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#MQTT Smartboard

##Short Description

Collaboratively design, share and discuss design projects in near real time on a user-specified design room. Automatically retain room designs remotely in IBM MessageSight server. You don't have to design quietly. Brainstorm ideas, draft plans, send pictures to co-designers in a closed client-to-client chat environment.

##How it works

This demo integrates MQTT and IBM MessageSight to provide a highly scalable, low latency collaborative design environment. The Android application subscribes to a user-specified room(topic) to receive all drawing and chat information. SmartBoard allows you to add, scale, modify, drag, delete objects on the room canvas, send chat messages -text and images - immediately publishing drawing and chat information to a dynamic topic structure in MessageSight. The result is an incredibly scalable low-latency collaborative design experience.

##Try it

Free draw, add objects of your own size and color, drag, format objects, remove what you don't like or clear everything and start all over again, discuss the design project with co-designers and when you are done print and save a copy of the design on your Android device. If you don't have space in memory don't worry, the design is already saved in IBM MessageSight. Just login to same room every time and the design is intact.

##Subscription Topic smartboard/room/#

Topic And Sample Payloads

Topic Sample Topic Sample Payload
smartboard/room/objects/id[retained] smartboard/room5/objects/2167f29d-3b38-432a-8091-6f20bfbff7b5 {"id":"2167f29d-3b38-432a-8091-6f20bfbff7b5","dimens":"382 330 620 517","type":"Rectangle","color":-16777216,"clientId":"paho-917066198329565","size":5}
smartboard/room/chat [smartboard/room5/chat] {"selfie":"tjaXL...\n","message":"Allan: Hey dude!","time":"2014-09-02 16:07:55","username":"Allan%adb7177b-d39c-46cb-a6f1-235392b99873","type":"Chat","clientId":"paho-917066198329565","direction":false}
smartboard/room/points [smartboard/room5/points] {"color":-16777216,"brushSize":5,"mX":784.2857055664063,"drawActionFlag":0,"type":"Point","clientId":"paho-917066198329565","mode":"pencil","mY":448.71429443359375}
smartboard/room/users/name [retained] [smartboard/room5/users/Allan%71afd4f2-5950-4bfd-a89a-baf73271f80c] {"selfie":"tja...\n","time":"2014-09-02 15:59:39","type":"User","status":"online","clientId":"paho-916727881160387","userId":"Allan%3e743630-8cfa-4f74-bce0-3705bb83fe2b"}
smartboard/room/clear [smartboard/room5/clear] {"type":"ClearScreen"}

##Installation In order to compile and run this code you will need to add two dependencies to the project structure:

###Other notes This application is compiled to run on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or later versions. Modify manifest file to compile for lower versions. This code was originally written with IntelliJ IDEA. To use another IDE such as eclipse to modify code, you must export the project first.

##Design Notes In development, I found it structurally coherent and logically meaningful to abstract MQTT client operations from activity classes. This reduces the amount of work an activity has to do on top of UI lifecycle operations.

In this Smartboard application, for instance, you will notice that the client operations, i.e publish,subscribe are done in an MqttHandler singleton. This abstraction makes this class – MqttHelper - dynamically useful for any other activity that may want to use the MQTT client services in future development. From a design perspective, this model is centralized hence very scalable, reusable and easy to debug.

This design practice (where no MQTT clients are instantiated/called in activity classes) also prevents loss of the MQTT client handles and/or MqttConnection in garbage collection when the activity is recreated such as when mobile device or tablet is rotated to either landscape or potrait mode etc.

I have included a relational diagram of the classes in the project. This schematic representation is a useful resource for consolidating the classes, and understanding design methodology.

##Future Development

  • Enable concurrent multi-room experience.
  • Send short Audio/Video recordings in the chat room
  • Undo
  • Dynamic scaling of canvas for multiple screen sizes
  • Up navigation. (Check Android developer website)
  • Last will option, delete user prescence info (empty payload ) from the server. Potential bug in Android Service paho libraries.
  • Secure sign-on. Etc.

##External Resources

If you have any comments or suggestions for improvements, please create an Issue or better yet submit a Pull Request. If you do submit a Pull Request please indicate in the Pull Request that you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of the IBM Contributor License Agreement that can be found in the file in the repository.


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