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533 lines (432 loc) · 52.3 KB

File metadata and controls

533 lines (432 loc) · 52.3 KB

Release Notes

1.1.1 - Jan 16, 2019

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)
    • Product Sync - Fixed a bug in the product sync which would fail on syncing attributes of type Set that has an empty set as a value.

1.1.0 - Dec 19, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (4)

    • Product Sync - Added support for syncing assets of newly added variants. #357.
    • Product Sync - ProductSyncUtils#buildActions and ProductUpdateActionUtils#buildVariantsUpdateActions now build AddAsset actions for every new asset on every new variant on the new ProductDraft. #357.
    • ProductType Sync - Added support for syncing changes to an AttributeDefinition with a SetType of a subtype LocalizableEnumType or EnumType #313
    • Type Sync - Added support for syncing changes to a FieldDefinition with a SetType of a subtype LocalizableEnumType or EnumType #313
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (3)

    • ProductType Sync - Fixed a bug in the productType sync which would try to unset isSearchable, inputHint and attributeConstraint values to null instead of their default values. #354
    • ProductType Sync - ProductTypeSyncUtils#buildActions, ProductTypeUpdateActionUtils#buildAttributesUpdateActions
      now treat the values of the optional fields isSearchable, inputHint and attributeConstraint as (true, SingleLine and None respectivley) if they are null or not passed. #354
    • Commons - Fixed a bug in the beforeUpdateCallback which caused the callback to be called even on an empty list of update actions. #359
  • 🛠️ Enhancements (1)

    • Commons - Benchmarks are now run once on every merge to master with a lower number of resources for faster benchmarking. #246
  • 📋 Documentation (2)

1.0.0 - Dec 10, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

The Beta is Over 🎉

We're happy to announce that the commercetools-sync-java is finally out of beta! Big thanks to all the users who were using it when it was still in beta. Your feedback was definitely valuable for us to reach the current state of the library. 1.0.0 is here for you to use with all new features, enhancements and bug fixes including:

  • The library now supports importing/syncing types into a CTP project from an external feed or another CTP project. Read more.
  • The library now handles concurrency modification exceptions for the productType sync.
  • All new documentation pages including a quick start guide.
  • Many more improvements and bug fixes.
Full Release Notes
  • 🎉 New Features (4)

    • Type Sync - Added support for syncing types. #300 For more info how to use it please refer to Type usage doc.
    • Type Sync - Exposed TypeSyncUtils#buildActions which calculates all needed update actions after comparing a Type and a TypeDraft. #300
    • Type Sync - Exposed TypeUpdateActionUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing individual fields of a Type and a TypeDraft. #300
    • Commons - Added OptionalUtils#filterEmptyOptionals which are utility methods that filter out the empty optionals in a supplied list (with a varargs variation) returning a list of the contents of the non-empty optionals. #255
  • 🛠️ Enhancements (17)

    • ProductType Sync - Added concurrency modification exception handling. #325
    • Commons - ProductSyncUtils#buildActions, CategorySyncUtils#buildActions, InventorySyncUtils#buildActions and ProductTypeSyncUtils#buildActions now don't apply the beforeUpdateCallback implicitly. If you want, you can apply it explicitly on the result of the ..#buildActions method. #302
    • Product Sync - Reference keys are not validated if they are in UUID format anymore. #166
    • Category Sync - Reference keys are not validated if they are in UUID format anymore. #166
    • Inventory Sync - Reference keys are not validated if they are in UUID format anymore. #166
    • ProductType Sync - Added benchmarks for the productType sync to be able to compare the performance of the sync with the future releases. #301
    • Commons - Bumped commercetools-jvm-sdk to version 1.37.0.
    • Commons - Bumped mockito to 2.23.4.
    • Commons - Bumped com.adarshr.test-logger to 1.6.0.
    • Commons - Bumped org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api to 5.3.2.
    • Commons - Bumped org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine to 5.3.2.
    • Commons - Bumped org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params to 5.3.2.
    • Commons - Bumped org.ajoberstar.git-publish to 2.0.0.
    • Commons - Bumped com.adarshr.test-logger to 1.6.0.
    • Commons - Bumped org.ajoberstar.grgit to 3.0.0.
    • Commons - Bumped gradle to version gradle-5.0
    • Type Sync - Added benchmarks for the type sync to be able to compare the performance of the sync with the future releases. #300
  • 🚧 Breaking Changes (9)

