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Ellsworth is a web framework for displaying academic articles. The aim is to retain the typesetting functionality of LaTex, by using the incredible MathJaX library, while replacing the formatting functions with web technology. The end result is increased ease of use for the both the producer and consumer of content, in addition to a greater ability to integrate with other elements of the web. The documents themselves are simple XML-like documents that are converted at view-time into valid HTML documents using Javascript. See test.html for a simple example document and sequential.html for a longer, more advanced one.

The core of the library is in ellsworth.js. Styling in the form of CSS is in core.css and mobile.css. These two are intended to add some element of responsiveness to the UI, though using a more robust framework like Bootstrap.js may be a good idea in the future. The user is of course free to extend the document arbitrarily using addition Javascript and CSS. Additionally, there is an internal configuration system. Here's an example of what I use:

  macros: {
    fr: ['\\frac{#1}{#2}',2],
    pr: ['\\left(#1\\right)',1],
    br: ['\\left[#1\\right]',1],
    cb: ['\\left\\{#1\\right\\}',1],
    pder: ['\\frac{\\partial #1}{\\partial #2}',2],
  environs: {
    fact: ['<b>Fact {number}.</b> &nbsp; {content}','Fact {number}','{content}'],
    proposition: ['<b>Proposition {number}.</b> &nbsp; {content}','Proposition {number}','{content}'],
    proof: ['<b>Proof.</b> &nbsp; {content}','Proof {number}','{content}']
  biblio: "sequential_biblio.json"

Elements of macros are simple substitution rules. The first part is a string defining the rule, where as in latex, we use #n for the nth argument. The second part is simply the number of arguments. These are passed directly to MathJax.

Elements of environs are akin to LaTeX environments. Here the first argument is displayed at declaration, the second is displayed for in-document references, and the third is displayed when hovering over a reference (this is optional). There are two special variables defined: number which is the number assigned to that instance (think theorem number), and content, which is what was put inside that instance in the document (think theorem text). In addition, you may give arbitrary HTML attributes to environments and reference them by name in these declarations.

The biblio option is simply for including a JSON formatted bibliography file.

This is really cool, would be nice to implement:


Web framework for academic articles






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