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SKYHUB Front-end using Isomorphic React.js

1 Installation

  1. Install Node.js :

  2. gitclone repository . You can also install and clone using Git Desktop

    2.1 or just downloading the zip

  3. Open Command Prompt/Terminal and

    1. cd location\clone_repository\
  4. npm install

  5. Install the missing modules with (optional only in case there are missing modules) you need to install each of them using npm install missing-node-module-name --save

3 Upgrading node.js from 6.x to 8.x (OPTIONAL)

  1. install missing modules with npm install missing-node-module-name --save
    1. In case it is required to install react-country-select module, follow step No 2.
  2. Run npm rebuild node-sass

Running SkyHub Frontend

  1. npm start

It will start on port 8080, and you can access the frontend server by


  1. npm run build -- --release

optional --analyse for

PRODUCTION Optimization

  1. Code splitting: kriasoft/react-starter-kit#1295
  2. Optimize moment.js

Online Versions:

  1. for React Frontend
  2. for Express Backend with Redis Database
intellij WebStorm

The "src" folder must be set as Resource Root. To do this Settings->Directories where you Set Directories "src" folder as "Resource Root"


Working components
  1. Login
  2. Register 2.1. Facebook & Google integration, but I need to write the server processing code
  3. REST 3.1 3.2 Cookie Authentication JWT (using tokens) 3.2 HTTP requests
  4. Header Navigation Menu
  5. Server Status Head Bar
  6. Forums 7.1 Preview Forum 7.2 View Forum


To DOs

  1. Topics Add Topics Edit Topics Delete Topics
  2. Replies Add Replies Edit Replies Delete Replies
  3. Voting Add Voting (Up and Downs) Unvote

React Starter Kit — "isomorphic" web app boilerplate  

React Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development built on top of Node.js, Express, GraphQL and React, containing modern web development tools such as Webpack, Babel and Browsersync. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry.

See getting started guide, demo, docs, roadmap  |  Join #react-starter-kit chat room on Gitter  |  Visit our sponsors:

Rollbar - Full-stack error tracking for all apps in any language    Localize - Translate your web app in minutes

Getting Started


The master branch of React Starter Kit doesn't include a Flux implementation or any other advanced integrations. Nevertheless, we have some integrations available to you in feature branches that you can use either as a reference or merge into your project:

You can see status of most reasonable merge combination as PRs labeled as TRACKING

If you think that any of these features should be on master, or vice versa, some features should removed from the master branch, please let us know. We love your feedback!



React Starter Kit

React Static Boilerplate

ASP.NET Core Starter Kit

App type Isomorphic (universal) Single-page application Single-page application
Language JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX) JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX) JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX)
Libraries React, History, Universal Router React, History, Redux React, History, Redux
Routes Imperative (functional) Declarative Declarative, cross-stack
Language JavaScript (ES2015+, JSX) n/a C#, F#
Libraries Node.js, Express, Sequelize,
n/a ASP.NET Core, EF Core,
ASP.NET Identity
SSR Yes n/a n/a
Data API GraphQL n/a Web API


♥ React Starter Kit? Help us keep it alive by donating funds to cover project expenses via OpenCollective or Bountysource!

lehneres Tarkan Anlar Morten Olsen Adam David Ernst Zane Hitchcox

How to Contribute

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute to this project. The best way to start is by checking our open issues, submit a new issues or feature request, participate in discussions, upvote or downvote the issues you like or dislike, send pull requests.

Learn More

Related Projects

  • GraphQL Starter Kit — Boilerplate for building data APIs with Node.js, JavaScript (via Babel) and GraphQL
  • Membership Database — SQL schema boilerplate for user accounts, profiles, roles, and auth claims
  • Babel Starter Kit — Boilerplate for authoring JavaScript/React.js libraries



Copyright © 2014-present Kriasoft, LLC. This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE.txt file. The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Made with ♥ by Konstantin Tarkus (@koistya) and contributors


SkyHub Frontend in React Isomorphic Web







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