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Understanding config.json

Jan T. Sott edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 41 revisions

Work in progress


Key Values Description Availability
rootdir string Default path to the folder containing the files accessible in your Browser. The default is set to ./_public/. Please note that the root directory is omitted from the URL. >=2.0
dependencies string Specify whether to load third-party resources locally or from CDN. <=2.1
locale string Specify the default language, e.g. en_US for English or de_DE for German >=2.0
text_direction string Set the text direction for the locale to left-to-right (default) or right-to-left. >=2.0
enable_sort boolean Specify whether clicking the table head will sort the corresponding column. Additional Javascript libraries will be loaded when set to true. >=2.0
enable_viewer boolean Specify whether to load certain files into a Bootstrap Modal. Additional Javascript libraries will be loaded when set to true. >=2.0
enable_search boolean Specify whether to add a search input to filter contained files and folders. Additional Javascript libraries will be loaded when set to true. >=2.0
enable_highlight boolean Specify whether to add a syntax highlighter for the viewer modal. Additional Javascript libraries will be loaded when set to true. >=2.0
auto_highlight boolean By default, source code isn't highlighted in the viewer modal, but requires the user to press a button. This setting enables auto-highlighting. Can be slow with huge syntax. >=2.1
autofocus_search boolean Specify whether to focus the search input on page load. >=2.0
share_button boolean Specify whether to add share options to the View button. Possible values: boolean >=2.0
share_icons boolean Add icons to the share options. Requires Font Awesome icons to be enabled. >=2.0
hide_dotfiles boolean Specify whether to display “dot files”, can be overridden in ignored_files. >=2.1
virtual_files boolean This reads special JSON files to embed cloud-hosted media from Flickr, SoundCloud, Vimeo and YouTube abd treats them like regular files. Requires the viewer modal to be enabled. >=2.2
hide_extension boolean Specify whether to display the file extension (not recommended). >=2.0
custom_title string Specify a page title, overriding the default Index of (URL) >=2.0
concat_assets string Concatenate all assets, set by gulp merge task. >=2.2
process_checksum boolean Display SHA checksum below file, if checksum file is present. Details here. >=2.3.
read_chunks boolean Specify whether to use readfile_chunked() to read files. >=2.0.6


Location of assets when dependencies are loaded via CDN, can be absolute or relative.

Key Values Description Availability
append_css array Append style-sheets to the header >=2.0
append_js array Append scripts to the footer. As of 2.3, you can optionally pass resources as an array containing script URL and additional attributes (e.g. async and/or defer) >=2.0
prepend_js array Prepend scripts to the header, otherwise same as append_js >=2.3


Key Values Description Availability
fluid_grid boolean Specify whether the page is wrapped in a container or container-fluid. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.0
body_style string Specify background of the body. >=2.2
container_style string Specify background of the main container. >=2.2
table_style string Specify [style](] and background of the table. >=2.0
breadcrumb_style string Specify the breadcrumb style, if available. Bootstrap does not offer alternate styles, but some themes do (e.g. breadcrumb-inverse). >=2.0
responsive_table boolean Specify whether to wrap the table inside a table-responsive class. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.0
sticky_footer boolean Specify whether to show the file summary in a sticky footer at the bottom of your page, rather than in the table footer. >=2.2
modal_size string Specify the size and background of the viewer modal. Requires enable_viewer to be enabled. >=2.0
button_primary string Specify style of the primary button in the viewer modal. Requires enable_viewer set to true. See Bootstrap documentation for details.
button_default string Specify style of the default button in the viewer modal. Requires enable_viewer set to true. See Bootstrap documentation for details.
button_highlight string Specify style of the highlight button in the viewer modal. Requires enable_viewer and enable_highlight set to true. See Bootstrap documentation for details.
column_name string Specify the width of the file-name column. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.0
column_size string Specify the width of the file-size column. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.0
column_age string Specify the width of the file-date column. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.0
input_size string Specify the size of the search form. Requires enable_search set to true. See Bootstrap documentation for details.
tablerow_folders string Specify the style of folder table-rows. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.1
tablerow_files string Specify the style of file table-rows. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.1
tablerow_links string Specify the style of links in table-rows. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.1
hidden_files_row string Specify the style of table-rows for hidden file. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.1
hidden_files_links string Specify the style of links for hidden file. See Bootstrap documentation for details. >=2.1
theme string Specify a Bootstrap theme. Supports Bootswatch and M8tro themes. >=2.0
icons string Specify an icon font. Additional assets will be loaded when using Font Awesome. Accepts fa and fa-files and glyphicons. >=2.0
fontawesome_style string Specify styles appended to Font Awesome icons. Requires icons set to fontawesome or fa-files. See Font Awesome documentation for details. >=2.0


Specify which file types will be available in the viewer modal. There are currently five different kinds of modals available.

Key Values Description Availability
alt_load boolean Source code and text files are injected by JavaScript. By default, the modal will show once the file is loaded. However, since this might cause a delay for very large files, you can enable alt_load. This will immediately show the viewer modal and then wait for the file to be loaded. >=2.2


Key Values Description
theme string Specify a theme for the Highlight.js. Requires assets to be loaded from CDN.


Key Values Description
dropbox string Specify the app key for your Dropbox saver dropin. See the Dropbox documentation for details. Prior to version 2.2, this option was name dropbox_app
google_analytics string Specify the user ID for Google Analytics.


Key Values Description Availability
ios_version `7 8` Depending on the specified iOS version, different icon-sizes will be used. See this documentation for details.
metro_tile_color string Specify the tile's background color, ommit the leading hash-symbol (ff0000, not #ff0000) >=2.0


Specify OpenGraph tags for your site.


Specify which table columns will be displayed by default.



An array of files and folders that will be excluded from the directory view.



An array of files and folders that will be hidden from the directory view. Hold Alt to reveal hidden files. 2.1 and later



An array of file extensions that contain supported SHA checksums. 2.3 and later