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McPatate committed Oct 2, 2023
1 parent 863957c commit 02a7b7a
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Showing 6 changed files with 325 additions and 77 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -19,15 +19,17 @@ class LlmLsCompletionProvider: InlineCompletionProvider {
logger.error("could not find project")
} else {
val settings = LlmSettingsState.instance
val secrets = SecretsService.instance
val lspServer = LspServerManager.getInstance(project).getServersForProvider( ?: return emptyList()
val textDocument = lspServer.requestExecutor.getDocumentIdentifier(request.file.virtualFile)
val caretPosition = request.startOffset
val line = request.document.getLineNumber(request.startOffset)
val position = Position(line, caretPosition)
val queryParams = QueryParams(60u, 0.2f, true, 0.95f, listOf("<|endoftext|>"))
val fimParams = FimParams(true, "<fim_prefix>", "<fim_middle>", "<fim_suffix>")
val tokenizerConfig = TokenizerConfig.Local(path = "/Users/mc/.cache/llm_ls/bigcode/starcoder/tokenizer.json")
val params = CompletionParams(textDocument, position, request_params = queryParams, fim = fimParams, api_token = "hf_dummy", model = "http://localhost:4242", tokens_to_clear = listOf("<|endoftext|>"), tokenizer_config = tokenizerConfig, context_window = 8192u)
val queryParams = settings.queryParams
val fimParams = settings.fim
val tokenizerConfig = settings.tokenizer
val params = CompletionParams(textDocument, position, request_params = queryParams, fim = fimParams, api_token = secrets.getSecretSetting(), model = settings.model, tokens_to_clear = settings.tokensToClear, tokenizer_config = tokenizerConfig, context_window = settings.contextWindow)
val completions = lspServer.requestExecutor.sendRequestSync(LlmLsGetCompletionsRequest(lspServer, params)) ?: return emptyList() { InlineCompletionElement(it.generated_text) }
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283 changes: 231 additions & 52 deletions src/main/kotlin/co/huggingface/llmintellij/LlmSettingsComponent.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
package co.huggingface.llmintellij

import com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor
import com.intellij.openapi.ui.TextFieldWithBrowseButton
import com.intellij.ui.TitledSeparator
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBCheckBox
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBLabel
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBPasswordField
import com.intellij.ui.components.JBTextField
import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.VerticalLayout
import java.awt.Component
import java.awt.FlowLayout
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent
import javax.swing.BoxLayout
import javax.swing.JComboBox
import javax.swing.JComponent
import javax.swing.JPanel
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener

class LlmSettingsComponent {
val rootPanel: JPanel = JPanel()
private val apiTokenLabel: JBLabel
private val apiToken: JBTextField
private val apiToken: JBPasswordField
private val modelLabel: JBLabel
private val model: JBTextField
private val tokensToClearLabel: JBLabel
Expand All @@ -36,10 +41,10 @@ class LlmSettingsComponent {
private val fimSuffixLabel: JBLabel
private val fimSuffix: JBTextField
private val tlsSkipVerifyInsecure: JBCheckBox
// private val lspBinaryPath = JBComboBox or something like that
private val lspBinaryPath: TextFieldWithBrowseButton
private val tokenizerConfig: JComboBox<String>
private val tokenizerConfigLocalPathLabel: JBLabel
private val tokenizerConfigLocalPath: JBTextField
private val tokenizerConfigLocalPath: TextFieldWithBrowseButton
private val tokenizerConfigHuggingFaceRepositoryLabel: JBLabel
private val tokenizerConfigHuggingFaceRepository: JBTextField
private val tokenizerConfigDownloadUrlLabel: JBLabel
Expand All @@ -51,17 +56,36 @@ class LlmSettingsComponent {
private val enableGhostText: JBCheckBox

init {
// Used for all text fields with browse button
val descriptor = FileChooserDescriptor(true, false, false, false, false, false)

rootPanel.layout = BoxLayout(rootPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)

val enableGhostTextPanel = JPanel(FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT))
enableGhostText = JBCheckBox("Enable ghost text", true)
enableGhostText.alignmentX = Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT

val modelSectionPanel = createSectionPanel("Model", rootPanel)