    • Product Sync - allowUuid option is now removed. #166
    • Category Sync - allowUuid option is now removed. #166
    • Inventory Sync - allowUuid option is now removed. #166
    • ProductType Sync - allowUuid option is now removed. #166
    • ProductType Sync - Renamed ProductTypeUpdateAttributeDefinitionActionUtils to AttributeDefinitionsUpdateActionUtils. It is also now meant to be only used internally by the library. Its behaviour is not guaranteed if used externally. #302
    • ProductType Sync - AttributeDefinitionUpdateActionUtils is now meant to be only used internally by the library. Its behaviour is not guaranteed if used externally. #302
    • ProductType Sync - EnumsUpdateActionUtils is now EnumValuesUpdateActionUtils and is meant to be only used internally by the library. Its behaviour is not guaranteed if used externally. #300
    • ProductType Sync - Utils that were in ProductTypeUpdateLocalizedEnumActionUtils and LocalizedEnumsUpdateActionUtils. are moved to LocalizedEnumValueUpdateActionUtils. #300
    • ProductType Sync - Utils that were in ProductTypeUpdatePlainEnumActionUtils and PlainEnumUpdateActionsUtils. are moved to PlainEnumValueUpdateActionUtils. #300
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (3)

    • Product Sync - Fixed a bug that caused the statistics not to be updated correctly on fetch failure. #331
    • Category Sync - Fixed a bug that caused the statistics not to be updated correctly on fetch failure. #331
    • ProductType Sync - Fixed a bug that caused the sync process to continue after failed fetch. #331
  • 📋 Documentation (4)

v1.0.0-M14 - Oct 5, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)

    • Product Sync - Fixed a bug where the removed attributes in the source product variant draft were not being removed from the target variant. #238
  • 🛠 Enhancements (8)

    • Product Sync - Products create and update requests are now issued in parallel. This should lead to a performance improvement. #238
    • Commons - Bumped com.adarshr.test-logger to 1.5.0.
    • Commons - Bumped mockito to 2.22.0.
    • Commons - Bumped org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api to 5.3.1.
    • Commons - Bumped org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine to 5.3.1.
    • Commons - Bumped org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params to 5.3.1.
    • Commons - UnorderedCollectionSyncUtils#buildRemoveUpdateActions ensures no nullelements in the resulting list and ignoresnull` keys now. #238
    • Commons - Bumped gradle to version gradle-4.10.2.
  • 🚧 Breaking Changes (2)

    • Product Sync - AttributeMetaData#isRequired is now removed. #308
    • Product Sync - ProductVariantAttributeUpdateActionUtils#buildProductVariantAttributeUpdateAction now takes a map of all meta data instead of the specific metadata entry. #308

v1.0.0-M13 - Sept 5, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (15)

