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clidoc analyses the synopsis of command-line program, then generates code of specific programming language that could be used to process shell inputed values.

Workflow of clidoc is as follow:

# front end.
synopsis --> | synopsis analyser | --> AST
# back end.
        | cpp11 codegen  |
AST --> | python codegen | --> argument processing code
        | rust codegen   |
        | ...            |


  • the front end of clidoc would build up an AST(abstract syntax tree) according to user defined synopsis,
  • and the back ends would generate argument processing code with respect to front end generated AST.

As you can see, clidoc plans to support codegen for multiple programming languages. Currently in v0.2, clidoc supports codegen of programming language C++11 and Python 2/3.


Known supported compilers: g++ 4.8.1 or higher; clang 3.3 or higher.

To build clidoc, following dependencies is required:

  • CMake 2.8 or higher.
  • Boost 1.54 or higher.


User of OS X could use brew to install dependencies:

brew install cmake
brew install boost


User of Ubuntu could use apt-get to install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev 

Make sure the version of apt-get installed g++ is greater or equal to 4.8.1. If not, try following steps:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-4.8

Make sure the version of apt-get installed boost libraries is greater or equal to 1.54. If not, try following steps:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libboost1.54-all-dev

Build The Project Build Status

After all dependencies are installed, use bash script scripts/ to build the project:

git clone
cd clidoc
./scripts/ build

After successfully building the project, a program named clidoc_main is created, located in build/src. Use following command to create an alias to clidoc_main:

alias clidoc="$(./scripts/ clidoc_main)"

After that, you can interact with alias clidoc in shell:

$ clidoc
  clidoc_main --mode|-m <mode> <synopsis> <output-hint>
  clidoc_main --list-mode
  clidoc_main --debug <synopsis>

  --mode=<mode>, -m <mode>  Mode of codegen.
  <synopsis>                Filename of user defined synopsis.
  <output-hint>             String to guide codegen.
  --list-mode               List available modes.
  --debug                   List information for debugging.

In the following content, clidoc would refer to the alias clidoc.

Writing Synopsis

Basic Concepts

Synopsis defines the way to interact with a command-line program. As mentioned, clidoc reads user defined synopsis and generates code for that. Concepts related to synopsis will be discussed in this section.

Basic elements of synopsis are as follow:

  • POSIX_OPTION: a form of option described in POSIX.1-2008. POSIX_OPTION is represented by a single dash followed by an alnum, such as -a, -A, -2.
  • GNU_OPTION: a form of option described in GNU document. GNU_OPTION is represented by double dash followed by an alnum, and followed by one or more alnum or single dash, such as --long, --long-option, --Long-Option.
  • GROUPED_OPTIONS: describe a group of options. GROUPED_OPTIONS is represented by a single dash followed by two or more alnum, such as -abcDEF.
  • ARGUMENT: placeholder for some shell inputed value. ARGUMENT is represented by one of two forms: uppercase digit(abbreviation of "uppercase letter and digit") followed by one or more uppercase digit or single dash(i.e. ARG, ARG1, ARG-1, SOME-ARG), or, arbitrary string enclosed by angle brackets(i.e. <arg>, <some arg>).
  • COMMAND: literally, it is "command". COMMAND is represented by lowercase digit(abbreviation of "lowercase letter and digit") followed by one or more lowercase digit or single dash, such as add, brew-cask.

Through "logical operators", user could define logical relationship of different basic elements, or logical property of a single basic element:

  • Parenthesis(( and )): the logical relationship of embraced elements is LogicAnd, meaning those elements are all required to be matched. By default, logical relationship of basic elements separated by whitespaces is LogicAnd, for instance, (-a -b -c) is equivalent to -a -b -c.
  • Vertical Bar(|): the logical relationship of elements separated by vertical bar is LogicXor, meaning only one of those elements should be matched. Example: --mode|-m.
  • Square Brackets([ and ]): express the logical property of embraced element is optional(LogicOptional), in other words, the element is not required to be matched. Example: [-g], [--filename=FILENAME].
  • Ellipsis(...): express the logical property of the element followed by ellipsis is repeatable(LogicOneOrMore), meaning that the element can be matched once or more. Example: --filename=FILENAME....

