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iceland2k14 committed Jan 2, 2022
1 parent 98c3edb commit 72ff473
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,014 additions and 0 deletions.
388 changes: 388 additions & 0 deletions v6_dll_bsgs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Usage :
> python -pfile 1to63_65.txt -b bpfile.bin -bl bloomfile.bin
> python -pfile Pub50.txt -b bpfile.bin -bl bloomfile.bin -rand1
> python -b bpfile.bin -bl bloomfile.bin -rand1 -p 02CEB6CBBCDBDF5EF7150682150F4CE2C6F4807B349827DCDBDD1F2EFA885A2630 -keyspace 800000000000000000000000000000:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -n 500000000000000
@author: iceland
@credits: Alberto, KV
import time
import random
import bit
import os
import ctypes
import math
import sys
import platform
import argparse
import secp256k1 as ice

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='This tool use bsgs algo for sequentially searching all pubkeys (together) in the given range',
epilog='Enjoy the program! :) Tips BTC: bc1q39meky2mn5qjq704zz0nnkl0v7kj4uz6r529at \
\nThanks a lot to AlbertoBSD Tips BTC: 1ABSD1rMTmNZHJrJP8AJhDNG1XbQjWcRz7')
parser.version = '02012022'
parser.add_argument("-pfile", "--pfile", help = "Public Key in hex format (compressed or uncompressed) line by line", action="store")
parser.add_argument("-xfile", "--xfile", help = "xpoint in hex format line by line. Both 02 & 03 will be considered automatically", action="store")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pubkey", help = "Public Key in hex format (compressed or uncompressed)", action="store")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--bpfile", help = "Baby Point file. created using", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-bl", "--bloomfile", help = "Bloom filter file. created using", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-n", help = "Total sequential search in 1 loop. default=10000000000000000/No_of_Pubkeys", action='store')
parser.add_argument("-keyspace", help = "Keyspace Range ( hex ) to search from min:max. default=1:order of curve", action='store')
parser.add_argument("-rand", help = "Start from a random value in the given range from min:max and search n values then again take a new random", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-rand1", help = "First Start from a random value, then go fully sequential, in the given range from min:max", action="store_true")

if len(sys.argv)==1:
args = parser.parse_args()

#seq = int(args.n) if args.n else 8000000000 # Approx (10000 Trillion / number of pubkeys)
ss = args.keyspace if args.keyspace else '1:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364140'
flag_random = True if args.rand else False
flag_random1 = True if args.rand1 else False
bs_file = args.bpfile # 'FULLbpfile.bin'
bloom_file = args.bloomfile # 'Big_dll_bloom.bin'
public_key_file = args.pfile if args.pfile else ''
xpoint_file = args.xfile if args.xfile else ''
public_key = args.pubkey if args.pubkey else ''
if flag_random1: flag_random = True
if public_key_file == '' and xpoint_file == '' and public_key == '':
print('One of the required option missing -pfile or -xfile or -p'); sys.exit(1)
a, b = ss.split(':')
a = int(a, 16)
b = int(b, 16)

if os.path.isfile(bloom_file) == False:
print('File {} not found'.format(bloom_file))
print('create it from :')
if os.path.isfile(bs_file) == False:
print('File {} not found'.format(bs_file))
print('Specify the input file used to create the bloom filter or create it from : Even little smaller file is OK.')
if os.path.isfile(public_key_file) == False and public_key_file != '':
print('File {} not found'.format(public_key_file))
print('1 pubkey per line in hex format, in the file (compressed or uncompressed)')
if os.path.isfile(xpoint_file) == False and xpoint_file != '':
print('File {} not found'.format(xpoint_file))
print('1 xpoint per line in hex format, in the file.')
# ======== 1st Part : File ===============

# m = math.floor(math.sqrt(k2-k1))
m_bb = int((os.stat(bs_file).st_size)/32) # each xpoint is 32 bytes in the file
lastitem = 0


# =============================================================================
if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'):
dllfile = 'bloom_batch.dll'
if os.path.isfile(dllfile) == True:
pathdll = os.path.realpath(dllfile)
mylib = ctypes.CDLL(pathdll)
print('File {} not found'.format(dllfile))

elif platform.system().lower().startswith('lin'):
dllfile = ''
if os.path.isfile(dllfile) == True:
pathdll = os.path.realpath(dllfile)
mylib = ctypes.CDLL(pathdll)
print('File {} not found'.format(dllfile))

print('[-] Unsupported Platform currently for ctypes dll method. Only [Windows and Linux] is working')

bloom_check_add = mylib.bloom_check_add
bloom_check_add.restype = ctypes.c_int
bloom_check_add.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_ulonglong, ctypes.c_ubyte, ctypes.c_char_p]

