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Getting Started

BrowserStack is a cloud web and mobile testing platform that provides developers with the ability to test their websites and mobile applications across on-demand browsers, operating systems and real mobile devices.

Now it is possible test your applications via Codemagic using the real devices offered by BrowserStack. For that purpose, you need to go through three steps using REST API endpoints:

  1. Upload your app
  2. Upload Test Suite
  3. Start testing

In order to achive the above-mentioned steps, you need use the curl commands below after generating the respective artifacts:

 - name: BrowserStack upload
   script: |      
    APP_URL=$(curl -u "$BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME:$BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST "" -F "file=@android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk" | jq -r '.app_url') 
    TEST_URL=$(curl -u "$BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME:$BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_TOKEN" -X POST "" -F "file=@android/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/release/app-release-androidTest.apk" | jq -r '.test_url')
    curl -X POST "" -d '{"devices": ["Google Pixel 3-9.0"], "app": "'"$APP_URL"'", "deviceLogs" : true, "testSuite": "'"$TEST_URL"'"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "$BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME:$BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_TOKEN" 

$BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and $BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_TOKEN are generated to you automatically after signing up with BrowserStack and setting up the enviorment variables in the Codemagic UI will allow them to be used during a build.

In order to upload test suite for android apps, you need to run ./gradlew assembleAndroidTest and also make sure that app/build.gradle file includes Instrumentation runner:

  defaultConfig {
     testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"

If you are building your app in release mode, then do not forget to generate a test .apk in release mode by adding the following in app/build.gradle:

    testBuildType "release"


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