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A free (open source) log monitor / log viewer for a multitude of data sources.


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logview4net is a log viewer.

It can monitor files, directories, incomming UDP/TCP traffic, the EventLog, SQL tables, Atom and RSS feeds.

If your company want to fund the developer please create an invoice for you finance department.

logview4net needs the .Net 4.5.2 Runtime to execute.

Download binaries: Releases


  • Listens to a UDP port either in broadcast or single endpoint mode.
  • Monitors an eventlog, uses events on the local machine and polling on remote machines.
  • Monitors a log file or folder. Doing a tail using polling.
  • Monitors a table in a MS SQL-Server database. Doing a tail using polling.
  • Monitors RSS and Atom feeds. Strips most of HTML formatting from content.
  • Listens to a TCP port.
  • Monitors StdOut/StdErr of external application.
  • Can highlight or hide messages depending on content.
  • Supports multiple simultaneous listeners in each session.
  • Supports several simultaneous sessions (MDI).

File hashes

  • Sha256 hash of installer: 89 b5 fb a6 90 41 f8 92 f5 87 03 77 48 51 8e 65 1a c9 1b 1e b4 5b 51 c6 2f 8a e5 32 66 48 92 ab
  • Sha256 hash of logview4net.exe: b7 e5 55 8b c5 bd 92 5b 85 6d 29 bd 31 15 67 5c 0d 70 20 ce b1 db 0a 45 05 05 a7 bc 77 43 72 5a

To calculate the hash yourself in Windows execute the following: certutil -hashfile logview4net.exe sha256


  • The viewer configurator is not loaded with the right settings



  • Made a portable release here on GitHub.


  • Change .Net version to 4.5.2
  • Fix: An exception when loading configurations from file.


  • Fix Bug: #33 Log window is not displayed
  • Rewrote build pipeline in Python
  • Using Nuget to get the correct verson of MySql.Data
  • Fix: The button to restart a listener went out of sight


  • The main form now saves and restores its size and position.


  • Fix: Encoding problems in the RssListener
  • The installer is now signed with a verified certificate by Johan Idstam.


  • Fix: Multi line messages printed application class names instead of the actual content
  • Fix: Change of session title will now show in a running session


You can now drag/drop a file or folder into any textbox when configuring a listener to get the name of the dropped object.


  • Removed a binary component, a launcher, that wasn't doing anything useful.
  • Fixed bug in the rolling file storage that stopped polling listeners from running when there were more than one new line/message.


Small performance improvement in SqlListener and MySqlListener.


  • Added option to save all events to a rolling log file
  • Added an option to the viewer to skip the listener headers for messages. Only Tcp and Udp was affected.
  • Fixed bug: Not saving all config data for UserActions
  • Fixed request: An option to remove white space surrounding messages.


  • Added timestamp to MsSqlListener, MySqlListener and EventLogListener
  • Fixed some resizing when adding listeners to a session.


  • Added a user action that will execute any bat,cmd or exe when a pattern is found.
  • Added timestamp to UdpListener, FileListener, FolderListener, RssListener, StdOutListener, TcpListner and UdpListener. Using the date format documented here:


  • Added labels to the load/save button in the configure window
  • Added save to file context menu in the viewer window
  • Added match case and match word options to search dialog.


  • Fixed: [3467144] Filter displayed events (but do not ignore or remove them). Added an action that will filter out messages. Added a button in the toolbar to show all hidden messages. Added items in the pop up menu for a viewer to show hidden messages per action.
  • Fixed: Added to the install folder
  • Fixed: [3467137][2250823] The default font is "Courier new". But when one opens the font dialog then "Microsoft Sans Serif" is selected.
  • Fixed: [3467141] The Back color of the viewer is not take into account for user interaction/action configuration (text Example)


  • Fixed a bug where the text viewer ignored the 'Cache on pause' configuration option


  • Fixed a bug in MSSQL-Listener. The first row in a table was ignored if the user unchecked 'Start at end'
  • Added a MySQL listener kindly contributed by Balzás Botond


  • Fixed: [3048596] logview4net keeps redrawing view, even though it is Paused
  • Fixed: [2865511] F11 vill now hide/show the menu and the form border.
  • Fixed: An exception was sometimes thrown when closing a session window because the listener was not closed before the view.
  • Changed: The string pattern for an action is now a regular expression, not only an exact match.
  • Fixed: [3094649] tables list not retrieved when db name contains a period
  • Fixed: [2833781] HighlightMatch highlighting is offset by -1


  • Made the seach dialog to be not modal.
  • Added a 'Find Last' button to the search dialog.


