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This is the Go wrapper for the Kairos Facial Recognition API. The wrapper was written for project needs, during the facial image research process.


This wrapper was developed by:


import ""

Create a new Kairos client, then use the exposed services to access different parts of the Kairos API.

Ported methods:

Authenticate Once

Before you can make API calls you'll need to pass Kairos your credentials App Id and App Key (You only need to do this once). Paste your App Id and App Key into the constructor method like so:

import ""

const (
  APP_ID  = "kairos_app_id"
  APP_KEY = "kairos_app_key"

client, err := kairgo.New("", APP_ID, APP_KEY, nil)

View Your Galleries

This method returns a list of all galleries you've created:

gallery, err := client.ViewGallery("MyGallery")
if err != nil {
  return err

// inspect gallery struct

View Your Subjects

This method returns a list of all subjects for a given gallery:

subject, err := client.ViewSubject("MyGallery", "subjectID")
if err != nil {
  return err

// inspect subject struct

Remove a Subject

This method removes a subject from given gallery:

subjectRequest := kairgo.RemoveSubjectRequest{
  GalleryName: "MyGallery",
  SubjectID: "subjectID",

result, err := client.RemoveSubject(&subjectRequest)

if err != nil {
  return err

// Inspect result object for errors, statuses and messages

Remove a Gallery

This method removes a given gallery:

result, err := client.RemoveGallery("MyGallery")
if err != nil {
  return err

// inspect result struct

Enroll an Image

The Enroll method registers a face for later recognitions. Here's an example of enrolling a face (subject) using a method that accepts an image URL, and enrolls it as a new subject into your specified gallery:

var (
  imageUrl    = ""
  subjectID   = "Elizabeth"
  galleryName = "MyGallery"

result, err := client.Enroll(imageUrl, subjectID, galleryName, "", false)
if err != nil {
  return err

// Inspect result object

Recognize an Image

The Recognize method takes an image of a subject and attempts to match it against a given gallery of previously-enrolled subjects. Here's an example of recognizing a subject using a method that accepts an image URL, sends it to the API, and returns a match and confidence value:

var (
  imageUrl      = ""
  galleryName   = "MyGallery"
  minHeadScale  = ".015"
  threshold     = "0.63"
  maxNumResults = 10

result, err := client.Recognize(imageUrl, galleryName, minHeadScale, threshold, maxNumResults)
if err != nil {
  return err

// Inspect result object

Detect Image Attributes

The Detect method takes an image of a subject and returns various attributes pertaining to the face features. Here's an example of using detect via method that accepts an image URL, sends it to the API, and returns face attributes:

var (
  detectRequest := kairgo.DetectRequest{
    Image: ""

result, err := client.Detect(&detectRequest)
if err != nil {
  return err

// Inspect result object

Verify image

The Verify method takes an image and verifies that it matches an existing subject in a gallery. Here's an example of using verify via method that accepts a path to an image file, sends it to the API, and returns face attributes:

result, err := client.ViewSubject("MyGallery", "subjectID")
if err != nil {
  return err

// Inspect result object


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