    • ProductType Sync - Support for syncing productTypes. #286 For more info how to use it please refer to ProductType usage doc.
    • Product Sync - Support for syncing product prices. #101
    • Product Sync - ProductSyncUtils#buildActions now also calculates variants' all price update actions needed. #101
    • Product Sync - ProductUpdateActionUtils#buildVariantsUpdateActions now also calculates variants' all price update actions needed. #101
    • Product Sync - Introduced new update action build utility for building all needed update actions between two variants' prices ProductVariantUpdateActionUtils#buildProductVariantPricesUpdateActions. #101
    • ProductSync - PriceReferenceResolver now resolves prices' CustomerGroup references on prices. #101
    • InventoryEntry Sync - InventoryReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceInventoriesReferenceIdsWithKeys now supports replacing channel reference ids with keys. #101
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed ProductTypeSyncUtils#buildActions which calculates all needed update actions after comparing a ProductType and a ProductTypeDraft. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed ProductTypeUpdateActionUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing individual fields of a ProductType and a ProductTypeDraft. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed ProductTypeUpdateAttributeDefinitionActionUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing a list of AttributeDefinitions and a list of AttributeDefinitionDrafts. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed ProductTypeUpdateLocalizedEnumActionUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing two lists of LocalizedEnumValues. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed ProductTypeUpdatePlainEnumActionUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing two lists of EnumValues. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed AttributeDefinitionUpdateActionUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing an AttributeDefinition and an AttributeDefinitionDraft. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed LocalizedEnumUpdateActionsUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing two LocalizedEnumValues. #286
    • ProductType Sync - Exposed PlainEnumUpdateActionsUtils which contains utils for calculating needed update actions after comparing two EnumValues. #286
  • 🛠️ Enhancements (7)

    • Commons - Bumped gradle to version gradle-4.10.
    • Commons - Bumped com.jfrog.bintray to 1.8.4.
    • Commons - Bumped assertj to 3.11.1.
    • Commons - Bumped mockito to 2.21.0.
    • Commons - Bumped org.ajoberstar.grgit to 2.3.0.
    • Commons - Bumped com.adarshr.test-logger to 1.4.0.
    • Commons - Switched to Junit5 using both junit-jupiter-engine and junit-vintage-engine for backward compatibility.
  • 🛠️ Breaking Changes (3)

    • Product Sync - Removed redundant ProductUpdateActionUtils#buildRemoveVariantUpdateActions. #3
    • Commons - Moved SyncUtils#replaceCustomTypeIdWithKeys to CustomTypeReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceCustomTypeIdWithKeys. #101.
    • Commons - Moved SyncUtils#replaceAssetsReferencesIdsWithKeys to AssetReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceAssetsReferencesIdsWithKeys. #101.

v1.0.0-M12 - Jun 05, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🛠️ Enhancements (13)
    • Product Sync - Support for syncing price custom fields. #277
    • Product Sync - VariantReferenceResolver now resolves prices' custom type references on all variants. #277
    • Product Sync - ProductReferenceReplacementUtils#buildProductQuery now expands custom types on prices. #277
    • Product Sync - VariantReferenceReplacementUtils#replacePricesReferencesIdsWithKeys now supports replacing price custom reference ids with keys. #277
    • Commons - Bumped commercetools-jvm-sdk to version 1.32.0.
    • Commons - Bumped gradle to version gradle-4.8.
    • Commons - Bumped com.jfrog.bintray to 1.8.0.
    • Commons - Bumped org.ajoberstar.git-publish to 1.0.0.
    • Commons - Bumped com.adarshr.test-logger to 1.2.0.
    • Commons - Bumped org.ajoberstar.grgit to 2.2.1.
    • Commons - Bumped gradle checkstyle plugin to 8.10.1.
    • Commons - Bumped mockito dependency to 2.18.3.
    • Commons - Bumped JaCoCo dependency to 0.8.1.

v1.0.0-M11 - Mar 08, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (19)

