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Hull PHP client


If you are using composer, just add hull/hull to your composer.json file :

  "name" : "my-org/my-awesome-hull-project",
  "version" : "0.1.0",
  "require" : {
    "hull/hull": "dev-master"

Please checkout Composer's documentation here.



  require 'vendor/autoload.php';
  $hull = new Hull_Client(array( 'hull' => array(
    'host' => '',
    'appId' => 'your-app-id',
    'appSecret' => 'your-app-secret'

Making API Calls

get, put, post and delete methods are directly available on your instance of Hull_Client.


# To get the current app

# To get the a list of comments on the current app (with pagination)
$hull->get('app/comments', array('limit' => 10, 'page' => 2));

# To update an existing object
$hull->put('app', array('name' => 'My Super App'));
with Hull entities
$hull->get('entity', array('uid' => ''));
$hull->put('entity', array('uid' => '', 'name' => 'My super Page'));
$hull->delete('entity', array('uid' => ''));
API Calls authenticated as a User
// As a Specific user with his hull User ID
$userId = '5162ca315d49e15dcb00005a';

// As a Specific user with his third party provider ID
$facebookUserId = '1000002122121';
$hull->asUser('facebook:' . $facebookUserId)->get('me');

// If there is a current user

asUser and asCurrentUser return new instances of Hull_Client, so you can also do :

$hullForCurrentUser = $hull->asCurrentUser();

Getting the current user connected via hull.js

You can get the current user connected via Hull.js via the currentUserId method.


$userId = $hull->currentUserId();

And fetch the current user infos from Hull's API:

$currentUserId = $hull->currentUserId();
$currentUser   = $hull->get($currentUserId);

Bring your own users

In addition to providing multiple social login options, Hull allows you to create and authenticate users that are registered within your own app.

To use this feature, you just have to add a userHash key at the initialization of hull.js :

In you view :

<?php $user = array('external_id' => '123', 'email' => '', 'name' => 'Bill Evans'); ?>
    appId: '<?php echo $hull->appId ?>',
    orgUrl: 'https://<?php echo $hull->host ?>',
    userHash: '<?php echo $hull->userToken($user) ?>',
    debug: true // optional

To give / remove "admin" access to those users you can add the "is_admin" flag to your userHash.


<?php $user = array('external_id' => '123', 'email' => '', 'name' => 'Bill Evans', 'is_admin' => true); ?>
    appId: '<?php echo $hull->appId ?>',
    orgUrl: 'https://<?php echo $hull->host ?>',
    userHash: '<?php echo $hull->userToken($user) ?>',
    debug: true // optional

Windows users

If you're a Windows user, you may encounter an issue that prevents hull from making requests. This is due to the default implementation of SSL. If you're running into any kind of trouble under Windows, activate debug mode as indicated above. Doing so will allow you to perform requests as expected.

Please note that you should not keep this activated in production, as it must be fixed system-wide for security reasons.

We do not mitigate on security. Period.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request