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Ian's Dotfiles

It's handy to keep your dotfiles under source control


There are two ways to install these dotfiles:

  1. Use ansible. This is the recommended method. Obviously ansible will need to be installed using pip or your package manager of choice. To install these dotfiles to the hosts specified in the inventory in ansible-playbook/inventory, just run:

    	$ ansible-playbook ~/dotfiles/ansible-playbook/config.yml -i ~/dotfiles/ansible-playbook/inventory

    Some packages like git will need to be installed to install the dotfiles. A playbook to install git and some common C, C++, and Python developer tools can be run with:

    	$ ansible-playbook ansible-playbook/install_packages.yml -i 'ash,puck,'

    To run ansible on your local machine:

    	$ ansible-playbook config.yml -i 'localhost,' --connection=local
  2. Just execute the inadequately tested script.

Files and their purposes

This is a quick summary for the curious.

├── .aliases: My aliases for long or very common commands.
├── .bash_profile: Mostly useful on OSX when bash looks for this file instead
│                  of .bashrc.
├── .bashrc: Configures Bash including the prompt, aliases, helpful scripts,
│            environment variables, ssh keychain, etc.
├── .gitconfig: git aliases, preferences, etc.
├── .inputrc: Sets up vim-like input for Bash
├── .sshconfig: Configures how to authenticate with many hosts.
├── .vim: Stores vim plugins, colors, etc.
├── .vimrc: Configures vim indentation, spell checking, ui fanciness, etc.
├── .zshrc: I don't use this really.
├── .zshrc.d: Or this either.
├── ansible-playbook: These are the ansible playbooks used to deploy the
│   │                  dotfiles.
│   ├── config.yml
│   ├── install_pacakges.yml
│   └── vars.yml: This file contains hashes which specify how to install the
│                 dotfiles.
├── bin
│   ├── git-completion.bash: This is an autocomplete script from git's git repo
│   ├── git-lines: A custom git command.
│   └── git-undo: Another custom git command.
├── linux: Files only useful on Linux
│   ├── .Xmodmap: Custom keybindings like swapping control and esc.
│   ├── .Xresources: Settings for Xterm and other things.
│   ├── .i3
│   │   └── config: settings for the i3 tiling window manager
└── osx: Files only useful on OSX
    └── brewfiles: A list of packages installed with homebrew.