# Very Very Slow. Made only to get a random number completely non pseudo stl.
def randk(a, b):
if flag_random:
dd = list(str(random.randint(1,2**256)))
random.shuffle(dd); random.shuffle(dd)
rs = int(''.join(dd))
return random.SystemRandom().randint(a, b)
if lastitem == 0:
return a
elif lastitem > b:
print('[+] Range Finished')
return lastitem + 1

def scan_str(num):
# Kilo/Mega/Giga/Tera/Peta/Exa/Zetta/Yotta
dict_suffix = {0:'', 1:'KiloKeys', 2:'MegaKeys', 3:'GigaKeys', 4:'TeraKeys', 5:'PetaKeys', 6:'ExaKeys'}
num *= 1.0
idx = 0
for ii in range(len(dict_suffix)-1):
if int(num/1000) > 0:
idx += 1
num /= 1000
return ('%.5f '%num)+dict_suffix[idx]

# =============================================================================

def pub2upub(pub_hex):
x = int(pub_hex[2:66],16)
if len(pub_hex) < 70:
y = bit.format.x_to_y(x, int(pub_hex[:2],16)%2)
y = int(pub_hex[66:],16)
return bytes.fromhex('04'+ hex(x)[2:].zfill(64) + hex(y)[2:].zfill(64))

def read_pubkey_file():
publist = [line.split()[0] for line in open(public_key_file,'r')]
return publist

def read_xpoint_file():
# use both 02 & 03 type xpoint
publist = ['02'+line.split()[0] for line in open(xpoint_file,'r')]
publist.extend( ['03'+line.split()[0] for line in open(xpoint_file,'r')] )
return publist

def read_FULL_baby_file(num_bytes):
# a = array('B')
# elem = int((os.stat(bs_file).st_size)/3)
with open(bs_file,'rb') as f:
a = bytearray(
# a.fromfile(f, elem)
return a

def bloom_read_dll_from_file():
with open(bloom_file,'rb') as f:
ba_bloom2 = bytes(
# ba_bloom2 = bytes( bytearray( )
return ba_bloom2


st = time.time()
print('\n[+] Starting Program : BSGS mode Version [', parser.version,']')

if public_key_file != '' and xpoint_file == '' and public_key == '':
Qlist = [ bytes(bytearray(pub2upub(line))) for line in read_pubkey_file() ]
print('[+] Loading {} Public Keys to search'.format(len(Qlist)))
if xpoint_file != '' and public_key == '':
Qlist = [ bytes(bytearray(pub2upub(line))) for line in read_xpoint_file() ]
print('[+] Loading {} Xpoints to search'.format(len(Qlist)))
if public_key != '':
Qlist = [ bytes(bytearray(pub2upub(public_key))) ]
print('[+] Search Started for the Public key: ',Qlist[0].hex())


if flag_random1 == True:
print('[+] Search Mode: Random Start then Fully sequential from it')
elif flag_random == True:
print('[+] Search Mode: Random Start after every n sequential key search')
print('[+] Search Mode: Sequential search in the given range')

bloom_filter = bloom_read_dll_from_file()
print('[+] Reading bloom filter from file complete in : {0:.5f} sec'.format(time.time() - st))
st = time.time()
# =============================================================================
bloom_bits = len(bloom_filter)*8 # fix value. Dont change
bloom_hashes = 30 # fix value. Dont change
bloom_prob = 0.000000001 # False Positive = 1 out of 1 billion
bloom_bpe = -(math.log(bloom_prob) / 0.4804530139182014)
m = math.floor(bloom_bits/bloom_bpe)
# =============================================================================
w = math.ceil(math.sqrt(m)) # secondary table elements needed
if w > m_bb:
print('[*] Warning. Small bPfile found. Is it ok ? Proceeding...')
w = m_bb
# =============================================================================
#bloom_filter_gmp = gmpy2.xmpz(int.from_bytes(bloom_filter.tobytes(), byteorder='big'))
#del bloom_filter
# =============================================================================
baby_bin = read_FULL_baby_file(w*32)
print('[+] Reading Baby table from file complete in : {0:.5f} sec'.format(time.time() - st))
st = time.time()
baby_dict = {sys.intern(baby_bin[i*32:i*32+32].hex()):i for i in range(w)}

seq = int(args.n) if args.n else (m*5000000)//len(Qlist) # Approx (10000 Trillion / number of pubkeys)

