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Installation of Kubeflow

To install Kubeflow, please follow these steps:

  • Visit the kubeflow/manifests repository and Install Kubeflow using the provided manifests.

  • After installation, configure Kubeflow by following the instructions below:

Resetting Passwords

Open the kubeflow/dex-config.yaml file and make the following edits:

    - email: <your email>
      hash: <password hash>

Then apply the changes using the following command:

kubectl apply -f kubeflow/dex-config.yaml

To generate a password hash, you can use the following Python script:

python3 -c 'from passlib.hash import bcrypt; import getpass; print(bcrypt.using(rounds=12, ident="2y").hash(getpass.getpass()))'

Creating a New Profile

Open the kubeflow/profile.yaml file and configure a new profile by providing a name and owner's email (same as in kubeflow/dex-config.yaml):

kind: Profile
  name: <name>
    kind: User
    name: <email same as kubeflow/dex-config.yaml>

Apply the changes using the following command:

kubectl apply -f kubeflow/profile.yaml

Patching Istio Ingressgateway

Patch the Istio Ingressgateway service to use LoadBalancer type:

kubectl patch svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system -p '{"spec":{"type":"LoadBalancer"}}'

Granting Access to Kubeflow Pipelines

Open the kubeflow/access.yaml file and grant access to Kubeflow pipelines by specifying the namespace (same as your profile name) in the metadata section:

kind: PodDefault
  name: access-ml-pipeline
  namespace: <same as your profile name>

Apply the changes using the following command:

kubectl apply -f kubeflow/access.yaml

Setting up Notebook Server

To begin with, follow the steps below to set up your notebook server:

  • Create a new notebook in your desired environment. alt text.

  • Make sure to click on the 'Allow access to Kubeflow Pipelines' option. alt text.

  • Connect to the notebook server and upload all the notebooks from the project directory.

Running the Project

Please follow these steps to run the project:

NOTE: You may need to install additional dependencies like TensorFlow for the project to work properly.

  • Train and Run the Model

    Open the project/model.ipynb notebook and run it. This will build the model and save it to the filesystem.

  • Build the Pipeline

    NOTE: The storage options may need to be configured separately since I am using GCS instead of MinIO

    Open the project/pipeline.ipynb notebook and run it. After a successful run, you will find a pipeline.yaml file in the same directory. Download this file and proceed to the next steps.

  • Run the Pipeline

    Upload the pipeline using the Kubeflow dashboard. Create an experiment and run the pipeline as shown in the screenshots below:

    alt text.

    After a successful run, you will have model endpoints available in the Endpoints section as shown in the screenshots below:

    alt text. alt text.

  • Test the Model

    You can now test the model using the project/test_model.ipynb notebook. alt text. alt text.


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