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iGestis is an ERP designed for small companies. iGestis can support the account creation for employees, customers and providers with account access. iGestis can also manage multiple companies with one instance. You can also connect iGestis to a directory of your choice (OpenLDAP, Active Directory,...).

iGestis needs to have a working database installation to store all information. For the moment, only Mysql is supported.

Installation with Debian package (version 2)

We provide ready package for Debian/Ubuntu. The installation is straigh forward.

Add the ready source list for the apt repository

wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iabsis.list

Add the repository certificate

wget -O- | apt-key add -

Refresh the package list

apt-get update

And finally install iGestis

apt-get install igestis

iGestis will ask you some question.

  • Choose the wanted authentication method: choose your actual directory (OpenLDAP or Active Directory). If none, choose Internal
  • Choose the admin account name: only change if you don't like the default one. This account must exists within your directory.
  • Specify the uris for the directory: replace here the address of your server. In case of Samba4 usage, keep the proposed ldapi url.
  • Specify the directory base tree: type the FQDN domain name (example: domain.local)
  • Specify the directory admin account for the directory : The bind dn of the Administrator account. By example dc=admin,dc=domain,dc=local for OpenLDAP or Administrator@domain.local for Samba4 or Active Directory.
  • Please specify the admin password for the directory : Your Administrator password.
  • Create a user in iGestis when present in the directory ? Prefered Yes
  • Configure database for igestis with dbconfig-common? Yes
  • Password of the database's administrative user: Your Mysql Root password
  • MySQL application password for igestis: Keep empty for a random password.
  • Web server to reconfigure automatically : Keep apache2 for an automated Apache2 configuration.

Open your browser and type the server url and happend /igestis, by example


Installation with Debian package (version 3)

We provide ready package for Debian/Ubuntu. The installation is straigh forward.

Add the ready source list for the apt repository

wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iabsis.list

Edit the file just downloaded with

nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iabsis.list

And uncomment the following line

deb testing main

Add the repository certificate

wget -O- | apt-key add -

Refresh the package list

apt-get update

And finally install iGestis

apt-get install igestis

iGestis will ask you some question.

  • Choose the wanted authentication method: choose your actual directory (OpenLDAP or Active Directory). If none, choose Internal
  • Choose the admin account name: only change if you don't like the default one.
  • Specify the uris for the directory: replace here the address of your server. In case of Samba4 usage, keep the proposed ldapi url.
  • Specify the directory base tree : type the FQDN domain name (example: domain.local)
  • Specify the directory admin account for the directory : The bind dn or the Administrator account. By example dc=admin,dc=domain,dc=local for OpenLDAP or Administrator@domain.local for Samba4 or Active Directory.
  • Please specify the admin password for the directory : Your Administrator password.
  • Create a user in iGestis when present in the directory ? Prefered Yes
  • Configure database for igestis with dbconfig-common? Yes
  • Password of the database's administrative user: Your Mysql Root password
  • MySQL application password for igestis: Keep empty for a random password.
  • Web server to reconfigure automatically : Keep apache2 for an automated Apache2 configuration.

Open your browser and type the server url and happend /igestis, by example


Manual Installation

You can get iGestis on This guide assume you have at least iGestis version 3.0 from the branche master.

Once copied to your server, extract the file with your prefered archive manager, or use the command tar xfz igestis-xx.tar.gz or unzip Move the extracted folder somewhere not accessible by apache, by example /usr/share/ or /opt. Then configure apache with an alias or make a symbolic link to let the public folder accessible by apache. By example ln -s /usr/share/igestis/public/ /var/www/igestis. Apache alias can be Alias /igestis /usr/share/igestis/public.

You can already use your prefered web browser and access to the folder something like http://your_server/igestis. The first time you open this page, you will get an install check page, to check your server settings.


During the configuration, you can anytime refresh the webpage to check what you done.

Fix permission right

First off all, make the folder document and cache writeable for Apache username. Depending of your distribution, let do a chown www-data documents cache or chown apache documents cache.

