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Metaverse MetaPlant

hypercube-lab edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 1 revision



MetaPlant is a Creation Platform on HyperCube

MetaPlant is a blockchain collaboration platform that connects artists, marketers, and developers, enabling them to create non-fungible tokens (NFT) that are increasingly useful in various projects. MetaPlant provides a variety of complex functions.

DApp Link

MetaPlant is a unique network where NFT producers and utility providers come together to link content across distributed applications.

NFT Browser/Market

MetaPlant provides a cross-chain explore, browse, trade, bidding functions for artists, brands and DApps. Asset can be transfered betwen different DApps, users, and even blockchains.

Collaboration Platform

MetaPlant introduced the concept of Asset Share Pool and DApp Connector. Different NFTs, DApps and projects can be linked together to create massive on-chain project. Different creators may create different products, e.g. coders create a Text descriptor for NFT items, artists may creat different online art assets, and a game designer may create a onchain logic for an interesting game, a DeFi may create a Staking Pool for certain Tokens or NFTs,by using MetaPlant, developers can link all these NFTs and DApps together to create another standalone GameFi project.

Network Traffic Entrance

When using non-fungible tokens (NFT), there is virtually no limit to the number and types of utility items that can be unlocked in various worlds using non-fungible tokens. By combining with cooperative dApps, projects can leverage existing NFTs and communities, and users can find new games and applications to explore their NFT collections.

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