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OOSD Board Game

OOSD Board Game, for Object Oriented Software Design (ISYS1083), Group G3.


  • Please refer to PDF version of this document if you can't render markdown in your environment.

  • Please be aware that our group contribution are not equal, i.e. not everyone has 25%. The rate is listed below:

    Member name & student ID Contribution Rate Works done
    Ming Hu (s3554025) 45% All coding works, including this README file; Diagram corrections; Presentation slide corrections
    Yixiong Shen (s3700889) 18.3% Presentation slides
    Xuan Gia Khanh Nguyen (s3636905) 18.3% Class diagrams
    Tuan Manh Nguyen (s3574923) 18.3% Final report

    Please refer to the contribution confirmation sheet for more details.

  • This README file is a reference for team member to understand the code and help them for designing diagram, presentation slide and reports. If there is any conflicting content with the final report, please refer to that document first.

Author (Assignment 2 branch)

Code written, tested and debugged by Ming Hu (s3554025).


Icons are from Alibaba's IconFont, free for non-commercial use.

Build environment

This program is written and tested in JDK 8 environments. Since lambda and some other newer JavaFX features have been used, JDK 7 will not work.

If you are using OpenJDK in some Linux distro, please remember to configure JavaFX separately.

You may also need to set Cofoja separately before compile. Please refer to this tutorial for more information.

Main features implemented

  • Basics
    • JavaFX GUI
    • Menu bar
    • MVC design structure
  • Gameplay
    • Round based game demo
    • Countdown timeout for each turn
    • Capture phrases (Assignment 2)
    • Defensive mode (Assignment 2)
    • Grade/win state (Assignment 2)
  • Board
    • 8x8 board, 64 cells
    • Un-do/Re-do support (Assignment 2)
    • Status save/reload (Assignment 2)
    • Board resizing (Assignment 2)
  • Piece
    • CSS styled
    • Movable
  • Settings (Assignment 2)
    • Variable board size
    • Variable piece count
    • Custom player name
  • Player
    • Initial mark deduction info
    • Turn based
  • "About" window
  • Hotkey bindings on menu bar

Design patterns

Assignment 2 has implemented/refactored with 5 design patterns, which are:

  • Prototype
    • located in models.piece.PieceGenerator class
      • It is used for creating pieces correctly
      • prevents using unnecessary initialization code.
  • Command
    • located in PieceFactory, PieceCreator class
      • It shortens the code with lambda (no more if-else or switch-case needed)
      • simplify the process for adding new pieces/characters
  • Decorator
    • located in package models.pieces
      • It simplifies the process for adding new pieces/characters
      • It allows flexible extension to a existing piece
  • Chain of Responsibility
    • located in helpers.reactions package
      • It simplifies & decouples the request when the app creates notification/logging
  • Abstract Factory
    • located in models.factory package (together with command pattern)
      • It limits direct access for concrete classes.

Methods/Constructors with Cofoja (DbC as required)

NOTICE: Since Cofoja may not work correctly on Intellij IDEA and the program may be failed to compile. The development environment follows the configurations in this tutorial and the project can pass compiling and testing with no issue.

These code mentioned below are using Cofoja:

  • controllers
    • logic
      • CompeteManager
      • GameLogic
      • StatusManager
    • HomeController
    • SettingController
  • helpers
    • reactions
      • CrashReactions
      • DebugReactions
      • WarningReactions
    • BoardButtonHelper
  • models
    • board
      • Board
    • coordinate
      • Coordinate
    • factory
      • PieceFactory
      • PlayerFactory
      • CoordinateFactory
    • piece
      • some decorator classes
      • PieceGenerator
      • SimplePiece
    • player
      • CommunismPlayer
      • CapitalismPlayer

GRASP principles

Low coupling

  • Piece model classes are using Decorator design pattern. The properties in a certain piece are decorated by decorator classes.
  • Buttons in the board are automatically generated, not directly written into FXML. It also allows users to change the size of board between 6x6 to 18x18 dynamically.

High cohesion

  • GameLogic class and HomeController class

    • No method with long section of code
    • Well categorised, GameLogic in charge of game logic only, while HomeController handles UI stuff.
  • Board class, Piece class and Coordinate class

    • Model classes to store game status, with levels
    • Different level has its own responsibility, but they need to work together.
    • Board contains a list of Piece, each Piece has its own Coordinate


  • Abstract factory pattern is used in this project for creating contents in the board.


  • This app is based on MVC design structures, so it has controllers
  • Controllers are GameLogic which controls gameplay logic and HomeController which controls GUI. (it also sounds like Pure Fabrication to some extent???)


  • Piece interface for piece models
  • Player interface for player models
  • PieceGenerator interface for generating


  • GameLogic controls gameplay logic and HomeController controls GUI.
    • If models need to control UI, they need to talk to HomeController first to ensure no invalid data is updated to UI.
  • Also for CompeteManager and StatusManager. If the data is invalid, then it won't be updated to UI. Instead, there will be a proper warning message/debug log will be shown.

SOLID principles

Single Responsibility Principle

  • Game logic code are separated to three classes, which are GameLogic, CompeteManager and StatusManager.
    • GameLogic only responsible the low-level logics
    • CompeteManager handles the move range and attack range evaluation
    • StatusManager saves or restores the status or the board

Open/Close Principle

  • GameLogic::selectPiece and GameLogic::placePiece are in private level
    • These two methods should not be changed and misused by others
  • Piece models are in proper

Liskov Substitution Principle

  • SimplePiece has the correct implementation under Piece

Interface segregation principle

  • All piece methods in Piece interface are in use

Dependency Inversion Principle

  • Piece interface for piece models
  • Player interface for player models
  • PieceGenerator interface for generating
  • The way of GameLogic class and piece list in Board class dealing with different pieces.

The Don’t Repeat Yourself Principle

  • Piece models are using decorator pattern and command pattern with lambda. It significantly reduces extra code in the initialization.


For Group G3 @ 2018 s1, KEEP IN SECRET!!!






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