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Version 1.0.0, ladies and gentleman!
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iStefo committed Oct 11, 2014
1 parent 022b7c8 commit 834b388
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Showing 45 changed files with 481 additions and 555 deletions.
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions Brocfile.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
/* global require, module */

var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
var EmberAddon = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-addon');

var app = new EmberApp();
var app = new EmberAddon();

// Use `app.import` to add additional libraries to the generated
// output files.
Expand All @@ -17,4 +17,11 @@ var app = new EmberApp();
// please specify an object with the list of modules as keys
// along with the exports of each module as its value.

// dependency for the highlight-code component

// this is just to override the default select2 css to look better with bootstrap

module.exports = app.toTree();
File renamed without changes.
318 changes: 318 additions & 0 deletions addon/components/select-2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
import Ember from "ember";

var get = Ember.get;

* Ember select-2 component wrapping the jQuery select2 plugin while
* respecting Ember data bindings and getter/setter methods on the content.
* Terminology:
* - Value: The currently selected value(s). Propagated to controllers etc.
* through the "value=..."" binding. Types:
* - Object: when using select-2 without any further configuration
* - Array of Objects: when using select-2 with "multiple=true"
* - Mixed: when using select-2 with "optionValuePath=..."
* - Array of Mixed: when using select-2 with "multiple=true" and
* "optionValuePath=..."
* - Content: Array of Objects used to present to the user for choosing the
* selected values. "content" cannot be an Array of Strings, the Objects are
* expected to have an "id" and a "text" property, which can be computed
* properties or just plain JavaScript Objects.
var Select2Component = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: "input",
classNames: ["form-control"],
classNameBindings: ["inputSize"],
attributeBindings: ["style"],
style: "display: hidden;",

// Bindings that may be overwritten in the template
inputSize: "input-md",
optionValuePath: null,
placeholder: null,
multiple: false,
allowClear: false,

didInsertElement: function() {
var self = this,
options = {};

// ensure select2 is loaded
Ember.assert("select2 has to exist on Ember.$.fn.select2", Ember.$.fn.select2);

// setup
options.placeholder = this.get('placeholder');
options.multiple = this.get('multiple');
options.allowClear = this.get('allowClear');

// allowClear is only allowed with placeholder
Ember.assert("To use allowClear, you have to specify a placeholder", !options.allowClear || options.placeholder);

Formatting functions that ensure that the passed content is escaped in
order to prevent XSS vulnerabilities. Escaping can be avoided by passing
Handlebars.SafeString as "text" or "description" values.
Generates the html used in the dropdown list (and is implemented to
include the description html if available).
options.formatResult = function(item) {
if (!item) {

var id = get(item, "id"),
text = get(item, "text"),
description = get(item, "description"),
output = Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text);

// only for "real items" (no group headers) that have a description
if (id && description) {
output += " <span class=\"text-muted\">" +
Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(description) + "</span>";

return output;

Generates the html used in the closed select input, displaying the
currently selected element(s). Works like "formatResult" but
produces shorter output by leaving out the description.
options.formatSelection = function(item) {
if (!item) {

var text = get(item, "text");

// escape text unless it's passed as a Handlebars.SafeString
return Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text);

Provides a list of items that should be displayed for the current query
term. Uses the default select2 matcher (which handles diacritics) with the
Ember compatible getter method for "text".
options.query = function(query) {
var select2 = this;

var filteredContent = self.get("content").reduce(function(results, item) {
// items may contain children, so filter them, too
var filteredChildren = [];

if (item.children) {
filteredChildren = item.children.reduce(function(children, child) {
if (select2.matcher(query.term, get(child, "text"))) {
return children;
}, []);

// apply the regular matcher
if (select2.matcher(query.term, get(item, "text"))) {
// keep this item either if itself matches
} else if (filteredChildren.length) {
// or it has children that matched the term
var result = Ember.$.extend({}, item, { children: filteredChildren });
return results;
}, []);

results: filteredContent

Maps "value" -> "object" when using select2 with "optionValuePath" set,
and one time directly when setting up the select2 plugin even without "oVP".
(but with empty value, which will just skip the method)
Provides an object or an array of objects (depending on "multiple") that
are referenced by the current select2 "val".
When there are keys that can not be matched to objects, the select2 input
will be disabled and a warning will be printed on the console.
This is important in case the "content" has yet to be loaded but the
"value" is already set and must not be accidentally changed because the
inout cannot yet display all the options that are required.
To disable this behaviour, remove those keys from "value" that can't be
matched by objects from "content".
options.initSelection = function(element, callback) {
var value = element.val(),
content = self.get("content"),
multiple = self.get("multiple"),
optionValuePath = self.get("optionValuePath");

if (!value || !value.length) {
return callback([]);

