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hypersurge edited this page May 28, 2015 · 1 revision

Usability through consistency

Conventions are important for a consistent experience. They are intended to improve the readability of the source code and make maintenance and extension easier.

No convention should be considered definitive - many of these choices may not be appropriate outside of the scope of this library.

  • Clear, intuitive, obvious naming.
  • Americanized spelling.
  • Interfaces housed in the awe6.interfaces package.
  • Implementation classes housed in the awe6.core package.
  • Abstract driver classes housed in the awe6.core.drivers package.
  • Platform specific driver packages housed in the awe6.core.drivers package.
  • Non-framework essential, but routinely useful, extensions housed in the awe6.extras package.
  • Interfaces prefixed by I.
  • Abstract classes prefixed by A.
  • Enumerators prefixed by E.
  • Private scope members prefixed with _ (with exception of getters & setters).
  • Local scope members prefixed with l_.
  • Parameter scope members prefixed with p_.
  • Reserved members prefixed with _.
  • Enumerated constructors represented as CONST_CASE.
  • Some enumerators extensible via SUB_TYPE( value:Dynamic ).
  • Helper classes kept private and prefixed with _Helper.
  • Direct-context type enumerators publicly scoped and named type.
  • Non-direct-context type enumerators named %context%Type.
  • Strict typing throughout.
  • All scope clearly defined (e.g. private).
  • No uppercase acronyns in camelCase or PascalCase.
  • New lines for all braces {}.
  • Spaces inside paranthesis: ( example ).
  • All blocks for conditionals, loops, getters, setters etc to be wrapped in braces on new lines.
  • Implicit Getter and Setter methods prefixed with get_%property% & set_%property% (as per Haxe3 requirement).
  • Getters for all readable interface variables that are not Bool or Enum and relate to state (i.e. are likely to change after initialization).
  • Setters for all writeable interface variables.
  • Bool property names prefixed with is, as, has or was.
  • Use of constructor dependency injection.
  • Casting avoided.
  • Two phase initialization avoided.
  • Statics & Singletons eliminated.
  • All Interfaces inline documented.