# We have to solve P = k.G, we know that k lies in the range ]k1,k2]
k1 = randk(a, b) # start from
k2 = k1 + seq

# Reset the flag after getting 1st Random Start Key
if flag_random1 == True: flag_random = False

print('[+] seq value:',seq,' m value :' , m)
print('[+] Search Range:',hex(a),' to ', hex(b))

print(' [+] k1:', hex(k1))

k1G = ice.scalar_multiplication(k1)
mG = ice.scalar_multiplication(m)
mGneg = ice.point_negation(mG)
ice.init_P2_Group(mGneg) # make a CPU_GROUP/2 Table for mGneg
wG = ice.scalar_multiplication(w)

st = time.time()


def bsgs_exact_key(pubkey_point, z1, z2):
z1G = ice.scalar_multiplication(z1)
if z1G == pubkey_point:
print('============== KEYFOUND ==============')
print('BSGS FOUND PrivateKey ', hex(z1))
with open('KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt','a') as fw:
fw.write('BSGS_FOUND_PrivateKey '+hex(z1)+'\n')
return True
S = ice.point_subtraction(pubkey_point, z1G)

S2_list = ice.point_loop_subtraction( 1+(k2-k1)//m, S, wG )
curr_byte_pos = 0
hex_line = S[1:33]

stp = 0
# print('[*] Bloom collision... Checking inside the bPfile Now... ')
while stp<(1+z2-z1):
idx = baby_dict.get(hex_line.hex())
if idx is not None and idx >= 0:
# kk = z1+stp+int(idx/32)+1
kk = z1+stp+idx+1
# print('[*] Bloom collision and bPfile collision... Final check for the key', hex(kk))
if ice.scalar_multiplication(kk) == pubkey_point:
print('============== KEYFOUND ==============')
print('BSGS FOUND PrivateKey ',hex(kk))
with open('KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt','a') as fw:
fw.write('BSGS_FOUND_PrivateKey '+hex(kk)+'\n')
return True
elif ice.scalar_multiplication(z1+stp+w+w-idx+1) == pubkey_point:
print('============== KEYFOUND ==============')
print('BSGS FOUND PrivateKey ',hex(z1+stp+w+w-idx+1))
with open('KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt','a') as fw:
fw.write('BSGS_FOUND_PrivateKey '+hex(z1+stp+w+w-idx+1)+'\n')
return True
stp = stp + w

# Giant step
stp = stp + w

hex_line = S2_list[curr_byte_pos+1:curr_byte_pos+33]
curr_byte_pos += 65

# Removed from Public Confusion :(
# print('[-] A False collision ignored. Bloom collision, but No bPfile collision.')
return False


def bsgs_keys(pubkey_point, k1, k2):
found = False
if pubkey_point == k1G:
print('============== KEYFOUND ==============')
print('BSGS FOUND PrivateKey ', hex(k1))
with open('KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt','a') as fw:
fw.write('BSGS_FOUND_PrivateKey '+hex(k1)+'\n')
found = True
return found

if k1 < w:
idx = baby_dict.get(pubkey_point[1:33].hex())
if idx is not None and idx >= 0:
print('============== KEYFOUND ==============')
print('BSGS FOUND PrivateKey ', hex(idx+1))
with open('KEYFOUNDKEYFOUND.txt','a') as fw:
fw.write('BSGS_FOUND_PrivateKey '+hex(idx+1)+'\n')
found = True
return found

S = ice.point_subtraction(pubkey_point, k1G)
S_list = ice.point_sequential_increment_P2(1+(k2-k1)//m, S)
# S_list = ice.point_loop_subtraction(1+(k2-k1)//m, S, mG)
curr_byte_pos = 0
hex_line = S[1:33]

found = False
step = 0

while found is False and step<(1+k2-k1):
if bloom_check_add(hex_line, 32, 0, bloom_bits, bloom_hashes, bloom_filter) > 0:
rt = bsgs_exact_key(pubkey_point, k1+step, k1+step+m)
if rt == True:
return True

step = step + m

# =============================================================================

else: # Giant step
step = step + m

hex_line = S_list[curr_byte_pos+1:curr_byte_pos+33]
curr_byte_pos += 65

return found

# =============================================================================
if seq < m: seq = m
# =============================================================================
# Main Script Starting Below
el = 0
while True:
found_list = []
for Q in Qlist:
found = bsgs_keys(Q, k1, k2)
if found == True:
# print("Removed Found Q from Search ")
el = time.time() - st

for line in found_list:
del Qlist[Qlist.index(line)]
if len(Qlist) == 0:
print("Search Finished. All pubkeys Found !")
curr = time.time() - st
el += curr
lastitem = k2
k1 = randk(a, b)
print('PVK not found. {0} scanned in {1:.2f} sec. New range [+] k1: {2}'.format(scan_str(seq), curr, hex(k1)))
st = time.time()
k2 = k1 + seq
k1G = ice.scalar_multiplication(k1)

print("Time Spent : {0:.5f} seconds".format(el))
Binary file modified v6_dll_bsgs/ice_secp256k1.dll
Binary file not shown.

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