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First version for testing and debugging
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huafu committed Aug 10, 2014
1 parent 7e5d761 commit 7828137
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Showing 4 changed files with 261 additions and 117 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -23,3 +23,6 @@ build/Release
# Deployed apps should consider commenting this line out:
# see

# IDEs
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"name": "hubot-gitter2",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Improved Hubot adapter for Gitter",
"main": "src/",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"keywords": [
"author": "Huafu Gandon <>",
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"node-gitter": "^1.2.1"
117 changes: 0 additions & 117 deletions src/

This file was deleted.

231 changes: 231 additions & 0 deletions src/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
{EventEmitter} = require 'events'
Gitter = require 'node-gitter'
{Adapter,TextMessage} = require 'hubot'

class GitterAdapter extends Adapter
# An adapter is a specific interface to a chat source for robots.
# robot - A Robot instance.
constructor: (@robot) ->
@_knownRooms = {}

# Public: Raw method for sending data back to the chat source. Extend this.
# envelope - A Object with message, room and user details.
# strings - One or more Strings for each message to send.
# Returns nothing.
send: (envelope, strings...) ->
if strings.length > 0
string = strings.shift()
if typeof(string) is 'function' or string instanceof Function
@send envelope, strings...
# find the room, and send the message to it
@_resolveRoom(, yes, (err, room) =>
return @_log 'error', "unable to find/join room #{ }: #{ err }" if err
lines = []
for line in strings
if line is undefined or line is null
lines.push ''
lines.push "#{ line }"
room.send lines.join '\n'

# Public: Raw method for sending emote data back to the chat source.
# Defaults as an alias for send
# envelope - A Object with message, room and user details.
# strings - One or more Strings for each message to send.
# Returns nothing.
emote: (envelope, strings...) ->
@send envelope, strings...

# Public: Raw method for building a reply and sending it back to the chat
# source. Extend this.
# envelope - A Object with message, room and user details.
# strings - One or more Strings for each reply to send.
# Returns nothing.
reply: (envelope, strings...) ->

# Public: Raw method for setting a topic on the chat source. Extend this.
# envelope - A Object with message, room and user details.
# strings - One more more Strings to set as the topic.
# Returns nothing.
topic: (envelope, strings...) ->
# Gitter does not support setting room topic yet

# Public: Raw method for playing a sound in the chat source. Extend this.
# envelope - A Object with message, room and user details.
# strings - One or more strings for each play message to send.
# Returns nothing
play: (envelope, strings...) ->
# Gitter does not support playing sounds yet

# Public: Raw method for invoking the bot to run. Extend this.
# Returns nothing.
run: ->
token = process.env.HUBOT_GITTER_TOKEN or ''
rooms = process.env.HUBOT_GITTER_ROOMS or ''
unless token
@_log 'error', err = 'you must define HUBOT_GITTER_TOKEN to use Gitter adapter'
throw new Error(err)
@gitter = new Gitter(token)
for uri in rooms.split(/\s*,\s*/g) when room isnt ''
@_resolveRoom uri, yes, (err, room) -> @_log 'error', "unable to join room #{ uri }" if err
@emit 'connected'

# Public: Raw method for shutting the bot down. Extend this.
# Returns nothing.
close: ->

# Private: Resolve a Gitter room by URI or object, joining it if it is not joined yet
# uriOrRoom - The room object or its URI
# join - Defines whether to join or not the room. Default: false
# callback - The method to call when the room is found or if error
_resolveRoom: (uriOrRoom, join, callback) ->
if arguments.length < 3
callback = join
join = no
if typeof(uriOrRoom) is 'string' or uriOrRoom instanceof String
# an URI has been given
uri = uriOrRoom
if (room = @_findRoomBy 'uri', uri) and (not join or @_hasJoinedRoom room)
# we know the room and we joined it already
callback null, room
# we didn't join the room yet
@_joinRoom uri, callback

else if (id = uriOrRoom?.id)
# we got a room object
# this closure will join if needed and finally call our cb
end = ((room) =>
if join and not @_hasJoinedRoom(room)
@_joinRoom room.uri, callback
callback null, room
if (room = @_findRoomBy id)
# we know the room
end room
# we try to find the room
@gitter.rooms.find(id, (err, room) =>
return callback new Error(err.err) if err
@_registerRoom room
end room

# unrecognized room
callback new Error("unrecognized room #{ uriOrRoom }")

# Private: Join a room given its URI
# uri - The URI of the room to join
# callback - The closure to call once joined or in error
_joinRoom: (uri, callback) ->
throw new Error("Invalid room URI: #{ uri }") unless uri and (typeof(uri) is 'string' or uri instanceof String)
@gitter.rooms.join(uri, (err, room) =>
if err
@_log 'error', msg = "unable to join room #{ uri }: #{ err.err }"
callback new Error(msg)
@_registerRoom room, yes
callback null, room

# Private: Register a new known room or update existing one
# room - The room object to register or update
# joined - Whether to register the room as joined/left
_registerRoom: (room, joined) ->
throw new Error("invalid room") unless room?.id and room?.uri
id = "#{}"
if (r = @_knownRooms[id]) =
@_knownRooms[id] = r = room
if arguments.length is 2
@_hasJoinedRoom r, joined

# Private: Get a known room object with the given property lookup
# property - The property to look for. Default: 'id'
# value - The searched value for that property
_findRoomBy: (property, value) ->
if arguments.length is 1
value = property
property = 'id'
if value is undefined or value is null
else if property is 'id'
@_knownRooms["#{ value }"]
for room of @_knownRooms when room[property] is value
return room

# Private: Finds whether we joined the given room yet or not
# room - The room object
# joined - If set, will flag the room as joined or not
_hasJoinedRoom: (room, joined) ->
if arguments.length is 2
if Boolean(joined) isnt Boolean(room._joined)
# we need to start/stop listening to new messages on that room["#{ if joined then 'add' else 'remove' }Listener"] '*', @_handleRoomEvent.bind(@, room)
room._joined = Boolean joined
Boolean room._joined

# Private: Handles a room event
# room - The room which received the event
# event - The event
_handleRoomEvent: (room, event) ->
console.log 'ROOM EVENT', room, event

# Private: log a message (debug by default)
# level - The level, default to debug
# message - The message to log
_log: (level, message) ->
if arguments.length is 1
message = level
level = 'debug'
@robot.logger[level] message

exports.use = (robot) -> new GitterAdapter(robot)

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