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dev call 20220407

Florian Angerer edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 14 revisions

Dev Call: 7 April 2022


Antonio, Simon, Matti, Ronan, Florian, Tim, Stepan


HPy Release 0.0.4

  • HPy release 0.0.4: no objections; just do it.
  • PyPy also started to integrate HPy 0.0.4 already.
  • GraalPython is almost ready. Next official release will be in July but we provide snapshot builds for experimenting.
  • We ignored (for now) that HPyGlobals should be able to be shared between multiple (sub-)interpreters.
  • Reason: The GraalPython team migrated MPL and Kiwisolver to HPy and wants to make those public.

Autogen: separate API and ABI (context) -----------------------------* Autogen API/ABI: we should have a real public header that contains the official API. * People agree, that separation basically makes sense. * Concerns are that API/ABI might run out of sync. * Create and issue and continue discussion there:

HPy binary compatibility

  • There is some discussion in the Python community. So maybe it's a good time to think about it and make first steps.
  • Our binary stability is that we have the context and if we don't change the functions and just add at the end, we are fine. But that's probably not future-proof.
  • The HPy context already has a version.
  • Rough idea from Tim/Florian how to do it:
    • The extension somehow needs to request the required context version.
    • In multi-phase init, the module can request the context version in the spec.
    • In single-phase init, we need some _protocol to request the HPy context in the right version.
  • Idea by Antonio: The extension could just provide some symbol (much like HPyInit_*) that would specify the context. We can generate the symbol in macro HPy_MODINIT.
  • What if an extension calls function of different extension and passes the context. They could both require a different context version. We will need some _trampoline or some converter function to call C functions (with HPyContext) of a different extension.
  • The CPython approach is: if you can load and call a function that raises an exception, then the extension can at least handle the incompatibility nicely (without an immediate crash).
  • Tim and Florian prefer the approach of being able to request a specific context version because that would allow to emulate obsolete/removed ABI functions (maybe at the cost of performance).
  • Simon: how hard would it be for impls support older ABI?


  • HPyGlobal: we are seeing a lot of load global - call API fun - close handle and these could maybe be done more efficiently by having a dedicated API for it. For example, in our NumPy
  • Simon: talked to two students that will do some HPy benchmarking later this year. We invite them to IRC, mailing list, and dev calls with next month.
  • Cython: Florian didn't address the last review comments yet. The PR is still open but priorities are now on Numpy migration. He will eventually finish that ASAP.
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