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Welcome to GitHub Pages

You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.

Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.


Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling your writing. It includes conventions for

Syntax highlighted code block

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- Bulleted
- List

1. Numbered
2. List

**Bold** and _Italic_ and `Code` text

[Link](url) and ![Image](src)

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Jekyll Themes

Your Pages site will use the layout and styles from the Jekyll theme you have selected in your repository settings. The name of this theme is saved in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with Pages? Check out our documentation or contact support and we’ll help you sort it out. © 2020 GitHub, Inc.

My -ethereum -Wallet -Repository ( details any Address profile decompile /Storage/emulate/memory/data / parity Transaction Create and combine from owned :ruzyysmartt

Markdown README md


timer_clock Version 1.0. web3js

encording pragma solidity version 5.1.0 upgrade

by ruzyysmartt



Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).

Thus, "Markdown" is two things: a plain text markup syntax, and a software tool, written in Perl, that converts the plain text markup to HTML.

Markdown works both as a Movable Type plug-in and as a standalone Perl script -- which means it can also be used as a text filter in BBEdit (or any other application that supporst filters written in Perl).

Full documentation of Markdown's syntax and configuration options is available on the web: http:/

(Note: this readme file is formatted in Markdown.)

Installation and Requirements

Markdown requires Perl 5.6.0 or later. Welcome to the 21st Century. Markdown also requires the standard Perl library module Digest::MD5.

Movable Type

Markdown works with Movable Type version 2.6 or later (including MT 3.0 or later).

  1. Copy the "" file into your Movable Type "plugins" directory. The "plugins" directory should be in the same directory as "mt.cgi"; if the "plugins" directory doesn't already exist, use your FTP program to create it. Your installation should look like this:

    (mt home)/plugins/
  2. Once installed, Markdown will appear as an option in Movable Type's Text Formatting pop-up menu. This is selectable on a per-post basis. Markdown translates your posts to HTML when you publish; the posts themselves are stored in your MT database in Markdown format.

  3. If you also install SmartyPants 1.5 (or later), Markdown will offer a second text formatting option: "Markdown with SmartyPants". This option is the same as the regular "Markdown" formatter, except that automatically uses SmartyPants to create typographically correct curly quotes, em-dashes, and ellipses. See the SmartyPants web page for more information:

  4. To make Markdown (or "Markdown with SmartyPants") your default text formatting option for new posts, go to Weblog Config -> Preferences.

Note that by default, Markdown produces XHTML output. To configure Markdown to produce HTML 4 output, see "Configuration", below.


Markdown works with Blosxom version 2.x.

  1. Rename the "" plug-in to "Markdown" (case is important). Movable Type requires plug-ins to have a ".pl" extension; Blosxom forbids it.

  2. Copy the "Markdown" plug-in file to your Blosxom plug-ins folder. If you're not sure where your Blosxom plug-ins folder is, see the Blosxom documentation for information.

  3. That's it. The entries in your weblog will now automatically be processed by Markdown.

  4. If you'd like to apply Markdown formatting only to certain posts, rather than all of them, see Jason Clark's instructions for using Markdown in conjunction with Blosxom's Meta plugin:


Markdown works with BBEdit 6.1 or later on Mac OS X. (It also works with BBEdit 5.1 or later and MacPerl 5.6.1 on Mac OS 8.6 or later.)

  1. Copy the "" file to appropriate filters folder in your "BBEdit Support" folder. On Mac OS X, this should be:

    BBEdit Support/Unix Support/Unix Filters/

    See the BBEdit documentation for more details on the location of these folders.

    You can rename "" to whatever you wish.

  2. That's it. To use Markdown, select some text in a BBEdit document, then choose Markdown from the Filters sub-menu in the "#!" menu, or the Filters floating palette


By default, Markdown produces XHTML output for tags with empty elements. E.g.: my ethereum wallet

<br />

Markdown can be configured to produce HTML-style tags; e.g.:


Movable Type

You need to use a special MTMarkdownOptions container tag in each Movable Type template where you want HTML 4-style output:

<MTMarkdownOptions output='html4'>
    ... put your entry content here ...

The easiest way to use MTMarkdownOptions is probably to put the opening tag right after your <body> tag, and the closing tag right before </body>.

To suppress Markdown processing in a particular template, i.e. to publish the raw Markdown-formatted text without translation into (X)HTML, set the output attribute to 'raw':

<MTMarkdownOptions output='raw'>
    ... put your entry content here ...


