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Package codec implements encoding and decoding of multiple codecs


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Package codec implements encoding and decoding of multiple codecs


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import ""



package main

import (
	codecpb ""

func main() {

//BYTES Example
func BYTES() {
	var obj = []byte{128, 8, 128, 8, 195, 245, 72, 64, 74, 216, 18, 77, 251, 33, 9, 64, 10, 72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 1, 1, 255, 2, 1, 128, 1, 255}
	c := &codec.BYTESCodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("bytes Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy []byte
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("bytes Decode:", objCopy)

//CODE Example
func CODE() {
	var obj = code.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.CODECodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("code Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy code.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("code Decode:", objCopy)

//GENCODE Example
func GENCODE() {
	var obj = gencode.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.CODECodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("gencode Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy gencode.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("gencode Decode:", objCopy)

//CODEPB Example
func CODEPB() {
	var obj = codepb.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.CODECodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("codepb Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy codepb.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("codepb Decode:", objCopy)

//MSGP Example
func MSGP() {
	var obj = msgp.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.MSGPCodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("msgp Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy msgp.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("msgp Decode:", objCopy)

//GOGOPB Example
func GOGOPB() {
	var obj = gogopb.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.GOGOPBCodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("gogopb Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy gogopb.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("gogopb Decode:", objCopy)

//PB Example
func PB() {
	var obj = pb.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codecpb.Codec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("pb Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy pb.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("pb Decode:", objCopy)

//JSON Example
func JSON() {
	var obj = model.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.JSONCodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("json Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy model.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("json Decode:", objCopy)

//XML Example
func XML() {
	var obj = model.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true}
	c := &codec.XMLCodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("xml Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy model.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("xml Decode:", objCopy)

//GOB Example
func GOB() {
	var obj = model.Object{A: 1024, B: 1024, C: 3.14, D: 3.1415926, E: "HelloWorld", F: true, G: []byte{255}, H: [][]byte{{128}, {255}}}
	c := &codec.GOBCodec{}
	var buf = make([]byte, 512)
	data, _ := c.Marshal(buf, &obj)
	fmt.Printf("gob Encode:length-%d,hex-%x\n", len(data), data)
	var objCopy model.Object
	c.Unmarshal(data, &objCopy)
	fmt.Println("gob Decode:", objCopy)


bytes Encode:length-35,hex-80088008c3f548404ad8124dfb2109400a48656c6c6f576f726c640101ff02018001ff
bytes Decode: [128 8 128 8 195 245 72 64 74 216 18 77 251 33 9 64 10 72 101 108 108 111 87 111 114 108 100 1 1 255 2 1 128 1 255]
code Encode:length-35,hex-80088008c3f548404ad8124dfb2109400a48656c6c6f576f726c640101ff02018001ff
code Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}
gencode Encode:length-43,hex-000400000004000000000000c3f548404ad8124dfb2109400a48656c6c6f576f726c640101ff02018001ff
gencode Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}
codepb Encode:length-43,hex-0880081080081dc3f54840214ad8124dfb2109402a0a48656c6c6f576f726c6430013a01ff4201804201ff
codepb Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}
msgp Encode:length-59,hex-88a141cd0400a142cd0400a143ca4048f5c3a144cb400921fb4d12d84aa145aa48656c6c6f576f726c64a146c3a147c401ffa14892c40180c401ff
msgp Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}
gogopb Encode:length-43,hex-0880081080081dc3f54840214ad8124dfb2109402a0a48656c6c6f576f726c6430013a01ff4201804201ff
gogopb Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}
pb Encode:length-43,hex-0880081080081dc3f54840214ad8124dfb2109402a0a48656c6c6f576f726c6430013a01ff4201804201ff
pb Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]] {} [] 0}
json Encode:length-99,hex-7b2241223a313032342c2242223a313032342c2243223a332e31342c2244223a332e313431353932362c2245223a2248656c6c6f576f726c64222c2246223a747275652c2247223a222f773d3d222c2248223a5b2267413d3d222c222f773d3d225d7d
json Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}
xml Encode:length-94,hex-3c4f626a6563743e3c413e313032343c2f413e3c423e313032343c2f423e3c433e332e31343c2f433e3c443e332e313431353932363c2f443e3c453e48656c6c6f576f726c643c2f453e3c463e747275653c2f463e3c2f4f626a6563743e
xml Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [] []}
gob Encode:length-146,hex-45ff81030101064f626a65637401ff82000108010141010600010142010600010143010800010144010800010145010c00010146010200010147010a0001014801ff8400000017ff83020101095b5d5b5d75696e743801ff8400010a000033ff8201fe040001fe040001fb60b81e094001f84ad8124dfb210940010a48656c6c6f576f726c6401010101ff0102018001ff00
gob Decode: {1024 1024 3.14 3.1415926 HelloWorld true [255] [[128] [255]]}


go test -v -run="none" -bench=. -benchtime=1s

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkMarshalBYTES-4       	1000000000	         0.394 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalCODE-4        	18543157	        63.9 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalGENCODE-4     	22040894	        53.5 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalCODEPB-4      	17600244	        66.0 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalMSGP-4        	13804621	        86.7 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalGOGOPB-4      	11963642	        98.8 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalPB-4          	 3721976	       311 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalJSON-4        	 1268824	       947 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalXML-4         	  289130	      4086 ns/op
BenchmarkMarshalGOB-4         	  205197	      5849 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalBYTES-4     	1000000000	         0.960 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalCODE-4      	23269940	        50.6 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalGENCODE-4   	16862955	        69.9 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalCODEPB-4    	16749501	        70.0 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalMSGP-4      	 3930744	       305 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalGOGOPB-4    	 2558491	       445 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalPB-4        	 2313656	       516 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalJSON-4      	  418756	      2880 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalXML-4       	  143637	      8256 ns/op
BenchmarkUnmarshalGOB-4       	   47180	     25421 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripBYTES-4     	1000000000	         1.10 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripCODE-4      	10084428	       117 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripGENCODE-4   	 9428412	       126 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripCODEPB-4    	 8580951	       139 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripMSGP-4      	 2873107	       416 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripGOGOPB-4    	 2705097	       474 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripPB-4        	 1378863	       868 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripJSON-4      	  291931	      4071 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripXML-4       	   93944	     12529 ns/op
BenchmarkRoundtripGOB-4       	   37376	     32642 ns/op
ok	42.864s


This package is licensed under a MIT license (Copyright (c) 2019 Meng Huang)


codec was written by Meng Huang.


Package codec implements encoding and decoding of multiple codecs








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