RHugin is a middleware built to enable R developers to use the HUGIN API from any R program.
The newest version of RHugin is now on github instead of r-forge.
To install the package run:
The master branch should also work for other versions of Hugin.
To install the package run:
Make sure to install to have installed devtools and rtools.
devtools can be installed by running the command install.packages("devtools")
rtools is installed from this website link
It may be required to install the package Rgraphviz by running:
The Hugin versions Education and Explorer can not be used with RHugin.
RHugin is currently maintained by Hugin Expert. Please visit your website here.
RHugin was initiated by Kjell Konis (kjellpk) at his GitHub.
For assistance with the RHugin package please contact support@hugin.com