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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


reMarkable Cloud API for NodeJS

Inspired by


  • Authentication
    • device registration
    • user connection
  • data retrieval/push
    • files metadata retrieval
    • folders tree retrieval
    • path exists
    • unlink path
    • create directory
    • move path
    • rename path
    • read/write zip
    • copy path
    • read/write pdf
    • read/write ePub
    • write from url
  • cloud live notifications
    • main data feed (all updates)
    • subscription data feed (specific file/folder updates)

Main usage

First time authentication

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')

let rm_api = new RmCJS()

let device_token = await rm_api.register_device('< one time code >', RmCJS.device_desc.desktop.linux)

// save the device_token to be reused later

await rm_api.refresh_token() // auto authentication once registration is done 

Common connection

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')

// using the saved device token + refreshing the user token
let rm_api = new RmCJS('< device token >')
await rm_api.refresh_token()

Sample storage usage

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')

let rm_api = new RmCJS('< device token >')
await rm_api.refresh_token()

if(!(await rm_api.exists('/My projects/blueprints'))) {
   await rm_api.mkdir('/My projects/blueprints')

let blueprints = await rm_api.get_path_content('/My projects/Articles')

for(let blueprint of blueprints) {
   if(blueprint.VissibleName.includes('to delete')) {
   	await rm_api.delete(blueprint._path)

await rm.write_pdf('/My projects/Articles/a really cool pdf', './pdfs/article.pdf')

Sample notifications usage

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')

let rm_api = new RmCJS('< device token >')
await rm_api.refresh_token()

function notification_handler(event) {
   console.log('update on', event.document.VissibleName)

// ---- event matcher making sure all recieved event come from the remarkable tablet
let notification_matcher = {
   sourceDeviceDesc: 'remarkable'

await rm_api.subscribe_to_notifications(notification_handler, notification_matcher)


Device types

To use on registration

  • desktop
    • windows (desktop-windows)
    • macos (desktop-macos)
    • linux (desktop-linux)
  • mobile
    • android (mobile-android)
    • ios (mobile-ios)
  • browser
    • chrome (browser-chrome)

found here

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')



ZIP MAP data representation

In the reMarkable case, ZIP data representing file content often uses the document's ID as a path component. As it is (most of the time) impossible to know this ID in advance, we propose the following zip data representation to use in some APIs arguments:

  • the ZIP MAP object is reprenseted by a flat JSON object.
  • each property represents a path.
    • a path containing the ID uses the {ID} string to indicate its position in the path
  • each value can be either a string, a buffer or a JSON object

ZIP MAP sample

const fs = require('fs')

let pdf_zip_map = {
	'{ID}.content': {
		extraMetadata: {},
		fileType: file_type,
		lastOpenedPage: 0,
		lineHeight: -1,
		margins: 180,
		pageCount: 0,
		textScale: 1,
		transform: {}
	'{ID}.pagedata': [],
	'{ID}.pdf': fs.readFileSync('< pdf file path >')

Document path

The reMarkable document path are absolute and starts with the root folder /

  • Sample folder: /My project/blueprint
  • Sample document: /My project/blueprint/project one

Note that no extension are used in the reMarkable filesystem

Document types

  • document type (DocumentType) represent a "file" (notebook, pdf, epub, etc.)
  • collection type (CollectionType) represent a "folder"

found here

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')



Document representation

(extended from the standard reMarkable representation)

    ID: '< document UUID >',
    Version: 1,
    Message: '',
    Success: true,
    BlobURLGet: '',
    BlobURLGetExpires: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
    ModifiedClient: '< last modification date string >',
    Type: '< document type >',
    VissibleName: '< document name >',
    CurrentPage: 0,
    Bookmarked: false,
    Parent: '< document parent UUID >',
    _path: '< detected absolute path >'

Standard reMarkable Document representation

The "un-extended document representation" lacks the _path component

Notification event types

  • document added (DocAdded) when a document is added, updated (its content) or moved (including to the trash)
  • document deleted (DocDeleted) when a document is removed from the cloud (not only trashed)

found here

const RmCJS = require('remarkable-cloud-js')