User defined synopsis consists of two sections:

  1. An Usage Section.
  2. An Options Section(optional).

Usage section starts with the section name Usage:(case-insensitive usage plus a colon). The first non-empty string unit after Usage: would be recognized as utility name, that is, the name of command-line program. Usage section is composed of several synopsis lines, each synopsis line starts with an utility name and contains combinations of basic elements and logical operators. As an analogy, utility name acts like semicolon in C++, which is used to separated a full statement. Here is a example for demonstration:

  utility_name -d [-a]
      [-c <option_argument>]

where the utility name is utility_name, and the usage section is composed of two synopsis lines. Intuitively, the logical relationship of synopsis lines is LogicXor, meaning that synopsis lines of usage section could be matched mutual-exclusively.

Options section starts with the section name Options:(case-insensitive option plus a colon). Options section is composed of several non-empty physical line(a non-empty line ends with newline character), each non-empty physical line defines

  • binding relationship between options, and between option and argument.
  • default value of option and argument.

Binding relationship between options expresses that those options are equivalent. For example, in order to express "-f as the abbreviation of --filename", user could define something like:

  -f, --filename

Binding relationship between option and argument expresses that an option should be followed by an argument. For example, in order to express "ARG1 is bound to -a, and <arg2> is bound to --bar", user could define something like:

  -f ARG1
  --bar=<arg2>  # or, --bar <arg2>

Combination of option-to-option binding and option-to-argument binding is allowed. For example, in order to express "-f as the abbreviation of --filename, where FILE should be bound to both -f and --filename", user could define something like:

  -f FILE, --filename=FILE

Note that:

  • basic elements can be separated by whitespace(s) or comma(,). Hence, -f FILE, --filename=FILE is equivalent to -f FILE --filename=FILE, but the first expression is more readable.
  • binding relationship between GNU_OPTION and ARGUMENT could be defined in usage section, through the form of GNU_OPTION=ARGUMENT.

Moreover, user could define default value of option and argument, by placing [default: "some value"] at the end of physical line, such as:

  -f FILE, --filename=FILE [default: "~/data.cfg"]

Comments are supported through hash character(#). A comment starts with # and ends with the newline character of current physical line(not including the newline character). Comments would be ignored during parsing user defined synopsis. Use synopsis of clidoc as an example:

$ cat scripts/main_doc 
  clidoc_main --mode|-m <mode> <synopsis> <output-hint>
  clidoc_main --list-mode
  clidoc_main --debug <synopsis>

  --mode=<mode>, -m <mode>  # Mode of codegen.
  # <synopsis>                Filename of user defined synopsis.
  # <output-hint>             String to guide codegen.
  # --list-mode               List available modes.
  # --debug                   List information for debugging.

Semantics Of Synopsis

Logical relationships between basic elements are as follow:

  • LogicAnd
  • LogicXor
  • LogicOr (not mentioned yet)

Logical properties of a single basic element are as follow:

  • LogicOptional
  • LogicOneOrMore

Logical relationships and logical properties are the abstractions of logical operators, mapping of those were mentioned in above section(except LogicOr). Meanings of LogicAnd, LogicXor and LogicOptional are pretty intuitive, hence we will focus on explaining LogicOneOrMore and LogicOr.

Logical property LogicOneOrMore express the element followed by ellipsis(...) is repeatable. Consider following examples:

  • <arg1>...
  • (-f <arg2>)...
  • -f <arg2>...

suppose <arg1> is not bound to any option, and <arg2> is bound to -f.

As mentioned, ARGUMENT acts like a placeholder for shell inputed value(s): ARGUMENT without logical property LogicOneOrMore is a placeholder for a single value, while ARGUMENT with logical property LogicOneOrMore is a placeholder for multiple values. Hence, <arg1>..., an unbound ARGUMENT with logical property LogicOneOrMore, defines a placeholder accepting multiple shell inputed values.