Create the database in MySQL

Create an empty database under MySQL. From command line, you can access to the prompt with the command.

mysql -uroot -p

Then create an empty database and user dedicated for iGestis.

create database igestis;
create user 'igestis'@'localhost' identified by 'igestis1234';
grant all privileges on igestis.* to 'igestis'@'localhost';

Replace igestis1234 by the password you want.

Create the config.ini file.

Then create a config.ini file by copying the config.ini-template.ini with the command cp config/igestis/config.ini-template.ini config/igestis/config.ini. Use your prefered text editor and edit the file, by example nano config/igestis/config.ini. Change the value for the fourth first lines to adapt the MYSQL configuration you defined before.

MYSQL_HOST = "localhost"
MYSQL_DATABASE = "igestis"
MYSQL_LOGIN = "igestis"

Also change the ENCRYPT_KEY value by defining a random key. This key will be used to encrypt all sensitive data in the database that must be decipherable.


In the case of the database is stollen without the configuration file, it will be no way to recover the encrypted data.

Install MySQL database.

Go back to the check install web page, check at least everything are green or orange, and then click on Launch database update.

Ldap configuration (optionnal).

In the of you would like to let user use their Active directory or OpenLDAP account, you can configure iGestis to use and manage the Users LDAP information.

Uncomment the values you want to use. The minimum that you need to define are :

USE_LDAP = true
LDAP_URIS = "ldap://localhost:389"
LDAP_BASE = "dc=example,dc=local"
LDAP_ADMIN = "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=local"
LDAP_USERS_OU = "ou=Users,dc=example,dc=local"
LDAP_CUSTOMERS_OU = "ou=Customers,dc=example,dc=local"
LDAP_SUPPLIERS_OU = "ou=Suppliers,dc=example,dc=local"
  • LDAP_ADMIN must be a LDAP account with write privilage on the directory. Don't forgot to define the LDAP_PASSWORD as well.

  • LDAP_USERS_OU is the location in the directory where the new employee will be written LDAP_CUSTOMERS_OU is for new customers and LDAP_SUPPLIERS_OU is for new suppliers.

Others optionnal values can be configured :

  • LDAP_AUTO_IMPORT_USER allow a user existing in the directory but not in iGestis to be created on fly in iGestis when the user tries to login in iGestis. Note the employee will be automatically assigned to the first company available.

  • LDAP_READONLY (not implemented yet) restricts iGestis for writting in the directory. The only way to create new employees will be using a third party tool.

  • LDAP_SCHEMA (not implemented yet) lets you choose the schema you want to enable and use with your directory.

  • LDAP_AD_MODE (deprecated) define if the directory is directory is an Active Directory or not.

  • LDAP_USER_RDN by default, iGestis create an employee with "uid=%username%". But Active Directory use the convention "cn=%username%".

Modules installation (version 3)

iGestis is provided with few optional modules.

iGestis v2 iGestis v3 Package name
Commercial: let you manage your quotation, invoicing, orders and accounting Yes (but not updated) Yes igestis-commercial
Ajaxplorer: Access remotely to your files (not available for iGestis 3 yet Yes Not yet igestis-ajaxplorer
Roundcube: Display and manage your mail within iGestis Yes Yes igestis-roundcube
OpenChange: Extend Active Directory attributes to manage OpenChange. Yes Not yet igestis-roundcube
Samba: Extend OpenLDAP attributes to manage Samba 3/4. Yes Yes igestis-roundcube
ServerMgmt: Easily setup your folder access right within iGestis. No Yes igestis-roundcube


In the case of you encounter an issue with iGestis, follow this process.

iGestis v2

Enable the debug mode with the following command :

nano /usr/share/igestis/index.php

And then change the line

define("DEBUG_MODE", false);


define("DEBUG_MODE", true);

Open the web page and try again the failed step, you should now have a more detail error of the issue.

iGestis v3

Enable the debug mode with the following command:

nano /etc/igestis/config.ini

And then add the line


Open the web page and try again the failed step, you should now have a more detail error of the issue.