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Caleeeeeeeeeeeee edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 6 revisions

Available Configurations

The following configurations are currently supported by default:

  • NONE: No functionality, ChameleonMini does nothing, the current setting is skipped when cycling through the settings
  • MF_ULTRALIGHT: Emulates a MiFare Ultralight card
  • MF_ULTRALIGHT_EV1_80B: Emulates a MiFare Ultralight EV1 80B card
  • MF_ULTRALIGHT_EV1_164B: Emulates a MiFare Ultralight EV1 164B card
  • MF_CLASSIC_1K: Emulates a MiFare Classic 1k card
  • MF_CLASSIC_4K: Emulates a MiFare Classic 4k card
  • MF_CLASSIC_1K_7B: Emulates a MiFare Classic 1k card with 7b UID
  • MF_CLASSIC_4K_7B: Emulates a MiFare Classic 4k card with 7b UID
  • MF_DETECTION: Emulates a MiFare Classic 1k card and saves nonces which can be used for mfkey32 attack in GUI
  • NTAG21 3/5/6: Emulates a MiFare Ultralight NTAG 21x card, the only different is page count

"SNIFF", "READER" or other modes that may be advertised for others firmware or for hardware are not currently supported.

You may edit Makefile before compilation to further edit specific settings and/or enable/disable configurations, and/or set default slots configurations and actions.