    • Category Sync - Support of categories' asset syncing. #3
    • Product Sync - Support of product variants' asset syncing. #3
    • Category Sync - CategorySyncUtils#buildActions now also calculates all asset update actions needed. #3
    • Product Sync - ProductSyncUtils#buildActions now also calculates variants' all asset update actions needed. #3
    • Product Sync - ProductUpdateActionUtils#buildVariantsUpdateActions now also calculates variants' all asset update actions needed. #3
    • Product Sync - Introduced the new ActionGroup: ASSETS which can be used in blacklisting/whitelisting assets syncing during the product sync. #3
    • Category Sync - Introduced new update action build utility for building all needed update actions between two categories' assets ProductVariantUpdateActionUtils#buildProductVariantAssetsUpdateActions. #3
    • Product Sync - Introduced new update action build utility for building all needed update actions between two variants' assets ProductVariantUpdateActionUtils#buildProductVariantAssetsUpdateActions. #3
    • Category Sync - Introduced new update action granular build utils for category asset fields in CategoryAssetUpdateActionUtils. #3
    • Product Sync - Introduced new update action granular build utils for product variant assets fields in ProductVariantAssetUpdateActionUtils. #3
    • Commons - Introduced AssetReferenceResolver which is a helper that can resolve all the references of an AssetDraft. #3
    • Commons - VariantReferenceResolver and CategoryReferenceResolver now also resolve all the containing AssetDrafts references. #3
    • Commons - Support for custom update actions calculation for secondary resources (e.g. prices, product assets and category assets). #3
    • Product Sync - ProductReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceProductsReferenceIdsWithKeys and VariantReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceVariantsReferenceIdsWithKeys now support replacing asset custom reference ids with keys. #3
    • Category Sync - CategoryReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceCategoriesReferenceIdsWithKeys now supports replacing asset custom reference ids with keys. #3
    • Commons - Introduced new SyncUtils#replaceAssetsReferenceIdsWithKeys which is a util that replaces the custom type ids with keys in a list of assets. #3
    • Product Sync - ProductReferenceReplacementUtils#buildProductQuery now expands custom types on assets. #3
    • Category Sync - CategoryReferenceReplacementUtils#buildCategoryQuery now expands custom types on assets. #3
    • Commons - Introduced new ResourceIdentifierUtils#toResourceIdentifierIfNotNull. #262
  • Changes (5)

    • Commons - CustomUpdateActionUtils#buildCustomUpdateActions is now CustomUpdateActionUtils#buildPrimaryResourceCustomUpdateActions. It now takes a new third parameter customActionBuilder which represents the concrete builder of custom update actions. For a list of concrete builder options check the implementors of the GenericCustomActionBuilder interface. #3
    • Commons - CustomUpdateActionUtils#buildCustomUpdateActions can now be used to build custom update actions for secondary resources (e.g. assets and prices). #3
    • Commons - New Custom Type Id is now validated against being empty/null. #3
    • Product Sync - ProductSyncUtils#buildCoreActions is now removed. ProductSyncUtils#buildActions should be used instead. #3
    • Category Sync - CategorySyncUtils#buildCoreActions is now removed. CategorySyncUtils#buildActions should be used instead. #3
  • 🛠️ Enhancements (1)

    • Build Tools - Bumped commercetools-jvm-sdk to version 1.30.0. #262
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)

    • Build Tools - Fixed bug where jar and Codecov were triggered on benchmark stages of the build when they should only be triggered on the full build. #249

v1.0.0-M10 - Feb 13, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (1)

  • Changes (3)

    • Commons - Statistics counters are now of type AtomicInteger instead of int to support concurrency. #242
    • Category Sync - categoryKeysWithMissingParents in the CategorySyncStatistics is now of type ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String> instead of Map<String, List<String>. #242
    • Category Sync - CategorySyncStatistics now exposes the methods removeChildCategoryKeyFromMissingParentsMap, getMissingParentKey and putMissingParentCategoryChildKey to support manipulating categoryKeysWithMissingParents map. #242

v1.0.0-M9 - Jan 22, 2018

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (1)

    • Commons - Added getSyncOptions to the ProductSync, CategorySync and InventorySync. #230
  • Changes (1)

    • Product Sync - Added validation for product drafts' SKUs as a required field on the input product drafts since SKUs will be used for product matching in the future. #230
  • 🛠️ Enhancements (1)

    • Product Sync - Changed the product sync to cache product ids per batch as opposed to caching the entire products ids before syncing products. #230
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)

