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Jason HU edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Corosafe wiki!

Corosafe tries to implement safe-delivery garrentee mainly in totemsrp layer for corosync based on the paper of totem protocol. Although there is not any upper layer needs safe-delivery garrentee currently(Corosafe is just my personal hobby), I think, it is important to write code which hopefully matches paper better than Corosync to make user and developer more clear on things related to protocol.

You can find totem paper at here

For enlarge Corosafe value, in the first phase, it aims to be able to replace Corosync (thus it passes Corosync test system "csts"), and change all messages of Corosync from agreed-delivery garrentee to safe-delivery garrentee. But maybe in the second phase, frag/bundle layer(in totempg) and SYNC layer will be removed.

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