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Releases: ianaldrighetti/lmmvc

LMMVC 1.0.1 - Bug Fixes

15 Jun 23:46
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This resolves issue #2 -- LMMVC was not checking the visibility of methods. LMMVC now checks to ensure that the method being accessed is public (and not static). If the method is private, protected or static the Page Not Found message will be shown instead.

Previous to this (v1.0), PHP just showed an error saying that call_user_func_array could not invoke a private/protected method. So even if people attempted to access these pages, nothing would occur.

v1.0 - First Release

07 Jun 23:19
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This is the first release of LMMVC. It has been tested well, both with unit tests and some basic runs. As always, please report any bugs or issues in our issue tracker!