    • Commons - Fixed library version in User-Agent headers of JVM SDK clients using the library. Now it is not fetched from the JAR manifest but injected by gradle-scripts/set-release-version.gradle. #227

v1.0.0-M8 - Dec 29, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (1)

    • Category Sync - Exposed new method CategorySyncStatistics#getNumberOfCategoriesWithMissingParents which gets the total number of categories with missing parents from the statistics instance. #186
  • Changes (2)

    • Product Sync - Changed product sync statistics report message wording. #186
    • Product Sync - Exposed new methods ProductReferenceResolver#resolveStateReference, ProductReferenceResolver#resolveTaxCategoryReference, ProductReferenceResolver#resolveCategoryReferences and ProductReferenceResolver#resolveProductTypeReference. #218
  • 🛠 Enhancements (1)

    • Build Tools - Bumped Gradle to version 4.4. #205

v1.0.0-M7 - Dec 15, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)
    • Commons - Changed offset-based pagination of querying all elements to a limit-based with sorted ids approach to mitigate problems of previous approach. #210

v1.0.0-M6 - Dec 5, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (3)

    • Category Sync - Introduced beforeCreateCallback option which is callback applied on a category draft before a request to create it on CTP is issued. #183
    • Product Sync - Introduced beforeCreateCallback option which is callback applied on a product draft before a request to create it on CTP is issued. #183
    • Inventory Sync - Introduced beforeCreateCallback option which is callback applied on a inventoryEntry draft before a request to create it on CTP is issued. #183
  • Major Enhancements (2)

    • Category Sync - Introduced batching on update action requests to allow for requesting updates of more than 500 actions. #21
    • Product Sync - Introduced batching on update action requests to allow for requesting updates of more than 500 actions. #21
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)

    • Commons - Fixed library version in User-Agent headers of JVM SDK clients using the library. #191
  • 📋 Documentation (1)

  • 🚧 Migration guide (6)

    • Product Sync - Removed removeOtherVariants option which is already done by the sync by default. Removal of variants can be prevented through the beforeUpdateCallback. Please check here an example of how this can be done. #26
    • Commons - Removed removeOtherSetEntries, removeOtherCollectionEntries and removeOtherProperties options which are already done by the sync by default. The aforementioned options (and even more use cases) can now be covered with help of the beforeCreateCallback and beforeUpdateCallback. Please check here an example of how removal of variants can be disabled. #26
    • Commons - Removed website and emergency contact e-mail appened in User-Agent headers of JVM SDK clients using the library. #191
    • Category Sync - beforeUpdateCallback now treats a null return as an empty list of update actions. #183
    • Product Sync - beforeUpdateCallback now treats a null return as an empty list of update actions. #183
    • Inventory Sync - beforeUpdateCallback now treats a null return as an empty list of update actions. #183

v1.0.0-M5 - Nov 16, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (3)

    • Inventory Sync - Introduced beforeUpdateCallback which is applied after generation of update actions and before actual InventoryEntry update. #169
    • Build Tools - Added Add Release Notes entry checkbox in PR template on Github repo. #161
    • Commons - Appended library name and version to User-Agent headers of JVM SDK clients using the library. #142
  • 🛠️ Enhancements (3)

    • Commons - setUpdateActionsCallback has been renamed to beforeUpdateCallback and now takes a TriFunction instead of Function, which adds more information about the generated list of update actions, namely, the old resource being updated and the new resource draft. #169
    • Build Tools - Explicitly specified gradle tasks execution order in execution-order.gradle. #161
    • Build Tools - Set PMD to run before Integration tests. #161
    • Commons - Appended library name and version to User-Agent headers of JVM SDK clients using the library. #142
  • 📋 Documentation (1)

    • Build Tools - Added Snyk vulnerabilities badge to repo README. #188
  • 🚧 Migration guide (8)

