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=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: quiron
Donate link:
Tags: widget, post, inaturalist, integration 
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 3.9
Stable tag: 1.0 
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

This module allows you to connect your WordPress site with iNaturalist ( You will be available to see iNaturalist observations, projects, places and taxos. Also this module suports authentication to iNaturalist and user and observation creation.

The iNaturalist module allows to show content as list, full page and map display. Also this ones are available as main content element and as block.

iNaturalist has 2 submodules, one to work with observations data, and other for login and put data to

This module is also configurable to work with diferent iNaturalist forks and to limit data show on wordpress site to an user or project.

== Installation ==

1- Download iNaturalist plugin tarball (.tar.gz) file.
2- Untar it into: wp-content/plugins/
3- Enable it in your dashboard: Plugins->Installed Plugin->Activate iNaturalist
4- Create new page with title: 'inat'
5- Visit it to register the page id. This will be done automaticaly, but is needed to visit it.
6- Configure your iNaturalist plugin in your Dashboard: Settings->iNaturalist. iNaturalist base url is requiered. All login options are requierd for login widget and add user and observation functions.
7- Enable widgets you want. iNaturalist menu and iNaturalist login are aviable for plugin v1
8- Enjoy it!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= No questions yet =
you can ask to developers to:

== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
This is the initial version

== Upgrade Notice ==
= 1.0 =
This is the initial version

== Screenshots ==
Not yet, contribute your ones to developers to:

== Todo ==
Include translate files for strings
Develop more widgets functionality
Add options to login widget

== Contribute ==
To contribute to the code yo can contact to the developers at: (quiron)
Also you can browse the code into Projecte Ictineo's github:
where yo can also report your issues.


iNaturalist plugin for wordpress






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