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241 lines (159 loc) · 9.5 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (159 loc) · 9.5 KB


In development

0.15 (27 September 2016)

  • Improvements to publishing to make it accomodate more types of content.

  • Fix bug where the content items and placeholders associated with a fluent content model (other than a page) were not included in the published copy.

  • Provide icekit.publishing.models.PublishableFluentContents and icekit.publishing.admin.PublishableFluentContentsAdmin as base classes for fluent content models and admins, to help keep things DRY.

  • Minor docs on testing.

  • Greater test coverage.

Breaking changes

  • Import model mixins FluentFieldsMixin, LayoutFieldMixin, and ReadabilityMixin from icekit.mixins module instead of icekit.abstract_models.

  • Import admin mixin FluentLayoutsMixin from icekit.admin_mixins module instead of icekit.admin.

0.14.1 (26 September 2016)

  • ICEkit gets a facelift. Content editing now looks cleaner and easier to scan. Reordering items is animated, meaning it's easier to keep track of what got moved.

  • Improved Image controls, optionally including a title in the caption.

  • alt_text is no longer required - some images don't provide content that is useful to users who can't see them, though the alt= attribute is still always included in HTML.

  • Fix a bug where looking for help_text in a placeholder slot that had no manual configuration raised a 500, resulting in no layout data found.

  • Fix fatal error (typo) in script.

  • Update .editorconfig, and add to project template.

  • Tag Docker images during build on Travis CI for release versions.

0.14 (20 September 2016)

  • Update the recommended method of running projects via Docker and to provide a more consistent and familiar experience for developers.


    $ docker-compose up                         # Run all services and log to stdout (no interactivity)
    $ docker-compose exec django  # Shell into running `django` container to run interactive processes


    $ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django  # Start dependant services and shell into a new `django` container

    The benefits are that:

    1. We start with an interactive terminal in which we can any number of interactive processes in a familiar way.

    2. It's much easier and quicker to stop and restart the main process (e.g. the Django dev server) without having to stop and restart dependant services.

    3. We aren't overwhelmed by several screens of log output from all the service dependencies.

    4. We don't start a WSGI process in a non-interactive django service, then have to shell into the container to stop it and replace it with an interactive one.

  • Use different locations for PYTHONUSERBASE (via Docker) and virtualenv (via directories, to avoid conflicts.

  • Isolate the BASH shell from user's personal .bashrc and .profile files to avoid conflicts and unexpected behaviour.

  • Validate that manually installed dependencies are available when run via, and fail loudly.

  • Call by default when is called without arguments, to mimic docker-compose run ... django default behaviour.

  • Improve the script:

    1. Use a database name derived from project directory and Git branch.

    2. Restore test_initial_data.sql instead of initial_data.sql before running tests, so initial_data.sql can be used for development.

    3. Only run and report on project tests when run in a project context.

  • Improve detection of *.sql file vs source database to restore when creating a database.

  • Don't clobber the version of ICEkit installed into the base Docker image when building a project image.

  • Avoid failing test builds when Coveralls fails to push its update.

  • Add an authors app.

  • You can now define help_text for a fluent placeholder in FLUENT_CONTENTS_PLACEHOLDER_CONFIG.

  • Improved ICEkitURLField, which uses correct Page queryset.

Backwards incompatible changes:

  • The default command for django service now starts an interactive shell instead of (which starts Nginx and Gunicorn). Use the new docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django command to shell into a new django container and then manually call or instead of docker-compose up.

  • The script is now executed via the ENTRYPOINT instruction in Dockerfile. You don't need to explicitly include it as an argument to docker-compose run ... commands or in docker-compose.yml services.

  • Move Node modules and Bower components out of icekit package and into project template for simplicity and greater visibility. Add ICEkit dependencies to your project bower.json and package.json files.

  • Remove django-supervisor. We are now using Supervisor directly because it uses a lot of memory and is slow to invoke the whole Django machinery just to render a supervisord.conf template before starting Supervisor.

    Define additional services in docker-compose.yml and a Supervisor config file (referenced by the SUPERVISORD_CONFIG_INCLUDE environment variable) or shell scripts to run additional processes interactively.

0.13.1 (14 September 2016)

  • Refactored templates so as to only use bootstrap markup when layout is intrinsic. Improved markup for some, particularly quote and OEmbed.

  • Added instructions covering uninstalling a docker project.

  • Installation improvements.

  • Thumbnail configuration should now be specified in settings, not templates.

0.12 (30 August 2016)

  • Make project run more consistently without Docker (via

  • Refactor docs to provide better onboarding.

  • Fix intermittent cache related test failures.

0.11 (29 August 2016)

  • Serve Django with Nginx/Gunicorn under Supervisord, to buffer requests, facilitate large file uploads (500MB), and take full advantage of multiple CPU cores.

  • The SITE_PORT setting now represents the public port that the site is listening on (Nginx), not the WSGI process (Gunicorn).

  • Use initial_data.sql dump to bypass old migrations on first run, not only when running tests.

  • Use wrapper scripts for program commands, so we can run programs consistently in Docker containers of via Supervisord when not using Docker.

  • Expose private ports (e.g. Gunicorn, PostgreSQL, Redis) to the host on a dynamic port during development.

  • Update the Site object matching the SITE_ID setting in a post-migrate signal handler with the SITE_DOMAIN, SITE_PORT and SITE_NAME settings.

  • Run celery programs via Supervisord when not using Docker.

  • Configure Docker and non-Docker environments to be more similar so we can use more of the same scripts to run.

  • Don't use Redis lock to avoid parallel setup when not using Docker, on a single server.

0.10.2 (25 August 2016)

  • Run tests in a Docker image on Travis CI and push to Docker Hub on success.
  • Test the same settings module in Docker and Tox.
  • Fix broken tests.

0.10.1 (24 August 2016)

  • Speed up tests by restoring a database with migrations already applied.
  • Fix broken tests.

0.10 (23 August 2016)


  • #3 Include a Django project with ICEkit, making it easier to run in development, need less boilerplate code, be less likely to diverge over time, and easier to keep up-to-date.

  • #4 Make content plugins "portable", making it easier to fork and customise them for a project.

Backwards incompatible changes:

  • Make content plugins portable. You will need to run an SQL statement for each plugin manually to fix Django's migration history when upgrading an existing project.

    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_brightcove' WHERE app='brightcove';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_child_pages' WHERE app='child_pages';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_faq' WHERE app='faq';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_file' WHERE app='file';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_horizontal_rule' WHERE app='horizontal_rule';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_image' WHERE app='image';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_instagram_embed' WHERE app='instagram_embed';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_map' WHERE app='map';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_map_with_text' WHERE app='map_with_text';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_oembed_with_caption' WHERE app='oembed_with_caption';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_page_anchor' WHERE app='page_anchor';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_page_anchor_list' WHERE app='page_anchor_list';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_quote' WHERE app='quote';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_reusable_form' WHERE app='reusable_form';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_slideshow' WHERE app='slideshow';
    UPDATE django_migrations SET app='icekit_plugins_twitter_embed' WHERE app='twitter_embed';

0.9 (11 August 2016)

  • Initial release.