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Just another to do app. Utilizes Symfony 4, Vue.js, Bulma.

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An awesome new productivity app!
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About ToDone!

ToDone! Screen Shot

ToDone! was a learning experience. This app represents my first steps in full stack web development. It's been refactored and embellished on quite a bit, but the end result is a simple app, which properly introduced me to the fundamentals of web application development.

The app itself is a productivity application. The core concept of Trello seemed like an easy enough project to emulate. So I worked on it for a bit. Set it aside for a few months. Came back to it. Set it aside. And finally I uploaded what I considered a "finished" product.

Some of the features:

  • Fully functional authentication system (Login, Logout, Register, Forgot My Password, Reset Password, Confirm Your Email).
  • User profile system with users able to update their account info, and even delete their account.
  • Dashboard system where users can create an unlimited amount of boards.
  • Each Board can hold any number of rearangeable lists.
  • Each list can hold any number of rearangeable cards, which can move from list to list.

I first began work on this application a long time ago. I have since moved on to bigger projects, and don't think I will be updating this application anymore in the future. Theres work to be done on it, but I don't see the point in working on it. This app was an introduction for myself to web application development. It served it purpose. Now it serves as a proud member of my portfolio as well as a demo application for any students of Symfony 4 and Vue.js.


At it's core, ToDone! is a Symfony 4 and Vue.js application. But as is often the case with modern web dev, an extensive variety of dependencies have found themselves mixed in. The following is a somewhat complete list of these dependencies.

Backend Dependencies

Frontend Dependencies

  • Vue.js - Front end application framework.
  • Bulma - CSS framework.
  • Sass - Syntactically awesome style sheets.
  • Webpack - Dependency bundler.
  • Babel - JavaScript compiler.
  • npm - Dependency manager for javascript.
  • Font Awesome - Awesomely simple web icons.


  • Nginx - Web server.
  • Heroku - Application hosting, and deployment.
  • Github - GIT version control hosting.

To Do

  • Redo the dashboard ux to be more user friendly (esspecially on mobile).
  • Impliment an in-browser cacheing solution to reduce ajax requests sent to server.