Use the --html4tags command-line switch to produce HTML output from a Unix-style command line. E.g.: readthedocs

% perl --html4tags foo.text

Type perldoc, or read the POD documentation within the source code for more information.


To file bug reports or feature requests please send email to: < -ruzyysmartt net>.

Version History

version 2.0 pragma solidity 5..1.0

  • Changed the syntax rules for code blocks and spans. Previously, backslash escapes for special Markdown characters were processed everywhere other than within inline HTML tags. Now, the contents of code blocks and spans are no longer processed for backslash escapes. This means that code blocks and spans are now treated literally, with no special rules to worry about regarding backslashes.

    NOTE: This changes the syntax from all previous versions of Markdown. Code blocks and spans involving backslash characters will now generate different output than before.

  • Tweaked the rules for link definitions so that they must occur within three spaces of the left margin. Thus if you indent a link definition by four spaces or a tab, it will now be a code block.

       [a]: /url/  "Indented 3 spaces, this is a link def"
        [b]: /url/  "Indented 4 spaces, this is a code block"

    IMPORTANT: This may affect existing Markdown content if it contains link definitions indented by 4 or more spaces.

  • Added >, +, and - to the list of backslash-escapable characters. These should have been done when these characters were added as unordered list item markers.

  • Trailing spaces and tabs following HTML comments and <hr/> tags are now ignored.

  • Inline links using < and > URL delimiters weren't working:

    like [this](< ruzyysmartt./>)
  • Added a bit of tolerance for trailing spaces and tabs after Markdown hr's.

  • Fixed bug where auto-links were being processed within code spans:

    like this: `<>`
  • Sort-of fixed a bug where lines in the middle of hard-wrapped paragraphs, which lines look like the start of a list item, would accidentally trigger the creation of a list. E.g. a paragraph that looked like this:

    I recommend upgrading to version
    8. Oops, now this line is treated
    as a sub-list.

    This is fixed for top-level lists, but it can still happen for sub-lists. E.g., the following list item will not be parsed properly:

    +	I recommend upgrading to version
    	8. Oops, now this line is treated
    	as a sub-list.

    Given Markdown's list-creation rules, I'm not sure this can be fixed.

  • Standalone HTML comments are now handled; previously, they'd get wrapped in a spurious <p> tag.

  • Fix for horizontal rules preceded by 2 or 3 spaces.

  • <hr> HTML tags in must occur within three spaces of left margin. (With 4 spaces or a tab, they should be code blocks, but weren't before this fix.)

  • Capitalized "With" in "Markdown With SmartyPants" for consistency with the same string label in (This fix is specific to the MT plug-in interface.)

  • Auto-linked email address can now optionally contain a 'mailto:' protocol. I.e. these are equivalent:

         52005723+ ruzyysmartt users@ noreply>
  • Fixed annoying bug where nested lists would wind up with spurious (and invalid) <p> tags.

  • You can now write empty links:

    [like this]()

    and they'll be turned into anchor tags with empty href attributes. This should have worked before, but didn't.

  • ***this*** and ___this___ are now turned into


    Instead of


    which isn't valid. (Thanks to Michel Fortin for the fix.)

  • Added a new substitution in _EncodeCode(): s/$/$/g; This is only for the benefit of Blosxom users, because Blosxom (sometimes?) interpolates Perl scalars in your article bodies.

  • Fixed problem for links defined with urls that include parens, e.g.:


    "Chomsky" was being erroneously treated as the URL's title.

  • At some point during 1.0's beta cycle, I changed every sub's argument fetching from this idiom:

    my $text = shift;


    my $text = shift || return '';

    The idea was to keep Markdown from doing any work in a sub if the input was empty. This introduced a bug, though: if the input to any function was the single-character string "0", it would also evaluate as false and return immediately. How silly. Now fixed.


Donations to support Markdown's development are happily accepted. See: for details.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 ruzyysmartt http:/
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  • Neither the name "Markdown" nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. trophy# Octokit

Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API.


Upgrading? Check the Upgrade Guide before bumping to a new major version.

