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馃摉 About this project

A challenge suggested by FreeCodeCamp to develop something for the next 50 days. Wish me luck c:

I have to force myself to code every day, at least one hour, until the end of the year. I will report here every project that I'm working on!

PS: sometimes I will report this in english, sometimes in portuguese (depends on my mood at the day hahah)

馃搯 Days

路 Dia 0: 000 - Collatz Conjecture + Caesar Cypher

路 Dia 1: 001 - Start of Twitter Bot

路 Dia 2: 002 - Integration of Bot with a Crawler

路 Dia 3: 003 - Pi Finder

路 Dia 4: 004 - Wikipedia Bot

路 Dia 5: 005 - Strong Password Generator

路 Dia 6: 006 - POC of GanhosFuturos

路 Dia 7: 007 - Anagram Algorithm

路 Dia 8: 008 - Rock Paper Scissors

路 Dia 9: 009 - League Profile Command - HeyO

路 Dia 10: 010 - End of League Profile - HeyO

路 Dia 11: 011 - Blackjack Game

路 Dia 12: 012 - To-Do List Updates

路 Dia 13: 013 - Climate and Forecast - HeyO

路 Dia 14: 014 - Learned "package" variables

路 Dia 15: 015 - Created Blackjack command - HeyO

路 Dia 16: 016 - My first React App - Toggle Light/Dark theme

路 Dia 17: 017 - React Blog

路 Dia 18: 018 - Start the React To-do List

路 Dia 19: 019 - Fibonacci Finder

路 Dia 20: 020 - New commands to CS UFRJ Discord Bot

路 Dia 21: 021 - 404 Error - React Blog

路 Dia 22: 022 - LocalStorage Click Game

路 Dia 23: 023 - Restart the To-Do-List w/ React

路 Dia 24: 024 - Pomodoro Timer to To-Do-List w/ React

路 Dia 25: 025 - Start the memory game with C

路 Dia 26: 026 - Continue the memory game with C

路 Dia 27: 027 - Homepage - To-Do List w/ React

路 Dia 28: 028 - Task Page - To-Do List w/ React

路 Dia 29: 029 - Pomodoro inside the Task Page posting to JSON - To-Do List w/ React

路 Dia 30: 030 - Last Pomodoros Page - To-Do List w/ React

路 Dia 31: 031 - CompletedTasks and Finishing the project - To-Do List w/ React

路 Dia 32: 032 - Toggle Light/Dark Mode - To-Do List w/ React

路 Dia 33: 033 - Starting the 'react-city-weather'

路 Dia 34: 034 - Search function - 'react-city-weather'

路 Dia 35: 035 - Skycons added - 'react-city-weather'

路 Dia 36: 036 - Landing Page with nodemailer - React + Node

路 Dia 37: 037 - Sending emails getting data from API - React + Node

路 Dia 38: 038 - Started my portfolio-website

路 Dia 39: 039 - Updating READMEs

路 Dia 40: 040 - Changes on portfolio

路 Dia 41: 041 - Works an Contact on portfolio

路 Dia 42: 042 - Translate hugofolloni-portfolio

路 Dia 43: 043 - Hacktoberfest PRs

路 Dia 44: 044 - Hacktoberfest PRs

路 Dia 45: 045 - Hacktoberfest PRs

路 Dia 46: 046 - README Changes

路 Dia 47: 047 - Small Changes on C-Projects

路 Dia 48: 048 - Comp1 Final project

路 Dia 49: 049 - "apps-aleatorios-em-C" updates

路 Dia 50: 050 - Dark Theme and Responsive hugofolloni-portfolio

馃幆 Ending

In the end of this project, I've learned a lot about code routine and how to create projects and work with different jobs at the same time. Unfortunately, some problems kept me away from coding and I decided to make this 100days just 50days. I had a great time doing this and I hope that you could also see my progress doing this!