apiTokenLabel = JBLabel("API token")
apiToken = JBTextField()
apiToken = JBPasswordField()
apiToken.document.addDocumentListener(object : DocumentListener {
override fun insertUpdate(e: DocumentEvent) {
val apiTokenValue = String(apiToken.password)

override fun removeUpdate(e: DocumentEvent) {
val apiTokenValue = String(apiToken.password)

override fun changedUpdate(e: DocumentEvent) {
val apiTokenValue = String(apiToken.password)
modelLabel = JBLabel("Model or endpoint url")
Expand All @@ -77,7 +101,7 @@ class LlmSettingsComponent {

val queryParamsSubsectionPanel = createSectionPanel("Query Params", modelSectionPanel)
maxNewTokensLabel = JBLabel("Max new tokens")
maxNewTokens = JBTextField(60)
maxNewTokens = JBTextField("60")
temperatureLabel = JBLabel("Temperature")
Expand All @@ -95,7 +119,7 @@ class LlmSettingsComponent {

val promptSectionPanel = createSectionPanel("Prompt", rootPanel)
contextWindowLabel = JBLabel("Context window")
contextWindow = JBTextField(8192)
contextWindow = JBTextField("8192")

Expand All @@ -117,31 +141,29 @@ class LlmSettingsComponent {

fim.addItemListener { event ->
if (event.stateChange == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
fimPrefixLabel.isVisible = true
fimPrefix.isVisible = true
fimMiddleLabel.isVisible = true
fimMiddle.isVisible = true
fimSuffixLabel.isVisible = true
fimSuffix.isVisible = true
fimPrefixLabel.isEnabled = true
fimPrefix.isEnabled = true
fimMiddleLabel.isEnabled = true
fimMiddle.isEnabled = true
fimSuffixLabel.isEnabled = true
fimSuffix.isEnabled = true
} else {
fimPrefix.text = ""
fimPrefixLabel.isVisible = false
fimPrefix.isVisible = false
fimMiddle.text = ""
fimMiddleLabel.isVisible = false
fimMiddle.isVisible = false
fimSuffix.text = ""
fimSuffixLabel.isVisible = false
fimSuffix.isVisible = false
fimPrefixLabel.isEnabled = false
fimPrefix.isEnabled = false
fimMiddleLabel.isEnabled = false
fimMiddle.isEnabled = false
fimSuffixLabel.isEnabled = false
fimSuffix.isEnabled = false
val tokenizerSubsectionPanel = createSectionPanel("Tokenizer", promptSectionPanel)
val tokenizerOptions = arrayOf("Hugging Face", "Local", "Download")
val tokenizerOptions = arrayOf("Hugging Face", "Local", "Download", "None")
tokenizerConfig = JComboBox(tokenizerOptions)

tokenizerConfigLocalPathLabel = JBLabel("Path")
tokenizerConfigLocalPath = JBTextField()
tokenizerConfigLocalPath = TextFieldWithBrowseButton()
tokenizerConfigLocalPath.addBrowseFolderListener("Select Path", null, null, descriptor)
tokenizerConfigLocalPathLabel.isVisible = false
tokenizerConfigLocalPath.isVisible = false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,37 +199,194 @@ class LlmSettingsComponent {
tokenizerConfigDownloadTo.isVisible = selectedValue == "Download"

// rootPanel = FormBuilder.createFormBuilder()
// .addLabeledComponent("API token: ", apiToken, 1, false)
// .addVerticalGap(1)
// .addLabeledComponent("Hugging Face model ID or endpoint URL: ", model, 1, false)
// .addVerticalGap(1)
// .addLabeledComponent("Comma separated list of tokens to remove from model's response: ", tokensToClear, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("Max number of tokens to generate: ", maxNewTokens, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("Temperature: ", temperature, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("Top p: ", topP, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("Comma separated list of stop tokens: ", stopTokens, 1, false)
// .addVerticalGap(1)
// .addComponent(fim, 1)
// .addLabeledComponent("FIM prefix: ", fimPrefix, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("FIM middle: ", fimMiddle, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("FIM suffix: ", fimSuffix, 1, false)
// .addLabeledComponent("TLS skip verify insecure: ", tlsSkipVerifyInsecure, 1, false)
// .addVerticalGap(1)
// .addLabeledComponent("Context window length: ", contextWindow, 1, false)
// .addVerticalGap(1)
// .addLabeledComponent("Enable ghost-text suggestions: ", enableGhostText, 1, false)
// .addVerticalGap(1)
// .addComponent(tokenizerConfigLocal)
// .addComponent(tokenizerConfigHuggingFace)
// .addComponent(tokenizerConfigDownload)
// .addComponentFillVertically(JPanel(), 0)
// .panel
val llmLsSubsectionPanel = createSectionPanel("llm-ls", rootPanel)
lspBinaryPath = TextFieldWithBrowseButton()
lspBinaryPath.addBrowseFolderListener("Select Path", null, null, descriptor)
val lspBinaryPathLabel = JBLabel("Binary path")


