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=== ShortCache ===
Contributors: ideag
Tags: shortcode, cache, shortcode caching, caching
Donate link:
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 4.9
Stable tag: 0.2.0
License: GPLv2
License URI:

Allows user to cache output of any shortcode by adding a `cache` attribute to it.

== Description ==

Allows user to cache output of any shortcode by adding a `cache` attribute to it. For example, cache output of `[gallery]` shortcode like this: `[gallery cache]`.

Also try out my other plugins:

* [Content Cards]( - a plugin that makes ordinary web links great by making it possible to embed a beautiful Content Card to link to any web site.
* [Gust]( - a Ghost-like admin panel for WordPress, featuring Markdown based split-view editor.
* [tinyRatings]( - a simple rating system for WordPress. Allow your users to like, up/down vote or 5-star your posts, pages, taxonomies or even custom things.
* [tinyCoffee]( - a PayPal donations button with a twist. Ask people to treat you to a coffee/beer/etc.
* [tinySocial]( - a plugin to display social sharing links to Facebook/Twitter/etc. via shortcodes
* [tinyTOC]( - a plugin auto-generate tables of content for posts with many chapter headlines.
* [tinyIP]( - *Premium* - stop WordPress users from sharing login information, force users to be logged in only from one device at a time.

An enormous amount of coffee was consumed while developing these plugins, so if you like what you get, please consider supporting me [on Patreon](

== Installation ==

1. Install via `WP Admin > Plugins > Add New` or download a .zip file and upload via FTP to `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. (optional) Modify options via `WP Admin > Settings > ShortCache`, if needed.
1. In the shortcode You want to cache, add a `cache` attribute: `[gallery cache]`.
1. (optional) You can define a custom cache interval by passing that to the attribute like this: `[gallery cache="5"]` - this will be cached for 5 hours.
1. (optional) You can also define a custom cache scope by passing a `cache-scope` attribute: `[gallery cache cache-scope="user_id,post_id"]`. This will create different caches for every user and every post.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= So, how do I cache a shortcode? =

In the shortcode You want to cache, add a `cache` attribute: `[gallery cache]`.

= Can I control how long should it stay in cache? =

Yes, there is a setting for that in `Settings > ShortCache`. Also You can define a custom cache interval by passing that to the attribute like this: `[gallery cache="5"]` - this will be cached for 5 hours.

= What does "Cache Scope" mean? =

This defines how granular the cache should be. If you disable all check-boxes, one cache value will be stored for the whole site. If you check 'User ID', a different value will be cached for every logged in user. You can also differentiate it by Post ID or the URI where the short code is displayed.

The "Last Update Timestamp" setting ensures that caches are regenerated if there is an update (a saved post/page) somewhere on the site.

= Can I control Cache Scope on per shortcode basis? =

Yes, You can define a custom cache scope by passing a `cache-scope` attribute: `[gallery cache cache-scope="user_id,post_id"]`. This will create different cache values for every user and every post.

== Screenshots ==

1. Settings screen.

== Changelog ==

= 0.2.0 =
* Initial release on

= 0.1.0 =
* Initial release


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