If an ARGUMENT is bound to an option(POSIX_OPTION or GNU_OPTION), logical property LogicOneOrMore of such ARGUMENT, if exists, would be added to that option. Therefore, (-f <arg2>)... and -f <arg2>... are equivalent, since both -f options have logical property LogicOneOrMore.

An OOM bound option(option is bound with an ARGUMENT, and has logical property LogicOneOrMore), could accept following forms of shell inputed values:

  • -f a b c
  • -f a -f b -f c
  • -f a,b,c

above forms are equivalent. Those shell inputed values would leads to a same result, a list of strings contains "a", "b" and "c".

A GROUPED_OPTIONS is equivalent to a group of POSIX_OPTIONs with logical relationship LogicOr, meaning that one or more expanded POSIX_OPTIONs should be matched. For example, -abc is equivalent to -a, -b and -c with logical relationship LogicOr, and shell inputed values -a, -b, -c, -a -b, -a -c, -b -c and -a -b -c will be accepted.

For POSIX.1-2008 compatible, form of -aboFILE would be transformed to -abo FILE if ARGUMENT FILE is bound to POSIX_OPTION -o. For example:

  utility_name -oFILE  # equivalent to "utility_name -o FILE"

  -o FILE

For POSIX.1-2008 compatible, basic elements after --, to the end of synopsis line, would be treated as ARGUMENT. For example:

Usage: utility_name -a -b -- -c command 

where -c, command would be as ARGUMENTs, instead of a POSIX_OPTION and a COMMAND.


clidoc reads user defined synopsis and generates code of language specific shell inputed value processing logic. This section will present the rules of shell inputed value processing, the usage of clidoc, and the application interface of generated code.

Rules Of Shell Inputed Value Processing

As mentioned in POSIX-1.2008, the order of shell inputed value is unrelated to the order of elements defined in synopsis. For example, given synopsis Usage: utility_name -a -b -c, both shell inputed values $ utility_name -a -b -c and $ utility_name -c -b -a would be accepted. Since the order of shell inputed value is irrelevant, option(POSIX_OPTION, GNU_OPTION) and COMMAND plays a vital role in the interpretation of shell inputed value.

clidoc generated code would process shell inputed values based on following rules:

  1. If an bound option is detected, the value following such bound option, would be treated as bound ARGUMENT.
  2. If an OOM bound option is detected,
    1. and such option is the last option in shell inputed value with the same option name, i.e, the third -f in -f a -f b -f c d e. In this case, all values next to such option, ends with another option, would be treated as bound ARGUMENTs.
    2. otherwise, rule (1) would be applied.
  3. If shell inputed value starts with single dash and followed by two or more characters, inputed value processing logic would try to split such value by looping over each characters. For example, given -abcd, processing logic would loop over a, b, c, d. Within the loop, a POSIX_OPTION will be assembled corresponding to current character(i.e. a -> -a). Rules of splitting logic:
    1. If such POSIX_OPTION is defined as unbound option in synopsis, record it and continue looping.
    2. If such POSIX_OPTION is defined as bound option in synopsis, and current character is not the last character, then record the option and treat remaining characters as bound ARGUMENT. After that, stop looping.
    3. If such POSIX_OPTION is defined as bound option in synopsis, and current character is the last character, then record the option and treat the next shell inputed value as bound ARGUMENT. After that, stop looping.
    4. otherwise, the splitting logic would fail, and current shell inputed value would be treated as candidate of ARGUMENT.
  4. If shell inputed value starts with double dash, then the processing logic would try to match inputed value with pattern GNU_OPTION=ARGUMENT. For instance, --filename=~/data.cfg would be a perfect match.
    1. If detected GNU_OPTION is defined as bound option in synopsis, then the string next to equal sign(=) would be treated as bound ARGUMENT.
    2. otherwise, current shell inputed value would be treated as candidate of ARGUMENT.
  5. If -- is detected, all shell inputed values after -- would be treated as candidates of ARGUMENT.

