig into Development practices for an overview on how we developed the software on a human base.

Any question?

Feel free to ask us anything or invite us to a developer interview. Use any of the e-mail addresses you can find in the commit log.

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