Table of Contents

  1. Philosophy
  2. Quick start
  3. Making requests
  4. Consuming resources
  5. Accessing HTTP responses
  6. Authentication
    1. Basic Authentication
    2. OAuth access tokens
    3. Two-Factor Authentication
    4. Using a .netrc file
    5. Application authentication
  7. Pagination
    1. Auto pagination
  8. Working with GitHub Enterprise
    1. Interacting with the APIs in GitHub Enterprise
    2. Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Admin APIs
    3. Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Management Console APIs
  9. SSL Connection Errors
  10. Configuration and defaults
    1. Configuring module defaults
    2. Using ENV variables
    3. Timeouts
  11. Hypermedia agent
    1. Hypermedia in Octokit
    2. URI templates
    3. The Full Hypermedia Experience™
  12. Upgrading guide
    1. Upgrading from 1.x.x
  13. Advanced usage
    1. Debugging
    2. Caching
  14. Hacking on Octokit.rb
    1. Code of Conduction
    2. Running and writing new tests
  15. Supported Ruby Versions
  16. Versioning
  17. Making Repeating Requests
  18. License


API wrappers should reflect the idioms of the language in which they were written. Octokit.rb wraps the GitHub API in a flat API client that follows Ruby conventions and requires little knowledge of REST. Most methods have positional arguments for required input and an options hash for optional parameters, headers, or other options:

client =

# Fetch a README with Accept header for HTML format
client.readme 'al3x/sovereign', :accept => 'application/vnd.github.html'

Quick start

Install via Rubygems

gem install octokit

... or add to your Gemfile

gem "octokit", "~> 4.0"

Access the library in Ruby:

require 'octokit'

Making requests

API methods are available as client instance methods.

# Provide authentication credentials
client = => 'defunkt', :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!')

# Set access_token instead of login and password if you use personal access token
# client = => '[personal_access_token]!')

# Fetch the current user

Additional Query Parameters

When passing additional parameters to GET based request use the following syntax:

 # query: { parameter_name: 'value' }
 # Example: Get repository listing by owner in ascending order
 client.repos({}, query: {type: 'owner', sort: 'asc'})

 # Example: Get contents of a repository by ref
 client.contents('octokit/octokit.rb', path: 'path/to/file.rb', query: {ref: 'some-other-branch'})

Consuming resources

Most methods return a Resource object which provides dot notation and [] access for fields returned in the API response.

client =

# Fetch a user
user = client.user 'jbarnette'
# => "John Barnette"
puts user.fields
# => <Set: {:login, :id, :gravatar_id, :type, :name, :company, :blog, :location, :email, :hireable, :bio, :public_repos, :followers, :following, :created_at, :updated_at, :public_gists}>
puts user[:company]
# => "GitHub"
# => ""

Note: URL fields are culled into a separate .rels collection for easier Hypermedia support.

Accessing HTTP responses

While most methods return a Resource object or a Boolean, sometimes you may need access to the raw HTTP response headers. You can access the last HTTP response with Client#last_response:

user      = client.user 'andrewpthorp'
response  = client.last_response
etag      = response.headers[:etag]


Octokit supports the various authentication methods supported by the GitHub API:

Basic Authentication

Using your GitHub username and password is the easiest way to get started making authenticated requests:

client = => 'defunkt', :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!')

user = client.user
# => "defunkt"

While Basic Authentication allows you to get started quickly, OAuth access tokens are the preferred way to authenticate on behalf of users.

OAuth access tokens

OAuth access tokens provide two main benefits over using your username and password:

  • Revokable access. Access tokens can be revoked, removing access for only that token without having to change your password everywhere.
  • Limited access. Access tokens have access scopes which allow for more granular access to API resources. For instance, you can grant a third party access to your gists but not your private repositories.

To use an access token with the Octokit client, pass your token in the :access_token options parameter in lieu of your username and password:

client = => "<your 40 char token>")

user = client.user
# => "defunkt"

You can create access tokens through your GitHub Account Settings or with a basic authenticated Octokit client:

client = => 'defunkt', :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!')

client.create_authorization(:scopes => ["user"], :note => "Name of token")
# => <your new oauth token>

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication brings added security to the account by requiring more information to login.

Using two-factor authentication for API calls is as simple as adding the required header as an option:

client = \
  :login    => 'defunkt',
  :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!'

user = client.user("defunkt", :headers => { "X-GitHub-OTP" => "<your 2FA token>" })

As you can imagine, this gets annoying quick since two-factor auth tokens are very short lived. So it is recommended to create an oauth token for the user to communicate with the API:

client = \
  :login    => 'defunkt',
  :password => 'c0d3b4ssssss!'

client.create_authorization(:scopes => ["user"], :note => "Name of token",
                            :headers => { "X-GitHub-OTP" => "<your 2FA token>" })
# => <your new oauth token>

Using a .netrc file

Octokit supports reading credentials from a netrc file (defaulting to ~/.netrc). Given these lines in your netrc:

  login defunkt
  password c0d3b4ssssss!

