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iamsolarpowered edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 8 revisions

Transcoding Options

All of these options accept a string, unless otherwise stated. For more information on any of the options, see the FFMPEG documentation.

In the tables below, the “FFMPEG Option” is what you would use on the command line, the “Videoclip Option” is the option you’ll want to use to get the same effect via Videoclip.

General options

FFMPEG Option Videoclip Option
-f :force_format
-t :duration
-fs :file_size
-ss :time_offset
-title :title
-timestamp :timestamp
-author :author
-copyright :copyright
-comment :comment
-genre :genre
-album :album
-target :target
-b :bitrate

Video options

FFMPEG Option Videoclip Option
-vb :video_bitrate
-vframes :video_frames
-r :rate
-s :size
-s :geometry (alt)
-aspect :aspect
-croptop :crop_top
-cropbottom :crop_bottom
-cropleft :crop_left
-cropright :crop_right
-padtop :pad_top
-padbottom :pad_bottom
-padleft :pad_left
-padright :pad_right
-padcolor :pad_color
-vn :disable_video (boolean)
-vcodec :video_codec
-sameq :same_quality (boolean)

Audio options

FFMPEG Option Videoclip Option
-ab :audio_bitrate
-aframes :audio_frames
-aq :audio_quality
-ar :audio_rate
-ac :audio_channels
-an :disable_audio (boolean)
-acodec :audio_codec
-vol :volume

Freeform options

:options (accepts string of FFMPEG command line options)

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