Outcomes would be generated after processing shell inputed values. There are three types of outcomes:

  • boolean outcome: representing the processing result of COMMANDs and unbound options.
  • string outcome: representing the processing result of bound options and unbound ARGUMENTs
  • string list outcome: representing the processing result of OOM bound options and OOM unbound ARGUMENTs

Generated code should implement a mapping data structure so that the outcomes could be read through the name of basic elements. Note that only the representative option(the first occurrent GNU_OPTION) in a options binding relationship would be considered as the index of outcome, since options in the same binding relationship would be treated as synonyms.

Usage of clidoc

Synopsis of clidoc is as followed:

  clidoc_main --mode|-m <mode> <synopsis> <output-hint>
  clidoc_main --list-mode
  clidoc_main --debug <synopsis>

  --mode=<mode>, -m <mode>  Mode of codegen.
  <synopsis>                Filename of user defined synopsis.
  <output-hint>             String to guide codegen.
  --list-mode               List available modes.
  --debug                   List information for debugging.

Currently clidoc supports three codegen modes:

  • cpp11_cmake_project: generate a C++11 CMake project.
  • cpp11_non_project: generate a C++11 source file. This mode supports integration of CMake.
  • python: generate a Python 2/3 compatible file.

Example of usage:

$ clidoc --mode=cpp11_cmake_project scripts/main_doc main_doc
$ clidoc --mode=python scripts/main_doc

C++11 Codegen

Interface of C++11 generated code is defined in a header file clidoc/cpp11.h, which is simple and self-explanatory:


#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

namespace clidoc {

using FlagType = std::uint32_t;

const FlagType SYSTEM_EXIT_OFF = 1 << 0;
const FlagType PRINT_DOC_OFF   = 1 << 1;
const FlagType GUIDELINE_8_OFF = 1 << 2;

// store outcomes.
extern std::map<std::string, bool> boolean_outcome;
extern std::map<std::string, std::string> string_outcome;
extern std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> string_list_outcome;

// input argument processing interface.
void ParseArguments(const int &argc, const char *const *argv);
bool ParseArguments(const int &argc, const char *const *argv,
                    const FlagType &flags);

}  // namespace clidoc


There are two ways to generate and use C++11 code:

  • Include the project directory of "clidoc" to your CMake project, then invoke a CMake function clidoc_cpp11_handler.
  • Use clidoc to generate a CMake project, then include the generated directory(project) to your CMake project.

Placing the project directory "clidoc" in your CMake project

A demo will be presented for demonstration. First of all, a CMake project is created, and the directory of "clidoc" is placed in the project:

$ tree -L 1
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── clidoc

2 directories, 1 file

Then, a synopsis for demonstration is created:

# file `example_doc`.
  example --hello-world
  example --output-file=<filename>
  example -n <names>...

  -n <names>  # bind -n with <names>

example_doc says that the program example can be invoked by three forms of shell inputed values:

  • path/to/example --hello-world
  • path/to/example
  • path/to/example -n one or more arguments.

example_doc would be analysed by clidoc. But before that, we should implement a C++ source file for generating the program example:

#include <iostream>
#include "clidoc/cpp11.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  clidoc::ParseArguments(argc, argv);

  std::cout << std::boolalpha
            << "--hello-world: "
            << clidoc::boolean_outcome["--hello-world"]
            << std::endl;

  std::cout << "--output-file: "
            << clidoc::string_outcome["--output-file"]
            << std::endl;

  std::cout << "-n: ";
  for (const auto &value : clidoc::string_list_outcome["-n"]) {
    std::cout << value << " ";
  std::cout << std::endl;


  • #include "clidoc/cpp11.h" includes predefined C++11 interface of clidoc.
  • clidoc::ParseArguments(argc, argv); analyses shell input values and store the result into three std::map variable: clidoc::boolean_outcome, clidoc::string_outcome and clidoc::string_list_outcome.