Notification event data representation

found here

	auth0UserID: '< unknown data >',
    bookmarked: false,
    event: '< event types >',
    id: '< updating Document UUID >',
    parent: '< updating Document parent UUID >',
    sourceDeviceDesc: '< source device description >',
    sourceDeviceID: '< source device id >',
    type: '< updating Document type >',
    version: '1',
    vissibleName: '< updating Document name >',
    publish_time: '< event occuring time string >',
    document: /* Document representation if event = DocAdded */


  • path_not_found occurs if a required path cannot be found
  • update_error occurs if an error is thrown while updating a document
  • upload_request_error occurs if an error is thrown while uploading a document
  • delete_error occurs if an error is thrown while deleting a document
  • path_already_exists_error occurs if trying to create a path already existing


Basic data manipulation

exists (path)

  • arguments
    • path the path to check
  • output Boolean value true or false

unlink (path)

  • arguments
    • path the path to trash
  • output Boolean value true or false

move (from_path, to_parent)

  • arguments
    • from_path the moving document's path
    • to_parent the parent folder's path
  • output Document

rename (path, new_name)

  • arguments
    • path the renaming document's path
    • new_name the document's new name
  • output Document

File content

write_zip (path, zip_map, type)

read_zip (path)

  • arguments
    • path the document's path to read
  • output ZIP MAP data

mkdir (path)

  • arguments
    • path the new folder's path
  • output Folder (Document)

copy (from_path, to_path)

  • arguments
    • from_path the copying document's path
    • to_path the new copyed document's path
  • output The copied (Document)

Specific file content

write_pdf (path, pdf_path, metadata)

  • arguments
    • path newly added document's path
    • pdf_path the local PDF file path
    • metadata (optional, default = {}) metadata properties to add to the default PDF file's metadata
  • output Document

write_pdf_from_url (path, pdf_url, metadata)

  • arguments
    • path newly added document's path
    • pdf_url the remote PDF file URL
    • metadata (optional, default = {}) metadata properties to add to the default PDF file's metadata
  • output Document

read_pdf (path)

  • arguments
    • path the existing PDF document's path
  • output PDF Buffer file data

write_epub (path, epub_path, metadata)

  • arguments
    • path newly added document's path
    • epub_path the local ePub file path
    • metadata (optional, default = {}) metadata properties to add to the default ePub file's metadata
  • output Document

write_epub_from_url (path, epub_url, metadata)

  • arguments
    • path newly added document's path
    • epub_url the remote ePub file URL
    • metadata (optional, default = {}) metadata properties to add to the default ePub file's metadata
  • output Document

read_epub (path)

  • arguments
    • path the existing ePub document's path
  • output ePub Buffer file data

Notification API

subscribe_to_notifications (handler, matching_properties)

  • arguments
    • handler callback function on which to pass the event data
    • matching_properties subscription properties (event object propeties to filter the incoming events)
  • output Boolean value true

Augmented reMarkable API

docs_paths ()

get_final_path (path)

this method verifies that the path exists

get_ID (id)

  • arguments
    • id the existing document's UUID
  • output Document

get_name (name)

  • arguments
    • name the existing document's name
  • output Document

get_path_content (path)

  • arguments
    • path existing folder's path
  • output Document array

corrupted_docs ()

trashed_docs ()

upload_zip_data (name, parent_path, type, zip_map [, doc])

  • arguments
    • name the "new or not" document's name
    • parent_path the "new or not" document's parent's path
    • type the "new or not" document's type
    • zip_map the ZIP MAP data to upload
    • doc (optional, default = null) a pre-existing Document
  • output Document

base reMarkable API

raw_docs ()

get_doc (ID [,with_blob])

  • arguments
    • ID document's UUID
    • with_blob (optional, default = true) indicated if the document should come with it's blob dowloading links
  • output reMarkable Document

upload_request ([doc])

  • arguments
  • output fetch json response container this (among others) ID and BlobURLPut

update_status (doc, changed_doc_data)

delete (doc)


Cloud functionalities are not 100% reliable on the tablet and the application, it is thus recommended to use the cloud api with care and if possible with the tablet turned on and connected.


ReMarkable Cloud API for NodeJS







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