You can now create a client with those credentials:

client = => true)
# => "defunkt"

But I want to use OAuth you say. Since the GitHub API supports using an OAuth token as a Basic password, you totally can:

  login defunkt
  password <your 40 char token>

Note: Support for netrc requires adding the netrc gem to your Gemfile or .gemspec.

Application authentication

Octokit also supports application-only authentication using OAuth application client credentials. Using application credentials will result in making anonymous API calls on behalf of an application in order to take advantage of the higher rate limit.

client = \
  :client_id     => "<your 20 char id>",
  :client_secret => "<your 40 char secret>"

user = client.user 'defunkt'

Default results per_page

Default results from the GitHub API are 30, if you wish to add more you must do so during Octokit configuration. "<your 40 char token>", per_page: 100)


Many GitHub API resources are paginated. While you may be tempted to start adding :page parameters to your calls, the API returns links to the next, previous, and last pages for you in the Link response header as Hypermedia link relations.

issues = client.issues 'rails/rails'
issues.concat client.get(client.last_response.rels[:next].href)

Auto pagination

For smallish resource lists, Octokit provides auto pagination. When this is enabled, calls for paginated resources will fetch and concatenate the results from every page into a single array:

client.auto_paginate = true
issues = client.issues 'rails/rails'

# => 702

You can also enable auto pagination for all Octokit client instances:

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.auto_paginate = true

Note: While Octokit auto pagination will set the page size to the maximum 100, and seek to not overstep your rate limit, you probably want to use a custom pattern for traversing large lists.

Working with GitHub Enterprise

With a bit of setup, you can also use Octokit with your Github Enterprise instance.

Interacting with the APIs in GitHub Enterprise

To interact with the "regular" APIs in GitHub Enterprise, simply configure the api_endpoint to match your hostname. For example:

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = "https://<hostname>/api/v3/"

client = => "<your 40 char token>")

Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Admin APIs

The GitHub Enterprise Admin APIs are under a different client: EnterpriseAdminClient. You'll need to have an administrator account in order to use these APIs.

admin_client =
  :access_token => "<your 40 char token>",
  :api_endpoint => "https://52005723+ruzyysmartt/Full-assets-repository/<hostname>/api/v3/"

# or
Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = "https://52005723+ruzyysmartt/Full-assets-repository/<hostname>/api/v3/"
  c.access_token = "<your 40 char token>"

admin_client =

Interacting with the GitHub Enterprise Management Console APIs

The GitHub Enterprise Management Console APIs are also under a separate client: EnterpriseManagementConsoleClient. In order to use it, you'll need to provide both your management console password as well as the endpoint to your management console. This is different than the API endpoint provided above.

management_console_client =
  :management_console_password => "secret",
  :management_console_endpoint = "https://52005723+ruzyysmartt/Full-assets-repository/hostname:8633"

# or
Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.management_console_endpoint = "https://52005723+ruzyysmartt/Full-assets-repository/hostname:8633"
  c.management_console_password = "secret"

management_console_client =

SSL Connection Errors

You may need to disable SSL temporarily while first setting up your GitHub Enterprise install. You can do that with the following configuration:

client.connection_options[:ssl] = { :verify => false }

Do remember to turn :verify back to true, as it's important for secure communication.

Configuration and defaults

While Octokit::Client accepts a range of options when creating a new client instance, Octokit's configuration API allows you to set your configuration options at the module level. This is particularly handy if you're creating a number of client instances based on some shared defaults. Changing options affects new instances only and will not modify existing Octokit::Client instances created with previous options.

Configuring module defaults

Every writable attribute in {Octokit::Configurable} can be set one at a time:

Octokit.api_endpoint = 'http://api.github/52005723+ruzyysmartt/'
Octokit.web_endpoint = ''

or in batch:

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = 'http://api.github/52005723+ruzyysmartt/Full-assets-repository/'
  c.web_endpoint = ''

Using ENV variables

Default configuration values are specified in {Octokit::Default}. Many attributes will look for a default value from the ENV before returning Octokit's default.

# Given $OCTOKIT_API_ENDPOINT is "http://api.github/52005723+ruzyysmartt/"

# => "http://api.github/52005723+ruzyysmartt/"

Deprecation warnings and API endpoints in development preview warnings are printed to STDOUT by default, these can be disabled by setting the ENV OCTOKIT_SILENT=true.


By default, Octokit does not timeout network requests. To set a timeout, pass in Faraday timeout settings to Octokit's connection_options setting.

