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some more strand processing fixes
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hyphaltip committed Apr 29, 2015
1 parent 43a03e0 commit b640afc
Showing 1 changed file with 279 additions and 0 deletions.
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions gene_prediction/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Env qw(USER);
# tblastn -links -group
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Bio::DB::Fasta;
use Bio::PrimarySeq;
use File::Spec;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::Tools::GFF;
use Bio::Tools::Genewise;

my %compress = ('gz' => 'zcat',
'bz2' => 'bzcat',
my $max_models= 100;
my $maxintron = 800;
my $informat = 'tfastx'; # wublast mformat 3 is default
my $method = 'exonerate';
my %protein2genome = ('exonerate' =>
'exonerate -m p2g --bestn 1 --joinfilter 1 --verbose 0 --maxintron 3000 --minintron 20 -q %s -t %s --ryo ">%%qi__%%ti (%%tab - %%tae) score=%%s rank=%%r\n%%tcs\n" --showcigar no --showvulgar no --showalignment no --refine region',
#--model protein2genome --bestn 1 --refine region --showvulgar yes --softmaskquery yes --softmasktarget yes --minintron %d -q %s -t %s --maxintron 3000 --ryo ">%%qi length=%%ql alnlen=%%qal\n>%%ti length=%%tl alnlen=%%tal\n" --showalignment no --showtargetgff | perl /rhome/jstajich/src/genome-scripts/data_format/ --type Protein',

'genewise' => 'genewise -silent -quiet -para -genesf %s -u %d -v %d %s %s',


my $tmpdir = "/tmp/protein2genome.$USER$$";
my ($genome,$pepfile);
my $window = 1500; # window around target region
my $gffver = 3;
my $output;
my $debug = 0;
my $best_only = 1;
my $evalue = 1e-5;
my $once = 0;
my $basename;
'o|out:s' => \$output,
'gff|gffver:s' => \$gffver,
'g|d|db|genome:s' => \$genome,
'p|q|qdb|pep:s' => \$pepfile,
'f|format:s' => \$informat,
't|tmpdir:s' => \$tmpdir,
'modelmax:s' => \$max_models,
'w|window:i' => \$window,
'b|basename:s' => \$basename,
'maxintron:i' => \$maxintron,
'm|method:s' => \$method,
'v|debug!' => \$debug,
'once!' => \$once,
'best!' => \$best_only,

mkdir($tmpdir) unless -d $tmpdir;
mkdir("$tmpdir/nt") unless -d "$tmpdir/nt";
mkdir("$tmpdir/pep") unless -d "$tmpdir/pep";

my $gdb = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($genome);
my $pepdb = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($pepfile);

my $out;
if($output) {
$out = Bio::Tools::GFF->new(-gff_version => $gffver,
-file => ">$output");
} else {
$out = \*STDOUT;
# $out = Bio::Tools::GFF->new(-gff_version => $gffver);

for my $file ( @ARGV) {
my $fh;
if( $file =~ /\.(gz|bz2)$/ ) {
open( $fh => "$compress{$1} $file |") || die $!;
} else {
open( $fh => $file) || die $!;
if( lc($informat) eq 'wutab') {
my %lastseen;
my @hsps;
my $i = 0;

while(<$fh>) {
next if(/^\#/);
my ($q,$h,$e,$N,$Sprime,$S,
$nmism, $pcident,$pcpos,$qgaps,$qgaplen,
$group, $links) = split(/\t/,$_);
warn("group is $group links are $links for $q $h $e\n") if $debug;
$links =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
if( @hsps &&
( $lastseen{'query'} ne $q ||
$lastseen{'hit'} ne $h ) ) {
for my $group ( keys %{$lastseen{'groups'}} ) {
[ map { $hsps[$_ - 1] } split(/\-/,$group)]);
@hsps = ();
$lastseen{'groups'} = {}; # reset the groups
#last if $debug && $i++ > 3;
last if $once;

