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Metaverse NFT Extension

hypercube-lab edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 1 revision

NFT Extension

Because NFTs provide exclusivity as well as real digital ownership, they are the perfect medium for digital collectibles to be created. Many dApp, content producers, and artists have issued millions of NFTs to tie them to particular material and give them with transferrable ownership rights in exchange for their work.

On its own, this feature has the potential to fundamentally alter the way we value, consume, and transmit digital material in the future. The real superpower of NFTs, on the other hand, extends well beyond these characteristics and is found in their decentralized nature.

Currently, the vast majority of NFTs are of little or no use, and their services are often supplied by the same company that developed them in the first place. In the case of a dApp, access to content is given only when the user confirms ownership of the associated NFT via the use of a blockchain wallet (or similar mechanism). Compared to traditional applications, where access is regulated via a centralized user account system, this is a significant difference.

It is in this area that NFTs have such tremendous, mostly unexplored potential:

Third-party dApps are able to provide permissionless extra services due to the fact that they are decentralized, user-owned, and publicly controlled. In addition, there is no restriction on the quantity or kind of utilities that NFTs may unleash across a wide range of domains, which is a very interesting element of this function.

This opens up hitherto unimaginable opportunities for the integration of digital goods and services into cooperative networks (as initially envisioned and described in the HyperCube Multiverse).

Because they are interacting with existing NFTs and communities, projects may become part of collaborative dApp ecosystems and attract new users by offering additional utilities and expanded use-cases while also contributing value to the underlying network of nodes.

In contrast, users may explore the utilities of their NFTs, remain up to date, and get notifications if new utilities are introduced to their assets.

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