    • Commons - Renamed setUpdateActionsCallback to beforeUpdateCallback. #169
    • Commons - Renamed setAllowUuid to allowUuid. #169
    • Commons - Renamed setWarningCallBack to warningCallback. #169
    • Commons - Renamed setErrorCallBack to errorCallback. #169
    • Commons - Renamed setBatchSize to batchSize. #169
    • Commons - Removed setRemoveOtherLocales option. #169
    • Commons - Renamed setRemoveOtherSetEntries, setRemoveOtherCollectionEntries and setRemoveOtherProperties to removeOtherSetEntries, removeOtherCollectionEntries and removeOtherProperties. #169
    • Product Sync - Renamed setSyncFilter to syncFilter. #169

v1.0.0-M4 - Nov 7, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🔥 Hotfix (1)
    • Product Sync - Fixed an issue with replaceAttributesReferencesIdsWithKeys which nullifies localized text attributes due to JSON parsing not throwing exception on parsing it to reference set. #179

v1.0.0-M3 - Nov 3, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (7)

    • ProductSync - Introduced Product TaxCategory reference resolution and syncing. #120.
    • ProductSync - Introduced Product State reference resolution and syncing. #120.
    • ProductSync - Exposed ProductReferenceReplacementUtils#buildProductQuery util to create a product query with all needed reference expansions to fetch products from a source CTP project for the sync. #120.
    • ProductSync - Exposed VariantReferenceReplacementUtils#replaceVariantsReferenceIdsWithKeys which provides utils to replace reference ids with keys on variants (price and attriute references) coming from a source CTP project to make it ready for reference resolution. #160.
    • ProductSync - Exposed VariantReferenceResolver which is a helper that resolves the price and attribute references on a ProductVariantDraft. (Note: This is used now by the already existing ProductReferenceResolver) #160.
    • CategorySync - Exposed CategoryReferenceReplacementUtils#buildCategoryQuery util to create a category query with all needed reference expansions to fetch categories from a source CTP project for the sync. #120.
    • Commons - Exposed replaceCustomTypeIdWithKeys and replaceReferenceIdWithKey. #120.
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (1)

    • Category Sync - Fixes an issue where retrying on concurrent modification exception wasn't re-fetching the latest Category and rebuilding build update actions. #94
  • 📋 Documentation (6)

    • Product Sync - Documented the reason behind having the latest batch processing time. #119
    • Category Sync - Documented the reason behind having the latest batch processing time. #119
    • Category Sync - Fixed the statistics summary string used in the documentation. #119
    • Inventory Sync - Documented the reason behind having the latest batch processing time. #119
    • Product Sync - Fixed some typos. #172
    • Commons - Provided inline example of how to use logging in callbacks. #172
  • 🚧 Migration guide (9)

    • Product Sync - Moved replaceProductsReferenceIdsWithKeys from SyncUtils to ProductReferenceReplacementUtils. #120
    • Product Sync - Removed replaceProductDraftsCategoryReferenceIdsWithKeys which is not needed anymore. #120
    • Product Sync - Removed replaceProductDraftCategoryReferenceIdsWithKeys which is not needed anymore. #120
    • Product Sync - Removed replaceCategoryOrderHintCategoryIdsWithKeys which is not needed anymore. #120
    • Product Sync - Moved getDraftBuilderFromStagedProduct from SyncUtils to ProductReferenceReplacementUtils. #120
    • Category Sync - Moved replaceCategoriesReferenceIdsWithKeys from SyncUtils to CategoryReferenceReplacementUtils. #120
    • Inventory Sync - Moved replaceInventoriesReferenceIdsWithKeys from SyncUtils to InventoryReferenceReplacementUtils. #120
    • Commons - Removed slf4j-simple dependency. #172
    • Commons - Used implementation instead of compile configuration for dependencies. #172

v1.0.0-M2 - Oct 12, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (3)

