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Menuflow is a project that is used in the matrix ecosystem, it allows to design conversation flows that will make users interacting with it to be fully guided in a conversation.

With Menuflow you can make connections to REST APIs through the HTTP protocol, control access tokens and update them dynamically. Messages can be customized using Jinja, variables can be stored using postgres, variables will be stored for each room where they can then be used in the conversation.

Some sample images:

  • Talking with the bot (in this case using the WhatsApp bridge)


  • And you can format messages using Jinja syntax:
    - id: 'm1'
      type: 'message'
      text: "
              {% for new to news %}

                {% if loop.index0 < 3%}
                  {% set _new = news|random%}
                  **Title**: {{_new['title']}}<br>
                  **Author**: {{_new['author']}}<br>
                  **Date**: {{_new['date']}}<br>
                  **Image**: {{_new['imageUrl']}}<br>
                {% will end if%}
              {% endfor%}
      o_connection: 'm2'


Setup menuflow


  • PostgreSQL database (We hope to support sqlite in the future)
  • A Matrix server, preferably Synapse; this project was built on top of that server.


  • A bridge (WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram, etc.)

Run this project with Python:

  • Copy the example configuration file:
cp menuflow/example-config.yaml config.yaml
  • Configure it to your needs:
vim config.yaml
  • Install the requirements (preferably in a Python development environment):
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Now you can start the project:
python -m menuflow

Run this project with Docker:

  • Start the container; this will generate the config.yaml file:
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/data:z bramenn/menuflow:latest`
  • Configure it to your needs:
vim config.yaml
  • Now you can start the project:
docker run --restart unless-stopped -v `pwd`:/data:z -p 24900:24900 bramenn/

Run this project with Docker Compose:

  • Start the services:
docker-compose up -d

Register a bot:

To do this, we need the homeserver and token of the Matrix user we want to register.

curl -XPOST -d {"homeserver":"", "access_token": "xyz"}' "http://menuflow_service/_matrix/menuflow/v1/client/new

Configure a flow:

A flow is a .yaml file that contains the instructions that a bot will follow. For more information on each of the nodes, see

    cat_fatc_url: ''


    - id: start
      type: message
      text: 'Hello, this a flow sample. {{foo}}'
      o_connection: input-1

    - id: input-1
      type: input
      text: 'Do you have 1 or more cats?, please enter (y/n)'
      variable: has_cats
      validation: '{{ has_cats }}'
        chat_timeout: 20
        warning_message: 'Please enter an option, or the menu will end.'
        time_between_attempts: 10
        attempts: 3
        - id: 'y'
          o_connection: input-2
        - id: 'n'
          o_connection: last-message
            no_cats: 'You are a user without cats, without life, without happiness ...'
        - id: timeout
          o_connection: last-message

    - id: input-2
      type: input
      text: 'Enter your cat''s name:'
      variable: cat_name
      validation: '{{ cat_name }}'
        - id: default
          o_connection: input-3

    - id: input-3
      type: input
      text: 'Enter your cat''s age in months:'
      variable: cat_age
      validation: >-
        {% set aux = cat_age | string %}{% if aux.isdigit()
        %}True{%else%}False{% endif %}
        - id: 'True'
          o_connection: switch-1
        - id: default
          o_connection: input-3

    - id: switch-1
      type: switch
      validation: >-
        {% set aux = cat_age %}{% set aux = aux | int %}{% if aux < 12
        %}ok{%elif not cat_age.isdigit() %}{% else %}ko{% endif %}
        - id: ok
          o_connection: request-1
            cat_message: Your cat is a puppy
        - id: ko
          o_connection: request-1
            cat_message: Your cat is an adult

    - id: request-1
      type: http_request
      method: GET
      url: '{{cat_fatc_url}}'
        cat_fact: fact
        - id: '200'
          o_connection: message-2
        - id: default
          o_connection: error-message-1

    - id: message-2
      type: message
      text: >-
        {{cat_message}}, also let me give you an interesting fact about cats.
        Did you know that cats: **{{ cat_fact }}**
      o_connection: message-3

    - id: message-3
      type: message
      text: I'm going to share with you a picture of a kitten
      o_connection: media-1

    - id: media-1
      type: media
      message_type: m.image
      text: A cat
      url: ''
      o_connection: input-4

    - id: input-4
      type: input
      text: 'Now you enter the image of your cat:'
      input_type: m.image
      variable: user_cat_image
        - id: true
          o_connection: last-message
        - id: false
          o_connection: input-3

    - id: last-message
      type: message
      text: 'Bye bye! ... {{no_cats}}'

    - id: error-message-1
      type: message
      text: 'Something has gone wrong, bye'