  • Fixed: [2833781] HighLightMatch was of by one character


  • Fixed: [2793393] Added remote IP-address to the messages of the TCP-listener
  • Fixed: [2791880] Experimental TCP-listener. Please test it.
  • Fixed: [2777698] option to NOT display file data for FolderListener. The filename was not displayed when a file was changed.


  • Fixed: [2777698] option to NOT display file data for FolderListener


  • Fixed: [2770750] Text Foreground Color does not save correctly.
  • Fixed: [2770729] Settings Dont Stay


  • Fixed: [2250820] The part "User Interactions" in the settings dialog doesn't expand if one adds more patterns.
  • Fixed: [2250843] Manage actions missing scrollbar
  • Fixed: [2250810] FolderListener: logview4net crashes if an additional file ...
  • Fixed: Http authentication in the RSSListener
  • Fixed: [2250834] Save dialog default folder
  • Fixed: [2250823] The default font is "Courier new". But when one opens the font dialog then"Microsoft Sans Serif" is selected.


  • Fixed: The config dialog is not shown when the user has started with a preselected config file and chooses 'New Session'
  • Fixed [2250817]: Minimize button on settings dialog removed.
  • Fixed [2250852]: Message when checking for updates
  • Fixed [2250830]: FileListener path name in config


  • Changed some code in the Highlighting code that fixed the 'of by some characters' coloring bug.
  • Fixed the vertical alignment of label texts in listener configurators.
  • Added basic authentication for the rss listener
  • Shows the initial items in reverse order for the rss listener.(Will probably add an option for this instead.)
  • Changed the caption on the rss poll interval label. The interval is minutes not milliseconds.
  • Forced poll interval on rss listener to be one or more.


  • The listeners prefixes are now part of the caption in the session config window. This is so that the prefixes are visible even though the configurator is minimized.
  • Fixed [1876190]:Added some sleep to the file listener.


  • Added search dialog to text viewer. Reached by CTRL + F or right click.


  • The amount of memory used for the text buffer is now managed by the application. If there are any listeners with 'old' data. (Like a file listener where you load all the data and not only tailing it.) It will truncate the data to ½GB when it reaches 1GB. If there are only tailing listeners then it will truncate the data at 10MB to 5MB.
  • Changed license to Artistic License 2.0


  • Fixed: The progressbar was hidden after the first large file.
  • Request:Show show short filename on prefix-filename
  • Fixed: It is not possible to change the buffersize in the viewer config window.
  • Fixed: HighlightMatch only formatted the first occurance of the pattern in a message.
  • Fixed: The textbox reverts to default format when enforcing the buffer size
  • Added a Play Sound action that will play a PCM Wave File on pattern match.


  • Made it a lot faster to load existing data in files and SQL-tables.


  • The setting to add a filename to the prefix in the folder listener was lost in an earlier release.


  • Fixed: Actions where lost when fontsize had decimals.
  • Fixed: Create a new assembly for the listeners that are Microsoft Specific (EventLog and SQL-server for now)
  • Fixed for all but the MSListeners: Make all listener configurators use the new dynamic style and move them to non visual assembly.


  • Added option to choose encoding in Udp-listener


  • Fixed: Add an IgnoreBlock action that should have an IgnoreStart + IgnoreEnd pattern
  • Fixed: Make it possible to ingore events on pause instead of caching them.
  • Fixed: Make the cmd-line parser use the StdOut-listener for .exe-files
  • Enabled the StdOut listener
  • Fixed a dispose bug on all listeners.