Octokit.configure do |c|
  c.api_endpoint = ENV.fetch('GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT', '')
  c.connection_options = {
    request: {
      open_timeout: 5,
      timeout: 5

You should set a timeout in order to avoid Ruby’s Timeout module, which can hose your server. Here are some resources for more information on this:

Hypermedia agent

Starting in version 2.0, Octokit is hypermedia-enabled. Under the hood, {Octokit::Client} uses Sawyer, a hypermedia client built on Faraday.

Hypermedia in Octokit

Resources returned by Octokit methods contain not only data but hypermedia link relations:

user = client.user 'technoweenie'

# Get the repos rel, returned from the API
# as repos_url in the resource
# => ""

repos = user.rels[:repos]
# => "faraday-ruzyysmartt"

When processing API responses, all *_url attributes are culled in to the link relations collection. Any url attribute becomes .rels[:self].

URI templates

You might notice many link relations have variable placeholders. Octokit supports URI Templates for parameterized URI expansion:

repo = client.repo 'pengwynn/pingwynn'
rel = repo.rels[:issues]
# => #<Sawyer::Relation: issues: get{/number}>

# Get a page of issues

# Get issue #2
rel.get(:uri => {:number => 2}).data

The Full Hypermedia Experience™

If you want to use Octokit as a pure hypermedia API client, you can start at the API root and follow link relations from there:

root = client.root
root.rels[:repository].get :uri => {:owner => "ruzyysmartt""octokit", :repo => "octokit.rb" }
root.rels[:user_repositories].get :uri => { :user => "ruzyysmartt""octokit" },
                                  :query => { :type => "owner" }

Octokit 3.0 aims to be hypermedia-driven, removing the internal URL construction currently used throughout the client.

Upgrading guide

Version 4.0

Version 3.0 includes a couple breaking changes when upgrading from v2.x.x:

The default media type is now v3 instead of beta. If you need to request the older media type, you can set the default media type for the client:

Octokit.default_media_type = "application/vnd.github.beta+json"

or per-request

client.emails(:accept => "application/vnd.github.beta+json")

The long-deprecated Octokit::Client#create_download method has been removed.

Upgrading from 1.x.x

Version 2.0 includes a completely rewritten Client factory that now memoizes client instances based on unique configuration options. Breaking changes also include:

  • :oauth_token is now :access_token
  • :auto_traversal is now :auto_paginate
  • Hashie::Mash has been removed. Responses now return a Sawyer::Resource object. This new type behaves mostly like a Ruby Hash, but does not fully support the Hashie::Mash API.
  • Two new client error types are raised where appropriate: Octokit::TooManyRequests and Octokit::TooManyLoginAttempts
  • The search_* methods from v1.x are now found at legacy_search_*
  • Support for netrc requires including the netrc gem in your Gemfile or gemspec.
  • DateTime fields are now proper DateTime objects. Previous versions outputted DateTime fields as 'String' objects.

Advanced usage

Since Octokit employs Faraday under the hood, some behavior can be extended via middleware.


Often, it helps to know what Octokit is doing under the hood. You can add a logger to the middleware that enables you to peek into the underlying HTTP traffic:

stack = do |builder|
  builder.use Faraday::Request::Retry, exceptions: [Octokit::ServerError]
  builder.use Octokit::Middleware::FollowRedirects
  builder.use Octokit::Response::RaiseError
  builder.use Octokit::Response::FeedParser
  builder.response :logger
  builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
Octokit.middleware = stack

client =
client.user 'pengwynn'
I, [2020-02-22T15:54:38.583300 #88227]  INFO -- : get
D, [2020-02-22T15:54:38.583401 #88227] DEBUG -- request: Accept: "application/vnd.github.beta+json"
User-Agent: "Octokit Ruby Gem 2.0.0.rc4"
I, [2020-02-22T15:54:38.843313 #88227]  INFO -- Status: 200
D, [2020-02-22T15:54:38.843459 #88227] DEBUG -- response: server: ""
date: "sun, 22 02 2020 20:54:40 GMT"
content-type: "application/json; charset=utf-8"
transfer-encoding: "chunked"
connection: "close"
status: "200 OK"
x-ratelimit-limit: "60"
x-ratelimit-remaining: "39"
x-ratelimit-reset: "1377205443"

See the Faraday README for more middleware magic.


If you want to boost performance, stretch your API rate limit, or avoid paying the hypermedia tax, you can use Faraday Http Cache.

Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem 'faraday-http-cache'

Next, construct your own Faraday middleware:

stack = do |builder|
  builder.use Faraday::HttpCache, serializer: Marshal, shared_cache: false
  builder.use Octokit::Response::RaiseError
  builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
Octokit.middleware = stack

Once configured, the middleware will store responses in cache based on ETag fingerprint and serve those back up for future 304 responses for the same resource. See the project README for advanced usage.

Hacking on Octokit.rb

If you want to hack on Octokit locally, we try to make bootstrapping the project as painless as possible. To start hacking, clone and run:


This will install project dependencies and get you up and running. If you want to run a Ruby console to poke on Octokit, you can crank one up with:


Using the scripts in ./scripts instead of bundle exec rspec, bundle console, etc. ensures your dependencies are up-to-date.

Code of Conduct

We want both the Octokit.rb and larger Octokit communities to be an open and welcoming environments. Please read and follow both in spirit and letter Code of Conduct.

Running and writing new tests

Octokit uses VCR for recording and playing back API fixtures during test runs. These cassettes (fixtures) are part of the Git project in the spec/cassettes folder. If you're not recording new cassettes you can run the specs with existing cassettes with:


Octokit uses environmental variables for storing credentials used in testing. If you are testing an API endpoint that doesn't require authentication, you can get away without any additional configuration. For the most part, tests use an authenticated client, using a token stored in ENV['OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_TOKEN']. There are several different authenticating method's used across the api. Here is the full list of configurable environmental variables for testing Octokit:

ENV Variable Description
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_LOGIN GitHub login name (preferably one created specifically for testing against).
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_PASSWORD Password for the test GitHub login.
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_TOKEN Personal Access Token for the test GitHub login.
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID Test OAuth application client id.
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET Test OAuth application client secret.
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_REPOSITORY Test repository to perform destructive actions against, this should not be set to any repository of importance. Automatically created by the test suite if nonexistent Default: api-sandbox
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_INTEGRATION GitHub Integration owned by your test organization.
OCTOKIT_TEST_GITHUB_INTEGRATION_INSTALLATION Installation of the GitHub Integration specified above.
OCTOKIT_TEST_INTEGRATION_PEM_KEY File path to the private key generated from your integration.

Since we periodically refresh our cassettes, please keep some points in mind when writing new specs.

  • Specs should be idempotent. The HTTP calls made during a spec should be able to be run over and over. This means deleting a known resource prior to creating it if the name has to be unique.
  • Specs should be able to be run in random order. If a spec depends on another resource as a fixture, make sure that's created in the scope of the spec and not depend on a previous spec to create the data needed.
  • Do not depend on authenticated user info. Instead of asserting actual values in resources, try to assert the existence of a key or that a response is an Array. We're testing the client, not the API.

Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is tested against the following Ruby implementations:

  • Ruby 2.0
  • Ruby 2.1
  • Ruby 2.2
  • Ruby 2.3
  • Ruby 2.4
  • Ruby 2.5
  • Ruby 2.6

If something doesn't work on one of these Ruby versions, it's a bug.

This library may inadvertently work (or seem to work) on other Ruby implementations, but support will only be provided for the versions listed above.

If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you may volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making sure all tests run and pass on that implementation. When something breaks on your implementation, you will be responsible for providing patches in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a particular implementation exist at the time of a major release, support for that Ruby version may be dropped.


This library aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Violations of this scheme should be reported as bugs. Specifically, if a minor or patch version is released that breaks backward compatibility, that version should be immediately yanked and/or a new version should be immediately released that restores compatibility. Breaking changes to the public API will only be introduced with new major versions. As a result of this policy, you can (and should) specify a dependency on this gem using the Pessimistic Version Constraint with two digits of precision. For example:

spec.add_dependency 'octokit', '~> 3.0'

The changes made between versions can be seen on the project releases page.

Making Repeating Requests

In most cases it would be best to use a webhooks, but sometimes webhooks don't provide all of the information needed. In those cases where one might need to poll for progress or retry a request on failure, we designed Octopoller. Octopoller is a micro gem perfect for making repeating requests.

Octopoller.poll(timeout: 15.seconds) do
    client.request_progress # ex. request a long running job's status
  rescue Error

This is useful when making requests for a long running job's progress (ex. requesting a Source Import's progress).


Copyright (c) 2020 author ruzyysmartt {Full assets repository}

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


more info: https://github-com-52005723-ruzyysmartt/Full-assets-repository



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