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fdev31 edited this page May 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

Troubleshooting configuration options for scratchpads

skip_windowrules (optional)

Added in 2.2.17

Default value is [] Allows you to skip the window rules for a specific scratchpad. Available rules are:

  • "aspect" controlling size and position
  • "float" controlling the floating state
  • "workspace" which moves the window to its own workspace

If you are using an application which can spawn multiple windows and you can't see them, you can skip rules made to improve the initial display of the window.

animation = "fromBottom"
command = "nemo"
class = "nemo"
size = "60% 60%"
skip_windowrules = ["aspect", "workspace"]

match_by (optional)

Added in 2.2.5

Default value is "pid" When set to a sensitive client property value (eg: class, initialClass, title, initialTitle), will match the client window using the provided property instead of the PID of the process. This property must be set accordingly, eg:

match_by = "class"
class = "my-web-app"


match_by = "initialClass"
initialClass = "my-web-app"

You can add the "re:" prefix to use a regular expression, eg:

match_by = "title"
title = "re:.*some string.*"

class_match (DEPRECATED)


Has been replaced by match_by in versions > 2.2.4

Will set match_by="class" if set to true - support will be dropped in the future.

process_tracking (optional)

Default value is true

Allows disabling the process management. Use only if running a progressive web app (Chrome based apps) or similar. Check this wiki page for some details.

This will automatically force lazy = true and set match_by="class" if no match_by rule is provided, to help with the fuzzy client window matching.

It requires defining a class option (or the option matching your match_by value).

# Chat GPT on Brave
animation = "fromTop"
command = "brave --profile-directory=Default --app="
class = "brave-chat.openai.com__-Default"
size = "75% 60%"
process_tracking = false

# Some chrome app
command = "google-chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id=cinhimbnkkaeohfgghhklpknlkffjgod"
class = "chrome-cinhimbnkkaeohfgghhklpknlkffjgod-Default"
size = "50% 50%"
process_tracking = false


To list windows by class and title you can use:

  • hyprctl -j clients | jq '.[]|[.class,.title]'
  • or if you prefer a graphical tool: rofi -show window