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fdev31 edited this page May 12, 2024 · 1 revision

Menu based plugins have the following configuration options:

engine (optional)

Not set by default, will autodetect the available menu engine.

Supported engines:

  • tofi
  • rofi
  • wofi
  • bemenu
  • dmenu
  • anyrun


If your menu system isn't supported, you can open a feature request

In case the engine isn't recognized, engine + parameters configuration options will be used to start the process, it requires a dmenu-like behavior.

parameters (optional)

Extra parameters added to the engine command, the default value is specific to each engine.


Setting this will override the default value!

In general, rofi-like programs will require at least -dmenu option.


Since version 2.0, you can use '[prompt]' in the parameters, it will be replaced by the prompt, eg:

-dmenu -matching fuzzy -i -p '[prompt]'
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