  • Added some command line configuration. Documented in the help file.
  • Made it possible to associate the .l4n extension with logview4net


  • Fixed: [1711956] When changing Poll timeout, settings not saved


  • RssListener moved to core.
  • StdOutListener moved to core (needs some more testing to go live)
  • FolderListener moved to core.
  • Fixed: The buttons in the config-form moves out of range when there are lots of listeners
  • Fixed & Handled: SecuritExceptions in EventLogListener on Vista There is now a manifetst embedded that elevates the application then it starts. I have also added some error handling to fail a bit nicer on most exceptions in the EventlogListener
  • Fixed: [1698479] When loading configuration, actions are lost Trying to parse font size as int
  • Added security elevation to the manifest file to make the app run with admin rights in Vista.
  • FileListener moved to core.
  • UdpListener moved to core.
  • Fixed: Make the installer know about .NET 2.0
  • Fixed bug when the program tried to look for updates and had no connection.


  • Fixed the bug when loading a configuration of a UdpListener
  • Done: Add check for updates, check only once a week (6 to 9 days)
  • UdpListener uses dynamic configurator.
  • Added a folder listener.
  • Moved tests to its own assembly
  • Moved Session to core assembly
  • Moved Logger to core assembly
  • Fixed: Configuration of session didn't work with the new look.
  • Fixed: Help - Documentation crashed the application if help.htm was deleted
  • Fixed: Add listener with no selected listener crashed the app


  • Fixed: Removing listeners from the session configuration window didn't remove them from the session.


  • New version numbering Since the version number don't really mean much I'll start using year.week instead. If (however unlikely) I make two releases the same week I'll add a .number also.
  • Fixed: 'Add' button in ActionConfigurator miss aligned when there were no actions.
  • Fixed: Disable all context menu items in the viewer when nothing is selected.
  • Done: Give Load/Save buttons on configure form icons instead of text
  • Done: Create a new ConfigureSession form.
  • Done: Load logger settings from app.config
  • Fixed: Add an icon or text to the font button on action configurators
  • Fixed: The 'only tail' option doesn't work for feeds
  • Done: Add a contect-menu to the text viewer that allows for fast creation of actions.
  • Fixed: Make the RssListener publish only 'new' feed items.
  • Done: Accept filenames to monitor as command line arguments. (.exe-files will use the new stdOut-listener all other the old file-listener)
  • Fixed: Make the RssListener handle Atom
  • Fixed: Action configuration wasn't properly updated when changing format on existing action.
  • Fixed: Now the font information from the actions is applied in the viewer.
  • Done: Changed the ActionConfigurator Removed colorpicker Added button to configure font (including color)
  • Fixed: Sort actions on Pattern + Action priority (Ignore, HighlightMatch, HighLight, PopUp)
  • Done: New Action - HighlightMatch - Changes color (and font) on a matchin string inside an event.
  • Done: Execute multiple actions.
  • Done: New listener - RssListener, will monitor an rss feed (2.0, 0.92, Atom tested).


  • I messed up the version number a bit. The released 1.2 has all from the 1.1 Changelog.


  • Festure request 1489611: Scroll all windows
  • Moved project from CVS to Subversion on SourceForge (060317)
  • Changed default file extension for loading/saving configurations to *.xml
  • Added a toolbar button to toggle word wrap in the current viewer.
  • Changed the toolbar icons to use Silk Icons from:
  • Actions can now be moved up & down in the action manager.


  • Fixed: Actions doesn't appear when configuring a running session.
  • Fixed:Headers missing in ActionManager when there are no actions.
  • Fixed:Values are not updated in listener configurators when loading settings from file.
  • Fixed: The ForeColor was not saved correctly when saving session configuration to file.


  • Allows some changes to listeners in a running session.
  • Allows changes to all parameters of a viewer in a running session.
  • Now is can Save/Load the configuration file
  • Fixed bug: Listeners to a runnig session wasn't started.
  • Fixed (sort of): Changes to the viewer in the Session Configurator isn't reverted when pressing 'Cancel' (Removed the Cancel button)


  • Fixed bug that prevented the use of EventLogListener.


  • Uses .NET 2.0
  • Uses MDI Windows instead of tabs.
  • Added a MS SQL-Server listener
  • Lots of internal changes.


  • Fixed bug when removing a listener in the config form.


  • Removed some Acions and implemented the PopUp Action.
  • Fixed the internals of configuring a session
  • Fixed a threading issue with multiple listeners
  • Fixed saving the configuration
  • Added functionality for all the buttons in the main toolbar


  • Fixed the session configuration dialog.