// this method should not be needed without the optionValuePath option
// but make sure there is an appropriate error just in case.
Ember.assert("select2#initSelection has been called without an \"" +
"optionValuePath\" set.", optionValuePath);

var values = value.split(","),
filteredContent = [];

// for every object, check if its optionValuePath is in the selected
// values array and save it to the right position in filteredContent
var contentLength = content.length,
unmatchedValues = values.length,

// START loop over content
for (var i = 0; i < contentLength; i++) {
var item = content[i];
matchIndex = -1;

if (item.children && item.children.length) {
// take care of either nested data...
for (var c = 0; c < item.children.length; c++) {
var child = item.children[c];
matchIndex = values.indexOf("" + get(child, optionValuePath));
if (matchIndex !== -1) {
filteredContent[matchIndex] = child;
// break loop if all values are found
if (unmatchedValues === 0) {
} else {
// ...or flat data structure: try to match simple item
matchIndex = values.indexOf("" + get(item, optionValuePath));
if (matchIndex !== -1) {
filteredContent[matchIndex] = item;
// break loop if all values are found
if (unmatchedValues === 0) {
// END loop over content

if (unmatchedValues === 0) {
self._select.select2("readonly", false);
} else {
// disable the select2 element if there are keys left in the values
// array that were not matched to an object
self._select.select2("readonly", true);

Ember.warn("select2#initSelection was not able to map each \"" +
optionValuePath +"\" to an object from \"content\". The remaining " +
"keys are: " + values + ". The input will be disabled until a) the " +
"desired objects is added to the \"content\" array or b) the " +
"\"value\" is changed.", !values.length);

if (multiple) {
// return all matched objects
return callback(filteredContent);
} else {
// only care about the first match in single selection mode
return callback(filteredContent.get('firstObject'));

this._select = this.$().select2(options);

this._select.on("change", function() {
// grab currently selected data from select plugin
var data = self._select.select2("data");
// call our callback for further processing

// trigger initial data sync to set select2 to the external "value"

* Teardown to prevent memory leaks
willDestroyElement: function() {
// If an assertion caused the component not to render, we can't remove it from the dom.
if(this._select) {"change");

* Respond to selection changes originating from the select2 element. If
* select2 is working with full objects just use them to set the value,
* use the optionValuePath otherwise.
* @param {String|Object} data Currently selected value
selectionChanged: function(data) {
var value,
multiple = this.get("multiple"),
optionValuePath = this.get("optionValuePath");

// if there is a optionValuePath, don't set value to the complete object,
// but only the property referred to by optionValuePath
if (optionValuePath) {
if (multiple) {
// data is an array, so use getEach
value = data.getEach(optionValuePath);
} else {
// treat data as a single object
value = get(data, optionValuePath);
} else {
value = data;

this.set("value", value);

* Respond to external value changes. If select2 is working with full objects,
* use the "data" API, otherwise just set the "val" property and let the
* "initSelection" figure out which object was meant by that.
valueChanged: {
var value = this.get("value"),
optionValuePath = this.get("optionValuePath");

if (optionValuePath) {
// when there is a optionValuePath, the external value is a primitive value
// so use the "val" method
this._select.select2("val", value);
} else {
// otherwise set the full object via "data"
this._select.select2("data", value);
}, "value"),

* Respond to changes on the content array and trigger data sync from external
* value to select2 value. This is needed when the external value points to an
* object which was not present in the content array until now (because of
* lazy loading), but which might be there now.
* Don't worry about triggering an update on the external value property, the
* valueChanged method prevents feedback loops by not triggering the select2
* "change" event.
contentChanged: {
}, "content.@each", "content.@each.text")

export default Select2Component;
File renamed without changes.

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