    • Product Sync - Supported syncing entire product variant images, putting order into consideration. #114
    • Product Sync - Exposed ProductVariantUpdateActionUtils#buildProductVariantImagesUpdateActions and ProductVariantUpdateActionUtils#buildMoveImageToPositionUpdateActions action build util. #114
    • Product Sync - Supported Blacklisting/Whitelisting update action groups on sync. #122
  • 🐞 Bug Fixes (4)

    • Build Tools - Fixed issue were JavaDoc jar was not built. #117
    • Build Tools - Fixed issue were JavaDoc was not published on github. #118
    • Product Sync - Fixed a potential bug where an exisitng master variant key could be blank.#122
    • Product Sync - Fixed a potential bug where a product draft could be provided with no master variant set. #122
  • 🛠 Enhancements (2)️

    • Build Tools - Integration tests project credentials can now be set on a properties file not only as environment variables and give error messages if not set. #105
    • Product Sync - Validated the SKU before making a ChangeMasterVariant request by SKU. #122
  • 📋 Documentation (5)

    • Build Tools - Added bintray badge to repo. #126
    • Product Sync - Added usage documentation. #121
    • Commons - Separated contributing README into own README not in the main one. #121
    • Commons - Added release notes doc. #125
    • Build Tools - Added JavaDoc badge to repo. #145

v1.0.0-M2-beta - Sep 28, 2017

Commits | Jar

  • Beta Features (11)
    • Product Sync - Introduced syncing products name, categories, categoryOrderHints, description, slug, metaTitle, metaDescription, metaKeywords, masterVariant and searchKeywords. #57
    • Product Sync - Exposed update action build utils for products name, categories, categoryOrderHints, description, slug, metaTitle, metaDescription, metaKeywords, masterVariant and searchKeywords. #57
    • Product Sync - Introduced reference resolution support for product categories, productType and prices. #95 #96
    • Product Sync - Introduced syncing products publish state. #97
    • Product Sync - Exposed update action build utils for products publish state. #97
    • Product Sync - Introduced syncing products variant attributes. #98
    • Product Sync - Exposed update action build utils for products variant attributes. #98
    • Product Sync - Introduced syncing products variant prices without update action calculation. #99
    • Product Sync - Introduced syncing products variant images. #100
    • Product Sync - Exposed update action build utils for products variant images. #100
    • Product Sync - Introduced syncing products against staged projection. #93

v1.0.0-M1 - Sep 06, 2017

Commits | Javadoc | Jar

  • 🎉 New Features (16)

    • Category Sync - Introduced syncing category name, description, orderHint, metaDescription, metaTitle, customFields and parent category. #2
    • Category Sync - Exposed update action build utils for category name, description, orderHint, metaDescription, metaTitle, customFields and parent category. #2
    • Category Sync - Introduced sync options builders. #5
    • Category Sync - Introduced support of syncing categories in any order. #28
    • Category Sync - Added concurrency modification exception repeater. #30
    • Category Sync - Used category keys for matching. #45
    • Category Sync - Introduced reference resolution support. #47
    • Category Sync - Introduced Batch processing support. #73
    • Category Sync - Added info about missing parent categories in statistics. #73
    • Commons - Introduced sync statistics support. #6
    • Commons - Sync ITs should now use client that repeats on 5xx errors. #31
    • Commons - Sync only accepts drafts. #46
    • Build Tools - Travis setup as CI tool. #1
    • Build Tools - Setup Bintray release and publising process. #24
    • Build Tools - Setup CheckStyle, PMD, FindBugs, Jacoco and CodeCov. #25
    • Build Tools - Setup repo PR and issue templates. #29
  • Beta Features (5)

    • Inventory Sync - Introduced syncing inventory supplyChannel, quantityOnStock, restockableInDays, expectedDelivery and customFields. #17
    • Inventory Sync - Exposed update action build utils for inventory supplyChannel, quantityOnStock, restockableInDays, expectedDelivery and customFields. #17
    • Inventory Sync - Introduced sync options builder support. #15
    • Inventory Sync - Introduced reference resolution support. #47
    • Inventory Sync - Introduced batch processing support. #73