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maktf edited this page Jun 18, 2014 · 8 revisions

Rss Social (RSoc) Community Page

This page is dedicated to build the RSoc community.


RSoc aims at enabling an ad-hoc Decentralized Social Network. It is based on the flexible usage of SNSAPI:

  • Create a channel on RSS2RW platform.
  • Optionally create more channels for existing OSN, e.g. Twitter.
  • update statuses as a whole.
  • Find a way to automatically distribute your RSS feeds. e.g. scp/ rsync to a web server or even using GitHub?
  • Give the feed link to your friends so that they can "follow you on RSS"!

Two scenarios of followers:

  • If your friends use SNSAPI, they will get the most from the feeds. We are designing a way to incorporate more meta information into the feeds. In the future, it will be more powerful.
  • If your friends do not use SNSAPI, graceful degradation is possible. People can use traditional RSS reader to get information from your feed.

Preview Using SNSAPI

Pick one link from the member list in the bottom. Enter python and the following commands:

>>> nc = new_channel('RSS')
>>> nc['url']=''
>>> addc(nc)

You will see the messages of this person in a well formatted way. This message is ready for distribution into other channels, e.g. Twitter. Suppose you have already configure the "twitter" channel. The syntax will be like forward(msg, 'Following is a message forwarded from RSS to Twitter. Awesome!')

Example Methods to Generate Your RSS Feeds

Suppose you have configured two channels in conf/channel.json:

  • A RenrenStatus platform with the name "myrenren".
  • A RSS2RW platform with the name "myrss2rw".

The following piece of script demonstrate how to distribute your statuses on Renren to RSS.

from snsapi.snspocket import SNSPocket
sp = SNSPocket()

ml = sp['myrenren'].home_timeline()
for m in ml:

You can add more channels and distribute your aggregated statuses in the same way. You can run this script on a web server and point the url of RSS2RW channel to the place you want to distribute your statuses. Note that this script is just a simple demonstration of the use of SNSApi. You can of course add more logics, e.g. message deduplication. See our forwarder for a more thorough example.

Member Lists

All are welcome. Put your link down and you are a member of RSoc community. Let's use this page to jumpstart our network.