val preferredFocusedComponent: JComponent
get() = model

public fun isGhostTextEnabled(): Boolean {
return enableGhostText.isSelected

public fun setGhostTextStatus(enabled: Boolean) {

public fun getModelIdOrEndpoint(): String {
return model.text

public fun setModelIdOrEndpoint(value: String) {
model.text = value

public fun getTokensToClear(): List<String>? {
val tokensStr = tokensToClear.text
return if (tokensStr == "") {
}else {

public fun setTokensToClear(tokens: List<String>?) {
if (tokens == null) {
tokensToClear.text = null
} else {
tokensToClear.text = tokens.joinToString(",")

public fun getMaxNewTokens(): UInt {
return maxNewTokens.text.toUInt()

public fun setMaxNewTokens(value: UInt) {
maxNewTokens.text = value.toString()

public fun getTemperature(): Float {
return temperature.text.toFloat()

public fun setTemperature(value: Float) {
temperature.text = value.toString()

public fun getTopP(): Float {
return topP.text.toFloat()

public fun setTopP(value: Float) {
topP.text = value.toString()

public fun getStopTokens(): List<String>? {
val stopTokensStr = stopTokens.text
return if (stopTokensStr == "") {
} else {

public fun setStopTokens(tokens: List<String>?) {
if (tokens == null) {
stopTokens.text = ""
} else {
stopTokens.text = tokens.joinToString(",")

public fun isFimEnabled(): Boolean {
return fim.isSelected

public fun setFimStatus(enabled: Boolean) {

public fun getFimPrefix(): String {
return fimPrefix.text

public fun setFimPrefix(value: String) {
fimPrefix.text = value

public fun getFimMiddle(): String {
return fimMiddle.text

public fun setFimMiddle(value: String) {
fimMiddle.text = value

public fun getFimSuffix(): String {
return fimSuffix.text

public fun setFimSuffix(value: String) {
fimSuffix.text = value

public fun isTlsSkipVerifyInsecureEnabled(): Boolean {
return tlsSkipVerifyInsecure.isSelected

public fun setTlsSkipVerifyInsecureStatus(enabled: Boolean) {

public fun getLspBinaryPath(): String? {
val binaryPath = lspBinaryPath.text
return if (binaryPath == "") {
} else {

public fun setLspBinaryPath(value: String) {
lspBinaryPath.text = value

public fun getTokenizerConfig(): TokenizerConfig? {
val type = tokenizerConfig.getItemAt(tokenizerConfig.selectedIndex)
return when (type) {
"Hugging Face" -> {
"Local" -> {
"Download" -> {
TokenizerConfig.Download(tokenizerConfigDownloadUrl.text, tokenizerConfigDownloadTo.text)
else -> {

public fun setTokenizerConfig(value: TokenizerConfig?) {
when (value) {
is TokenizerConfig.HuggingFace -> {
tokenizerConfig.selectedItem = "Hugging Face"
tokenizerConfigHuggingFaceRepository.text = value.repository

is TokenizerConfig.Local -> {
tokenizerConfig.selectedItem = "Local"
tokenizerConfigLocalPath.text = value.path

is TokenizerConfig.Download -> {
tokenizerConfig.selectedItem = "Download"
tokenizerConfigDownloadUrl.text = value.url
tokenizerConfigDownloadTo.text =
null -> {
tokenizerConfig.selectedItem = "None"

public fun getContextWindow(): UInt {
return contextWindow.text.toUInt()

public fun setContextWindow(value: UInt) {
contextWindow.text = value.toString()

private fun createSectionPanel(title: String, parentPanel: JPanel): JPanel {
val panel = JPanel()
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