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(c) 2011 Hiroaki Yaguchi, JSK

* description

This project aims to implement command line tools for OpenRTM
like rospack, rosmake, roslaunch, etc.

This project is created for Linux, and tested on Ubuntu 10.04 lucid

* env

export PATH=${PATH}:/path/to/rtmext
export RTM_PACKAGE_PATH=/usr/local/src/OpenRTM/OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0/examples:/path/to/private/rtm/comps

setenv PATH ${PATH}:/path/to/rtmext
setenv RTM_PACKAGE_PATH /usr/local/src/OpenRTM/OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0/examples:/path/to/private/rtm/comps

* commands

- rtmpack [op] [pack]
-- rtmpack find [pack]
   find package path
-- rtmpack depend [pack]
   solve dependency of package

- rtmmake (--clean) (--nochain) [pack]
  make all packages which target is depended on.

- rtmrun [pack] [comp]
  run component

- rtmlaunch (pack) [launcher_xml]
  launch, connect, activate components described in launcher_xml

* dependency

To solve dependency of your package,
create "manifest.xml" on your package dir.
This file is compatible with ROS,
and must describe depended packages by <depend package="dependency" />.

  <description brief="brief">
    description of package
  <author>Alan Smithee</author>
  <license>Public Domain</license>
  <depend package="dependency" />

* rtmcd

To use rtmcd (like roscd), please add following command to your rc file.

function rtmcd () {
    cd `rtmpack find $1`

alias rtmcd 'cd `rtmpack find \!^`'