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Command line tool running under Mac OS X to generate the PDF or png.


PageComposer consumes custom file format *.pcd either from STDIN:

./PageComposer < stdin.pcd

or a file:

./PageComposer file.pcd

You can also provide output file name with -o option instead of the path in pcd like this:

./PageComposer -o output.pdf file.pcd


  • LineHeight 設定了以後會讓英文字、中英混排時高度不同。所以設定單行文字要對齊底線時,建議不要設定 LineHeight 然後透過 BaselineOffset, BaselineOffsetCJK 對齊中英字形基線,然後再透過 TextVerticalAlign:bottom-baseline 來指定底線位置。(文字框高度要多留 bottom-baseline 的高度)
  • PageComposer 並不是 EXIF Orientation awared。也就是說他對於旋轉的資訊都是要透過外部程式判斷好 EXIF 方向再設定 ContentRotation。

PCD Format

The PCD format specify a graphic context whose coordinate system places the origin at bottom left.

You can use quotation mark (") to specify string containing space or tab. The following are legal string literals:

  • simplestring
  • "string contains spaces"
  • "string contains escaped \"quotation\", tab(\t) and backslash(\\)"

Produce blank PDF file:

beginpdf [width] [height]  # in point (1/72 inche)
endpdf file://[/path/to/output.pdf]

Produce transparent PNG file:

beginpdf [width] [height]
endpng [dpi] [scale] file://[/path/to/output.png] 
# Normally (dpi, scale) is (72, 1). You could scale up.

endpng [w]px [h]px file://[/path/to/output.png]
# Strech the content to fit the dimension w * h

Produce JPEG file:

beginpdf [width] [height]
endjpg [dpi] [compression] file://[/path/to/output.jpg]
# Normally dpi is 72. Compression ranges from 0~1. 1 is lossless.

endjpg [w]px [h]px [compression] file://[/path/to/output.jpg]
# Strech the content to fit the dimension w * h

Draw a image on PDF:

beginpdf 720 720

simpleimage [url_to_image] [x] [y] [w] [h]
# The origin is at the left bottom.
# Draw the image and strech to fill the rect define by (x, y, w, h)
# image could be jpg/png/pdf.

## DPI limitation ##
set MaxDPI [dpi]
# Limit the max DPI. If the file is too large, it will scale down according to the MaxDPI specified.
# Only applied to jpg/png.
# Only affect the next draw image command.

## Content rotation ##
set ContentRotation [clockwise|counter-clockwise|half]
# Rotate the image first.
# Currently only support jpg/png.


## Rounded corner ##
set radius [r]
# Draw the next simpleimage with [r] point radius rounded corner.
# Only affect the next draw image command.

simpleimage image_a x_a y_a w_a h_a
simpleimage image_b x_b y_b w_b h_b
# Hence, image_a has r points radius rounded corner with MaxDPI limit.
# image_b doesn't have rounded corner and no DPI limit.

## Crop source image ##
image [url_to_image] [from_x] [from_y] [from_w] [from_h] [x] [y] [w] [h]
# Crop image from rect (from_x, from_y, from_w, from_h) and draw to (x, y, w, h)
# If from_x, from_y, from_w, from_h is of the form "[xX*][0-9\.]+", for example, x0.01, *0.5
# Then the actual cropping rect will be 
# from_x * image_width, from_y * image_height, from_w * image_width, from_h * image_height
# Currently only support PNG and JPEG. PDF not yet support crop.


## JPEG compression ##
simpleimage_compress [url_to_image] [compress_ratio] [x] [y] [w] [h]
# Only allows JPEG image.
# The compress_ratio is between 0.0 ~ 1.0, where 0.0 results max compression, 1.0 results no compression.

image_compress [url_to_image] [compress_ratio] [from_x] [from_y] [from_w] [from_h] [x] [y] [w] [h]
# Crop image from rect (from_x, from_y, from_w, from_h) and draw to (x, y, w, h)
# Currently only support PNG and JPEG. PDF not yet support crop.

endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf

Fill a rect with color:

beginpdf 720 720

simplecolor [color_name] [x] [y] [w] [h]
# color_name can be:
# - 0xRRGGBB : range from 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF
# - CMYK:C,M,Y,K[,A] : each channel ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. Alpha could be omitted. 
# - clear, none, transparent : clear color
# - brown, cyan, darkgray, gray, green, lightgray, magenta, orange, purple, blue, red, yellow, white : to corresponding NSColor.
# - 50k            : CMYK:0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.50
# - cheese         : CMYK:0.00, 0.13, 0.90, 0.00
# - grass          : CMYK:0.35, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00
# - chestnut       : CMYK:0.00, 0.09, 0.50, 0.24
# - darkgreen      : CMYK:0.32, 0.00, 1.00, 0.79
# - olive          : CMYK:0.27, 0.00, 0.95, 0.55
# - christmasred   : CMYK:0.00, 0.90, 0.86, 0.00
# - hypo-black     : CMYK:0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 1.00
# - hypo-lightgray : CMYK:0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.60
# - hypo-ticketgray: CMYK:0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.30

endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf

Draw a barcode:

beginpdf 720 720
barcode [x] [y] [w] [h] [string]
# draw the Code39 barcode in rect

endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf

Draw a string without wrapping:

beginpdf 720 720
simpletext [x] [y] [string]
# Draw the string whose baseline begins at (x, y).
# Notice: no attribute will be applied. Just plain text.
endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf

Draw a string with options:

beginpdf 720 720
set FontSize 10 #pt
set FontSizeCJK 10 #pt
set Typeface "Font Name"
set TypefaceCJK "CJK Font Name"
set TextAlign [left|center|right]
set TextVerticalAlign [top|center|middle|bottom|bottom-baseline:10]

set BaselineOffset 0.5 #pt
set BaselineOffsetCJK 0.5 #pt
set Kerning #pt
set KerningCJK 1 #pt
set LineSpacing 1 #pt
set Color 0x336699 #color string
set LineHeight 12 #pt
set Ligature [0|1] # either wants or not

set ContentRotation [clockwise]

set SymbolSubstitution ",。、;?!"
set TypefaceSubstitution "STHeitiTC-Light"
set FontSizeSubstitution 14pt
# substitution the font of some punctuations for typography reason. 

text [x] [y] [w] [h] [string]
# Draw the string whose baseline begins at (x, y).
# Those attributes will be reset with next call to text command.
endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf

Use bottom-baseline:x will align the baseline of the last line of text at x point on vertical direction. bottom-baseline You can check the baseline example. The behavior of bottom-baseline: alignment on vertical text is undefined.

Check the size for horizontal text:

text_checksize [x] [y] [w] [h] [string]
# It has the same settings with `text` command. 
# However, if the string is oversized, the program will exit with code 1.

Draw a vertical text

beginpdf 720 720
set FontSize 10 #pt
set FontSizeCJK 10 #pt
set Typeface "Font Name"
set TypefaceCJK "CJK Font Name"
set TextAlign [left|center|right]
set TextVerticalAlign [top|center|middle|bottom]
set BaselineOffset 0.5 #pt
set BaselineOffsetCJK 0.5 #pt
set Kerning #pt
set KerningCJK 1 #pt
set LineSpacing 1 #pt
set Color 0x336699 #color string
set LineHeight 12 #pt
set Ligature [0|1] # either wants or not

set SymbolSubstitution ",。、;?!"
set TypefaceSubstitution "STHeitiTC-Light"
set FontSizeSubstitution 14pt
# substitution the font of some punctuations for typography reason. 

vtext [x] [y] [w] [h] [string]
# Those attributes will be reset with next call to text command.
endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf

Stroke text

beginpdf 720 720

simplecolor blue 0 0 720 720

set FontSize 60.0
set TypeFaceCJK HiraginoSansGB-W3
set FontSizeCJK 60.0
set LineSpacing 1.5
set TypeFace Helvetica
set TextAlign center
set TextVerticalAlign middle
set StrokeColor yellow
set StrokeWidth 3
text 0 360 720 360 "Hello繁體測試(前景stroke)"

set FontSize 60.0
set TypeFaceCJK HiraginoSansGB-W3
set FontSizeCJK 60.0
set LineSpacing 1.5
set TypeFace Helvetica
set TextAlign center
set TextVerticalAlign middle
set StrokeColor yellow
set BackgroundStrokeWidth 15
text 0 0 720 360 "Hello繁體測試(背景stroke)"

endpdf file:///path/to/output.pdf
