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AMI Builder

AWS CDK construct for creating AMIs using HashiCorp Packer.

This construct enables you to define a Packer build environment as part of your CDK project and use the built instances.


import { resolve } from 'path';
import { Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { Schedule } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-events';
import { AmiBuilder } from 'cdk-ami-builder';

// ... within a construct

const builder = new AmiBuilder(this, 'MyCoolImageBuilder', {
    buildEnvDir: resolve(__dirname, '../my-image-build-env'),
    packerFileName: 'build.pkr.hcl',
    imagePrefix: 'my-cool-image',
    // Optional schedule for automated builds
    schedule: Schedule.rate(Duration.days(7)),

// This might be null if fhe first build hasn't completed yet
const myCoolImage = builder.latestImage;
if (myCoolImage) {
  new Instance(this, 'MyCoolInstance', {
    machineImage: myCoolImage,

Force CDK to use the latest image version

By default, CDK will cache the AMI ID for builder.latestImage in cdk.context.json. You can override this behavior by running this command before cdk deploy:

cdk context -f --reset ami:*

This will force CDK to check for the latest image each time it synthesizes.

Construct Props


buildEnvDir: string

The path of the directory containing the Packer file and any build assets

See example-build-env for an example


Optional buildEnvVars: Record<string, string | ISecret | IParameter>

Additional environment variables to expose to Packer. The values may be plain strings, Secrets Manager secrets, or SSM parameters.


Optional buildInstanceSubnet: ISubnet

The VPC subnet in which the Packer build instance should be launched


No restriction on the subnet


imagePrefix: string

A prefix string for the names of the built AMIs


packerFileName: string

The name of the Packer file, relative to buildEnvDir

See example.pkr.hcl for an example


Optional rootDeviceName: string

The name of the block device to which the root volume is mapped. In most cases this can be left unspecified.




Optional schedule: Schedule

A schedule on which new image versions should be built automatically


New versions are built only when the build definition changes