($sstart,$send) = sort { $a <=> $b} ($sstart,$send);
push @hsps, { qstart => $qstart,
qend => $qend,
hstrand => substr($sframe,0,1),
hstart => $sstart,
hend => $send};
$lastseen{'query'} = $q;
$lastseen{'hit'} = $h;
if( @hsps ) {
for my $group ( keys %{$lastseen{'groups'}} ) {
[ map { $hsps[$_] } split(/\-/,$group)]);
} elsif ( lc($informat) eq 'tblastx') { # also for tfastx
my %lastseen;
my @hsps;
my $i = 0;
my %query_count;
while(<$fh>) {
next if(/^\#/);
my ($q,$h,$pid,$alnlen,$mismatches,$gapOpenCount,
$e,$bits) = split(/\t/,$_);
next if $e > $evalue;
if( @hsps &&
( $lastseen{'query'} ne $q ||
$lastseen{'hit'} ne $h ) ) {
if( $query_count{$lastseen{'query'}}++ < $max_models) {
@hsps = ();
last if $once;
my $hstrand = $sstart < $send ? 1 : -1;
($sstart,$send) = sort { $a <=> $b} ($sstart,$send);
push @hsps, { qstart => $qstart,
qend => $qend,
hstrand => $hstrand,
hstart => $sstart,
hend => $send};
$lastseen{'query'} = $q;
$lastseen{'hit'} = $h;
if( @hsps && $query_count{$lastseen{'query'}}++ < $max_models) {

sub make_pair {
my ($q,$h,$hsps) = @_;
my $qname = $q;
my $protein = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-seq => $pepdb->seq($q),
-id => $q);

my @srted = ( sort { $a->{hstart} <=> $b->{hstart} } @$hsps);

my @sets;
my $last;
my $current_set = 0;
for my $n ( @srted ) {
if( $last && abs($last->{hend} - $n->{hstart}) > $maxintron) {
push @{$sets[$current_set]}, $n;
$last = $n;
push @{$sets[$current_set]}, $last;
my $setct = 0;
for my $set ( @sets ) {
my ($min,$max) = ( $set->[0]->{hstart},
warn("set has this item ", $set->[0]->{hstart}, " ", $set->[0]->{hend}, " and ", scalar @$set, " HSPs\n") if $debug;
my $strand = $set->[0]->{hstrand} eq '+' ? 1 : -1;
$min -= $window;
$min = 1 if $min < 1;
$max += $window;
warn("h is $h\n") if $debug;
my $len = $gdb->length($h);
if( ! $len ) {
die " cannot find seq $h in db\n";
$max = $len if $max > $len;

my ( $chrom_frag,$run_cmd);

if( $method eq 'genewise' ) {
$chrom_frag = $gdb->get_Seq_by_acc($h);
} else {
$chrom_frag = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-id =>
-seq => $gdb->seq($h,$min,$max));
my $pepid = $protein->id;
if( ! $pepid ) {
die " cannot find a pepid in seq for $q\n";
$pepid =~ s/\|/_/g;
my $pfile = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir,'pep',$pepid);
warn($protein->id, " ", $chrom_frag->id, "\n") if $debug;
if( ! -f $pfile ) {
Bio::SeqIO->new(-format => 'fasta',
-file => ">$pfile")->write_seq($protein);
my $fragid = $chrom_frag->id;
$fragid =~ s/\|/_/g;
my $gfile = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir,'nt',$fragid);
if( ! -f $gfile ) {
Bio::SeqIO->new(-format => 'fasta',
-file => ">$gfile")->write_seq($chrom_frag);

if( $method eq 'genewise' ) {
my $strnd = $strand eq '-' ? '-trev' : '-tfor';
$run_cmd = sprintf($protein2genome{$method},

} elsif( $method eq 'exonerate') {
$run_cmd = sprintf($protein2genome{$method},
# $maxintron,
} else {
die "method $method unrecognized";
warn("$run_cmd ($method)\n") if $debug;
open( my $runfh => "$run_cmd |") || die $!;

if( $method eq 'genewise' ) {
my $gw = Bio::Tools::Genewise->new(-fh => $runfh);
while (my $gene = $gw->next_prediction){
my @transcripts = $gene->transcripts;
foreach my $t(@transcripts){
my @exons = $t->exons;
foreach my $e(@exons){
if( $e->has_tag('phase') ) {
} elsif( $method eq 'exonerate' ) {
while(<$runfh>) {
print $out $_;
# $out->write_feature();

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