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This is the frontend of the E-commerce application from the Full Stack: Angular and Java Spring Boot course on Udemy. The application has been extended beyond the basic functionality outlined in the course.

It is a full stack E-commerce application with:

  • login/logout
  • product catalog
  • shopping cart
  • checkout
  • card payments
  • JWT, OAuth2, OpenID Connect and SSL/TLS

The companion backend is available at L2CEcommerceBe.

Tech stack

The application consists of:


The application may be deployed in a Node.js environment, and includes a minimalist Express server loosely based on How to Deploy Angular Application to Heroku


See Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js


Render provide a guide to migrate from Heroku Migrate from Heroku to Render


A demonstration implementation is hosted on Render at

Note: This application is not a retail site, do not enter valid payment card or personal details. Please use Stripe test card numbers.


Clone or download this repository.

Frontend okta application

Register for an okta developer account if necessary and create an okta application with the following parameters:

  • Sign-in method

    OIDC - OpenID Connect

  • Application type

    Single Page App (SPA)

Note: Ensure the client domain is added to the list of Trusted Origins for the developer account Security -> API -> Trusted Origins.

Generate key and self-signed certificate

If enabling HTTPS support, follow the procedure outlined at to generate key and self-signed certificate.

Environment configuration

Local development

Create a copy of and save as environment.ts in src/environments. Update environment.ts as follows:

Table 1: Configuration settings
Variable Description Comment
L2C_OKTA_CLIENT_ID Client ID from the Client Credentials of the Frontend okta application in the okta dashboard.
L2C_OKTA_DOMAIN Set to Okta domain from the General Settings of the Frontend okta application in the okta dashboard.
This will use the default authorization server for the okta developer account.
L2C_HOST_ADDR Address of the host server.
L2C_HOST_PORT Port of the host server.
Note: Use port 443 when the host is running on Heroku; i.e.
L2C_HOST_PROTOCOL Set host protocol to http or https.
L2C_API_BASE_PATH Base path of the host API, e.g. /api.
L2C_STRIPE_API_KEY Publishable key from the API keys in the Stripe developer dashboard.
E.g. to use the Test Mode Standard keys goto and copy the Publishable key.
Hosted environment

The required environment file environment.ts will be created by the heroku-prebuild build step. Set the environmental variables as specified in Table 1: Configuration settings, and in addition set the following environmental variables:

Variable Description Comment
DEBUG Log output to enable, e.g. app,express:* will enable all server related output.
See Debugging Express and debug.
DOMAIN Domain application is running in, e.g. or localhost.
PORT Port to serve application from in Heroku. Default 8080
ALLOWED_ORIGINS Allowed origins for CORS configuration. Comma-separated list of domains, e.g. https://<dev-account>,https://<backend>
SSL_ENABLED Set to true to enable TLS/SSL, otherwise false. Default true.
SSL_CRT Location of the Security Certificate generated in Generate key and self-signed certificate relative to the project root. E.g. "./ssl-localhost/localhost.crt"
SSL_KEY Location of the Private key generated in Generate key and self-signed certificate relative to the project root. E.g. "./ssl-localhost/localhost.key"



Run npm run start_ng for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run npm start to start the Express server.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.


Angular and Java Sping Boot Ecommerce application






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