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Rachit Chawla edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

Understanding TypeScript

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TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript designed for large-scale application development. It introduces static typing, making it easier to catch errors during development and improving code maintainability. TypeScript code is transpiled to JavaScript, allowing execution in any JavaScript environment.

Benefits of TypeScript

Typescript as superset of JavaScript


Static Typing

TypeScript brings static typing to JavaScript, enabling developers to define types for variables, parameters, and return values. This helps catch type-related errors early in the development process.

Enhanced Tooling

TypeScript provides superior tooling support in modern code editors. Features like autocompletion, code navigation, and refactoring are more powerful due to the availability of type information.

Code Readability

Type annotations in TypeScript improve code readability. Developers can understand the expected types of variables and function parameters without diving into the implementation.

Code Maintainability

Static typing in TypeScript contributes to easier code maintenance and refactoring. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) can offer insights into areas where changes might be needed.


Before you start, ensure that you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.


To get started with TypeScript, you need to install it globally using npm. Open your terminal and run:

npm install -g typescript