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add new task for creating projects
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sajp committed Apr 18, 2013
1 parent d181330 commit 9d018ec
Showing 1 changed file with 310 additions and 0 deletions.
310 changes: 310 additions & 0 deletions lib/LIMS2/Task/General/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
package LIMS2::Task::General::CreateProjects;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';

=head1 NAME
LIMS2::Task::General::CreateProjects - Create new LIMS2 projects
This task creates new LIMS2 projects for a specified sponsor, from a list of MGI accession ids.
Input file is a simple text file, with a seperate mgi accession id on each line.
It first checks to see if that sponsor already has a project for that gene.
If not a new project is created, along with the project allele information.
The profile for the sponsor must be known before a new project can be created ( see the %PROFILES hash )

use Moose;
use Try::Tiny;
use Perl6::Slurp;
use Const::Fast;
use JSON qw( encode_json );
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'LIMS2::Task';

override abstract => sub {
'Create LIMS2 Projects';

const my $MGI_ACCESSION_ID_RX => qr/^MGI:\d+$/;

const my %SPONSOR_PROFILE => (
Syboss => 'homozygous',
Pathogens => 'homozygous',
Core => 'homozygous',
'Cre Knockin' => 'cre_knockin',

const my %PROFILES => (
homozygous => {
targeting_type => 'double_targeted',
first => {
cassette => 'ko_first',
mutation_type => 'ko_first',
second => {
cassette => 'reporter_only',
mutation_type => 'ko_first',
cre_knockin => {
targeting_type => 'single_targeted',
first => {
cassette => 'cre_knock_in',
mutation_type => 'cre_knock_in',

has sponsor => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
traits => [ 'Getopt' ],
documentation => 'Project sponsor',
required => 1,
trigger => \&_check_sponsor,

sub _check_sponsor {
my ( $self, $sponsor ) = @_;

unless ( exists $SPONSOR_PROFILE{ $sponsor } ) {
die("Unknown sponsor $sponsor");


has profile => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ],
lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_profile {
my $self = shift;

my $profile_type = $SPONSOR_PROFILE{ $self->sponsor };

return $PROFILES{ $profile_type };

has first_allele_data => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ],
lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_first_allele_data {
my $self = shift;

my %allele_data;
$allele_data{ allele_type } = 'first';
$allele_data{ cassette_function } = $self->profile->{first}{cassette};
$allele_data{ mutation_type } = $self->profile->{first}{mutation_type};

return \%allele_data;

has second_allele_data => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'HashRef',
traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ],
lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_second_allele_data {
my $self = shift;

$self->log->logdie( 'Do not have second allele target, for sponsor' . $self->sponsor )
unless exists $self->profile->{second};

my %allele_data;
$allele_data{ allele_type } = 'second';
$allele_data{ cassette_function } = $self->profile->{second}{cassette};
$allele_data{ mutation_type } = $self->profile->{second}{mutation_type};

return \%allele_data;

has project_genes_file => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Path::Class::File',
traits => [ 'Getopt' ],
documentation => 'File holding mgi accession ids of genes being targeted',
coerce => 1,
cmd_flag => 'project-genes-file',
required => 1,

has mgi_accession_ids => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef',
traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ],
lazy_build => 1,

sub _build_mgi_accession_ids {
my $self = shift;
my @mgi_genes;

my @genes = map{ chomp; $_ } $self->project_genes_file->slurp;
for my $gene ( @genes ) {
if ( $gene =~ $MGI_ACCESSION_ID_RX ) {
push @mgi_genes, $gene;
else {
$self->log->warn("$gene is not a mgi accession id, skipping");

return \@mgi_genes;

sub execute {
my ( $self, $opts, $args ) = @_;
$self->log->info( 'Creating projects for sponsor: ' . $self->sponsor );

sub {
unless ( $self->commit ) {
$self->log->info( 'Non commit mode, rolling back changes' );
catch {
$self->log->error( 'Error when creating projects: ' . $_ );


=head2 create_projects
Create the new projects from the given gene list.
sub create_projects {
my $self = shift;

for my $mgi_id ( @{ $self->mgi_accession_ids } ) {
next if $self->project_exists( $mgi_id );
$self->create_project( $mgi_id );


=head2 project_exists
Check a project for the given gene and sponsor does not already exist.
sub project_exists {
my ( $self, $mgi_id ) = @_;

my $project = $self->schema->resultset('Project')->find(
sponsor_id => $self->sponsor,
gene_id => $mgi_id,

if ( $project ) {
$self->log->debug( "Already have $mgi_id project for sponsor " . $self->sponsor );
return 1;


=head2 create_project
Create a project for a given gene ( mgi accessions id ).
sub create_project {
my ( $self, $mgi_id ) = @_;
$self->log->info( "Creating project for $mgi_id, sponsor: " . $self->sponsor );

my $allele_request = $self->build_allele_request( $mgi_id );
$self->log->debug( "Allele request: $allele_request" );

my $project = $self->schema->resultset( 'Project' )->create(
sponsor_id => $self->sponsor,
gene_id => $mgi_id,
targeting_type => $self->profile->{targeting_type},
allele_request => $allele_request,
$self->log->debug( 'Created new project: ' . $project->id );

$self->create_project_alleles( $project );

=head2 build_allele_request
Build the project allele_request json string.
sub build_allele_request {
my ( $self, $mgi_id ) = @_;
my %allele_request;

$allele_request{gene_id} = $mgi_id;
$allele_request{targeting_type} = $self->profile->{targeting_type};
$allele_request{first_allele_cassette_function} = $self->profile->{first}{cassette};
$allele_request{first_allele_mutation_type} = $self->profile->{first}{mutation_type};

# add second allele information if project is double targeted
if ( exists $self->profile->{second} ) {
$allele_request{second_allele_cassette_function} = $self->profile->{second}{cassette};
$allele_request{second_allele_mutation_type} = $self->profile->{second}{mutation_type};

return encode_json( \%allele_request );

=head2 create_project_alleles
Create project_alleles for a project.
Single targeted projects will have one first allele.
Dounble targeted projects will have a first and second allele.
sub create_project_alleles{
my ( $self, $project ) = @_;

# all projects will target a first allele
$project->project_alleles->create( $self->first_allele_data );
$self->log->debug( "Created first allele for project: " . $project->id );

# create second allele if project is double targeted
if ( exists $self->profile->{second} ) {
$project->project_alleles->create( $self->second_allele_data );
$self->log->debug( "Created second allele for project: " . $project->id );





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