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DatX is an opinionated data store for use with the MobX state management library. It features support for simple observable property definition, references to other models and first-class TypeScript support.

The library is still work in progress, but it's feature complete. You can track the v1.0 status using the v1.0 milestone.

Basic usage

import { Collection, Model, prop } from 'datx';
import { computed } from 'mobx';

class Person extends Model {
  public static type = 'person'; // Unique name of the model class

  @prop name: string; // A normal observable property without a default value
  @prop surname: string;
  @prop.toOne(Person) spouse?: Person; // A reference to a Person model

  @computed get fullName() { // Standard MobX computed props
    return `${} ${this.surname}`;

class AppData extends Collection {
  public static types = [Person]; // A list of models available in the collection

const store = new AppData();
const john = store.add(new Person({name: 'John', surname: 'Smith'})); // Add a model instance to the store
const jane = store.add({name: 'Jane', surname: 'Smith', spouse: john}, Person); // Add a model to the store

Getting started

Note: datx has a peer dependency to mobx@^4.1.0, so don't forget to install the latest MobX version:

npm install --save datx mobx


The lib makes use of the following features that are not yet available everywhere. Based on your browser support, you might want to polyfill them:


The library contains two main classes - Model and Collection.

A collection contains models of any kind (they should however be listed in the types property), while a model can be in a single collection (but doesn't need to be in any).

Models also include some useful methods and properties, but if they're in collision with your data/logic, you can use a PureModel class.


Mixins are additional plugins that can enhance the regular models and collections. Available mixins:

  • withActions (model) - Adds some helper methods to the model - already included in the Model class, but not in the PureModel class
  • withMeta (model) - Adds some helpful meta data to the model - already included in the Model class, but not in the PureModel class
  • datx-jsonapi (model, collection and view) - Adds the JSON API features to the model, collection and view

To check out what are the planed future mixins, check out the issues.

Want to make your own mixin? Check out the guide.

API reference

Build Status

Package npm version dependency status dev dependency status
datx npm version Dependency Status devDependency Status
datx-jsonapi npm version Dependency Status devDependency Status
datx-utils npm version Dependency Status devDependency Status


The MIT License


datx is maintained and sponsored by Infinum.


No packages published


  • TypeScript 99.5%
  • JavaScript 0.5%