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Preparation of gpx files to create traffic_lights mca files for Mapfactor Navigator


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Unfortunately MNF Navigator does not have traffic lights in their maps. This python script "" and the accompanying files create "COUNTRY"-TrafficLights.mca files for you.

I rewrote the script for windows as the last step is the use of DiggerConsole.exe. The script is currently "not finished" for linux/unix/MacOS X. DiggerConsole works with wine under linux/unix/MacOS X but I did not spend time on it right now (even though I'm an avid linux user and do not even have a windows pc myself).

Now if you are lazy and you simply want to download the ready made mca files, see here.

What does the script (automatically) do:

  1. It downloads the country/countries you specify in the top of the script from in the "Protocolbuffer Binary Format".
  2. It converts the downloaded "country".pbf files via a few steps to .csv files
  3. These csv files are fed into DiggerConsole.exe which creates the necessary mca files for you.


  1. ("soft" requirement) You need to know how to work in the "CMD" command window in Windows (some people still call this "the dosbox").
  2. This "Navigator-traffic_lights" repository, either downloaded as zip or as git repo.
  3. python for windows: Python can be downloaded from or you can download the Anaconda python version which comes with a lot of "extra" modules already builtin:
  4. gpsbabel: This can be downloaded from
  5. Digger Console: This is a MNF (AFAIK) program bundle and can be downloaded from


  1. If you downloaded these repository as zip, unzip the file.
  2. Open in some text editor. (do not use the gpx version. gpsbabel does not handle it correctly.)
    1. Set the correct path with executable for gpsbabel (use forward slashes).
    2. Set the correct path (only path) for DiggerConsole (use forward slashes).
    3. Enable the region string of your choice. Note: Can only be one single region.
    4. Enable and edit the countries list belonging to that region. This is a list containing the country name (all in lower case), surrounded by double quotes and separated by a comma. Note: Make sure that all countries belong to the specified region and only enable the countries you need.
  3. Once correctly configured start the python script from inside the "Navigator-traffic-lights" folder (or whatever you named that folder) like python
  4. Your final mca files can be found in <drive>:\<path_to_>\Navigator-traffic-lights\Outputdir

Note that if you have a lot of countries, and especially the big countries like Germany, France, Russia, Canada, etc, it will take quite some time. The script outputs comments to the terminal to show you what it is currently doing.
Note 2: If you plan on creating all files for every country, your conversion might get stuck at 3/4 of Europe as will mention that you have reached "the maximum number of downloads for your ip-address". This will repeat itself for Asia. Simply edit the list and remove the already downloaded and converted countries and try again in an hour or so.



albania, andorra, austria, azores, belarus, belgium, bosnia-herzegovina, bulgaria, croatia, cyprus, czech-republic, denmark, estonia, faroe-islands, finland, france, georgia, germany, great-britain, greece, hungary, iceland, ireland-and-northern-ireland, isle-of-man, italy, kosovo, latvia, liechtenstein, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, malta, moldova, monaco, montenegro, netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, romania, russia, serbia, slovakia, slovenia, spain, sweden, switzerland, turkey, ukraine

Russia -> Comes without region



In this case I choose for the USA sub-regions instead of all separate states
canada, greenland, mexico, us-midwest, us-northeast, us-pacific, us-south, us-west


argentina, bolivia, brazil, chile, colombia, ecuador, paraguay, peru, suriname, uruguay


afghanistan, azerbaijan, bangladesh, cambodia, china, gcc-states, india, indonesia, iran, iraq, israel-and-palestine, japan, jordan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, lebanon, malaysia-singapore-brunei, maldives, mongolia, myanmar, nepal, north-korea, pakistan, philippines, south-korea, sri-lanka, syria, taiwan, tajikistan, thailand, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, vietnam, yemen


Preparation of gpx files to create traffic_lights mca files for Mapfactor Navigator





