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Jan Friesse edited this page Jun 24, 2013 · 4 revisions


There are several Presentations that have been made about the topic of corosync to various organizations.


Clusters From Scratch generated by the Pacemaker project has useful information on setting up Pacemaker for use with Corosync.

###Mailing List

The corosync mailing list should be used for all communication relating to The Corosync Cluster Engine. Please send mail to the mailing list instead of developers directly. This allows more then one person to respond to information requests and allows everyone to see the solution to a possible problem.

Subscribe to the corosync mailing list.

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If a defect is found in corosync, please discuss it on the mailing list. Once the mailing list has determined it is indeed a bug, submit a bug report via GitHub or Red Hat's bugzilla tool against Fedora for the corosync component.

Enhancement Requests

Please submit enhancement requests via GitHub or bugzilla. This way they are tracked. We may not get to them any time soon, but atleast we will know what users desire. It might also be helpful to submit your ideas to the mailing list, or better yet, submit a patch!

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