Furthermore, connection between example_doc and should be established(i.e. codegen of example_doc, compile generated code, and linkage stuff). It's pretty easy to do that in CMake, by invoking a function clidoc_cpp11_handler:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
project (demo CXX)

set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -O2 -std=c++11")

add_subdirectory (clidoc)
include_directories (${CLIDOC_CPP11_INCLUDE_PATHS})

add_executable (example
clidoc_cpp11_handler (example ${demo_SOURCE_DIR}/example_doc)

Afterward, use following commands to compile the demo:

$ tree -L 1
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── clidoc
├── example_doc

1 directory, 3 files
$ mkdir build       
$ cd build 
$ cmake ..
-- The CXX compiler identification is AppleClang
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/haoxun/Project/demo/build
$ make
Scanning dependencies of target clidoc_code_gen_logic
[  3%] Building CXX object clidoc/src/cpp11/CMakeFiles/clidoc_code_gen_logic.dir/
Linking CXX static library libclidoc_code_gen_logic.a
[  3%] Built target clidoc_code_gen_logic
[ 34%] Generating
Scanning dependencies of target example_doc
[ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/example_doc.dir/
Linking CXX static library libexample_doc.a
$ ls
CMakeCache.txt       Makefile             cmake_install.cmake
CMakeFiles           clidoc               example              libexample_doc.a

Finally, run the program example:

$ ./example 
  example --hello-world
  example --output-file=<filename>
  example -n <names>...

  -n <names>  bind -n with <names>

$ ./example --hello-world
--hello-world: true
$ ./example  
--hello-world: false
$ ./example -n a b c d e
--hello-world: false
-n: a b c d e 
$ ./example --error-case
  example --hello-world
  example --output-file=<filename>
  example -n <names>...

  -n <names>  bind -n with <names>

Generate a CMake project

By setting the codegen mode to cpp11_cmake_project and passing the path of user defined synopsis, clidoc could generate a dedicated CMake project:

$ clidoc -m cpp11_cmake_project example_doc example_lib

Afterwards, move generated example_lib directory to an cmake project. Here we reuse the one defined in above section. Currently the project contains:

$ tree -L 2
├── example_doc
├── example_lib
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── include
│   └── src

3 directories, 3 files

And create a CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8)
project (demo CXX)

set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -O2 -std=c++11")

add_subdirectory (example_lib)
include_directories (example_lib/include)

add_executable (example
target_link_libraries (example clidoc_cpp11)

Finally, it's the time to build your project.

Python Codegen

By setting the codegen mode to python and passing the path of user defined synopsis, `clidoc could generate a dedicated .py file:

$ clidoc -m python example_doc

Generated .py file contains a function named clidoc and several flags:

__all__ = [

PRINT_DOC_OFF = 1 << 1
GUIDELINE_8_OFF = 1 << 2

def clidoc(argv, flags=0):

where the function clidoc is able to process shell input values(i.e. sys.argv) with respect to user defined synopsis.

User could import such generated .py file and invoke function clidoc directly, without further configuration:

src python
Python 2.7.6 (default, Sep  9 2014, 15:04:36) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.39)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from example import clidoc
>>> argv = ['example', '--hello-world']
>>> clidoc(argv)
{u'--hello-world': True, u'-n': [], u'--output-file': u''}
>>> argv = ['example', '--output-file', 'filename']
>>> clidoc(argv)
{u'--hello-world': False, u'-n': [], u'--output-file': u'filename'}
>>> argv = ['example', '--output-file=filename']
>>> clidoc(argv)
{u'--hello-world': False, u'-n': [], u'--output-file': u'filename'}
>>> argv = ['example', '-n', 'a', 'b', 'c']
>>> clidoc(argv)
{u'--hello-world': False, u'-n': [u'a', u'b', u'c'], u'--output-file': u''}
>>> argv = ['example', '-n', 'a', '-n', 'b', '-n', 'c']
>>> clidoc(argv)
{u'--hello-world': False, u'-n': [u'a', u'b', u'c'], u'--output-file': u''}
>>> argv = ['example', '-n', 'a,b,c']
>>> clidoc(argv)
{u'--hello-world': False, u'-n': [u'a', u'b', u'c'], u'--output-file': u''}